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Get More Done!
Have you ever heard the old saying If you want something done, ask a busy person? Ever wondered why? Ever felt stressed out because you never seem to get through all the chores so you can get to the fun stuff? Or maybe you just do the fun stuff, and try not to remember the chores piling up while you're supposed to be having fun? I think we've all been there. But I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be like that. In this short article, I'm going to share a few ideas that helped me in my business life, which I hope you will find useful in getting on top of your life. Make a list! Yes, I know it sound too simple, but do you actually do it! (Come on. Be truthful, there's only you and me here!) Yes, I know, you're too busy? It's too simple to work? I've heard them all. Listen, if I'm going to help you at all, then you have to try things my way, not just read this and then forget about it two minutes later. So get a pen and a piece of paper? Right, let's get started. First write down all the things you need to do, get done, whatever. And I do mean all. Take as long as you need and get everything down on paper. I'll be here waiting? OK, now you see what a lot of junk you've been carrying around in your head. Feels better now it's out of there doesn't it? One of the major causes of stress is trying to remember all the things you're supposed to be worrying about! Now we've dealt with that, it's going to get easier from here on in. Prioritise Now that you have your list, let's take the next step. I'll bet that some of the items on the list are pretty important. But if you've done your job properly, there are lots of little things that have just been cluttering up your mind. Often it's just because there are so many small things that causes the problem. So let's start getting on top of this. I want you to go through your list, marking the urgent stuff with an A, the not so important with a B, and the 'it can wait' stuff with a C. Now we're making progress? Re-write your list in priority order, with the A items at the top, the B items next, and finally, on the other side of the page, put all the C items, where you can't see them! Self Discipline 'I knew it would get difficult' No, really, it's not that bad. You just need to stick with it. The final, crucial step is? Start with the first item and don't tackle anything else until it's done. Seriously, it's too easy to cheat, and say 'I'll just get a couple of these small things done, then I'll feel better able to tackle that number one item after that'. Don't be tempted. It's only yourself that you'll cheat. Only tackle the most important thing on the list, and don't be tempted to deviate. It's at the top of the list for a reason,(You put it there!) so deal with it! Once you've dealt with it, put a big line through it, or a big tick, to say 'Job done'. Now that feels good, doesn't it? It's a funny thing but by getting that big job out of the way at the start of the day, you'll actually have much more energy for the rest of the day. By doing it this way, making your own list, you control your life, and not the other way around. OK, so that first item is a seriously tough nut to crack. There's a couple of tricks that can help. 1. How do you eat an Elephant? One slice at a time! Don't let the size of the problem throw you. Take item one on the list, and, yes, you've guessed it, make into a list of smaller jobs that make up the whole, and get started on the most important one. 2. Give yourself a reward Make yourself a promise that once you've finished that job, you're going to do something you really enjoy. Have a cup of coffee, go for a swim, whatever will get you motivated. But, remember, the reward comes after you finish the job, not before. That's why your parents paid you for cleaning your room after you did it! Make a list every morning So every morning, get into the habit of making your list out. It's your roadmap to make sure you get where you want to be, when you want to be. You'll be surprised how much time you now have for having fun. And how much more energy you'll have when that time comes. Still not convinced? A recent survey showed that people that make lists are 10 times as likely to go on to great success compared to those that don't! So why aren't you making your lists yet? Good luck, and remember, life is not a rehearsal, so get your work done, and then go have some fun! P.S. If you liked this article, please pass it on to a friend! About The Author Adrian Coppola publishes 'How you can really make money working from home - Guaranteed', a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you're looking for the very best in home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from a real friend in the business, drop in and pick up a F-R-E-E subscription now at: http://www.asmuchasyouwant.com A highly successful salesperson and businessman in the IT industry for the last 25 years, Adrian Coppola is well qualified to help you get more out of your business.
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Achieve Your Goals By Eating The Frog And The Elephant Brian Tracy, the great motivational guru, often suggests that people do their most important and toughest task at the start of the day. They must 'eat the frog' for breakfast and then they will feel great for the rest of the day and have extra energy to cope with all their other tasks. Are You Stuck? Consider Changing Your Focus! If you sometimes feel as though you're caught in life's quicksand, you have a lot of company. We work, we struggle, we try to do everything we possibly can to move on to a higher level of well-being but it seems like the harder we work, the more stuck we get. If you're approaching a Category 5 frustration level, you might give this a try? Keeping the Dream Alive Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities. Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. Working on Your Groove We all come to a point in our lives, like in the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" that we lose sight of who we are. Life has a person in so many different roles such as parent; employee and spouse we tend to lose "us" in being there for others. Although Stella got her groove back by meeting a man that was 20 years younger than her, how do we know that Stella's groove is going to stay? Stella still had some matters in her life that she needed to clear up before taking a vacation to Jamaica Taking a vacation is a temporary fix. When you come back all the problems are still there waiting on you. Achieving Your Goals -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- Actual Achievement Part 2 In Part 1 I started the discussion on what to focus on in pursuit of a 'time sensitive' goal, a goal you want to achieve right NOW, such as winning an Olympic Medal or closing a major deal you need for the continuation of your business. In other words a goal, which you may never get the chance to attempt again and which requires a lot if not everything of you! Goal Setting for Creative Professionals You know that old saying -- if you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there. That's what happens if you don't take the time to figure out what your goals are and WRITE them down. There's power in writing things down (and if you're a writer, you already know this). Broken Sleep For the past several weeks, I have not been sleeping well. I've been waking up after 4 or 5 hours, tossing and turning for the rest of the night. I have tried to think peaceful thoughts and hoped that I would go back to sleep quickly, but instead I found myself trying to solve numerous problems in my life. Define Success Have you ever asked yourself why you want to succeed online? One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success Perhaps you have never taken a stock of the most valuable and precious wealth of yours. Every person possesses it since the day of birth. This wealth is our life, its minutes, hours, days and years. Proper planning starts when we begin to take stock of this wealth. So, we should make the most efficient use of every minute to preserve and multiply this wealth. The initial stage of planning is identifying and setting your major life goals. The Importance Of Having A Goal In Life At the age of twenty two, I read a book that described the importance of having a goal in life. In the books example, a survey had been carried out at a school. Students who had just taken their GCSE'S were asked to answer various questions, one of which asked, "Where would you like to be in five years time?" How To Choose The Right Goals To Focus On Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder. How to Improve Your Life Every Day Growing Towards Excellence Goal Getting: 5 Steps to Get You There Quickly One of the things that frustrated me while in school was that most of the psychology books specialized in complicating things. It's the same with many self-help books as well. I always wondered why relationships, change and meeting goals couldn't be made much more simple. Focus On Your Goals Without Envying Others Many of us waste too much time envying others instead of getting on with our own goals and dreams. This is stupid to put it mildly. Plant! -- And Accept The Consequences! Welcome to Weekly Wisdoms. Last week I found a new way to communicate over the internet with audio. After you listen, if you'd like to try it for yourself, click here for a chance to make your own free audio postcard... Too cool! Have fun! What a busy week! The lumber package for the barn is on the way. Malcolm is here to saw up the rest of the logs for the siding. We are building a new riding arena. Three new potential clients. And we planted 3 acres of grass! Actually we put down twelve thousand pounds of lime, fertilizer, grass seed and clover seed. I feel like a farmer! I woke up this morning thinking about all that seed and what it might look like next year. Clarity and Self Improvement ? Why We Must Know What We Want One of the biggest reasons that many people have trouble with self improvement and building a successful and happy life is that they have no idea what they actually want. Where Will You Be July 1st, 2006? So, a New Year has snuck up on you again and boy, you have a lot of things to do, eh? Welcome to the club, we all do. But oh no, you have way more, right? You have to start working on your business more so you can finally leave that job you are bored to tears with. You have to start saving at least $400 a month for a little cushion in the bank?that $67.02 is looking kind of lonely in your savings. You have to start getting fit, because you gained some extra 'holiday weight'. You have to start reading more, oh yeah can't forget, spend time with family and friends?the list goes on. I'm tired just thinking about your list, you sure have a lot to do! Master Your Destiny Do you have a goal for the future that you would love to achieve but just can't work out how? Well, you can succeed. Believe and it will happen! How? Well read on and see. Have you heard the expression ' MIND OVER MATTER '? Do you really understand what that means? Well quite simply, your mind has two areas: the subconscious and the conscious, it is the subconscious to which the expression relates. The subconscious mind is 88% of the volume and is your 'automatic pilot', keeping the heart beating, lungs breathing and millions of other things that ensure that we survive. The subconscious has other powerful functions. If you allow it, it will protect you and provide solutions to problems, if the right questions are asked. ![]() |
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