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Go Beyond Goals And Achieve Your Dream!
As important as goal setting is, goals alone do not ensure that you will achieve the success you desire. A written goal is not some kind of magic talisman whereby whatever you set your heart on manifests in your life out of thin air. That being the case, what is it that makes the difference between a person who achieves their goals and a person who doesn't? The answer can be summarised in a single word: lifestyle. The only difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don't is the way they live each day. Destiny does not determine your lifestyle. Your lifestyle determines your destiny! The vast majority of people who aspire to success in life aspire to a particular kind of result. They see successful people on TV, at the movies or in their neighbourhoods and they think, "I want that." They look at the wealth, the fame, the physique, the career success, the fulfilling relationships and all the other "results" of success, but they don't look at the kind of lifestyle which led to that success. If they did, they would realise that these successful results can all be had, but not apart from the successful lifestyle which precedes them. Get this point clear in your mind right now: You can have any kind of success you desire if you are willing to adopt the kind of lifestyle which precedes that success. I meet many people who, on discovering that I am a writer as well as a life coach, tell me that they too have always wanted to write. "I have a great idea for a book," they say. "And I'd love to have my name in print... and receive those royalty cheques. It must be absolutely wonderful!" If you put my life in those terms, then I have to agree. It would be absolutely wonderful to spend my life getting ideas, having my name put in print and collecting royalty cheques. Unfortunately for the dreamers, there is a lifestyle which precedes all of those results. For example, at five o'clock this morning when everyone else was cosily tucked up in bed, I was in the shower. At five fifteen I was eating a bowl of breakfast cereal. And at five thirty I was sitting at my desk, putting words on paper. And because I have clients to coach today (and most days) I'll be here for a while yet. I don't want this to sound as though I dislike my work. The fact is that I love writing and coaching. I actually enjoy getting out of bed early in the morning and spending almost all of my day helping people to achieve their dreams. The point I am trying to make is that if you want success as a writer, you have to live the lifestyle of a writer. That means writing, day in and day out. The same applies to any other form of success. If you want to achieve the goal of being fit and healthy, you need to adopt the kind of lifestyle which places importance on regular exercise and eating habits. If you want to achieve the goal of having strong family relationships, you need to adopt the kind of lifestyle which places importance on regular family gatherings and good communication skills. Once again, let me put it this way: Destiny does not determine your lifestyle. Your lifestyle determines your destiny. Now compare this strategy with the ones contained in the vast majority of self-help titles and you will find their fatal flaw: Most self-help systems claim that the lifestyle is the goal, the end result of having achieved success. Wrong! The adoption of a properly planned lifestyle is the route to achieving success in the first place. If you still need convincing then consider this: How do you think most currently mega-successful people lived before they achieved the success they now enjoy? Did Bruce Willis spend five hours every evening watching soap operas or the latest action movies on video? Was Anthony Robbins a regular at his local bar, content to happily watch the evenings pass by with just a few drinking pals and beers close by to keep him awake? Did Meg Ryan spend all day watching daytime television and eating cheese puffs? Was Nicole Kidman content to work in a dead-end job for little money? Did Stephen King spend every spare afternoon at the race track or bumming around with a group of loser friends? Of course, the answer to all of these questions is no. But aren't these exactly the kind of things that unsuccessful people do all the time? And aren't these the kind of things that unsuccessful people actually defend when challenged about their lifestyles? Yes! And that's the only real difference between the people who achieve their goals and those that don't - the things that they do day after day, week after week and month after month. I realise that all of this sounds incredibly simple, but the fact is that personal success is simple. It may not be easy, but it certainly isn't complicated. About The Author Ian Bruce, aka The Rational Coach, helps people from all over the globe to improve their lives and achieve their goals both elegantly and swiftly. Visit him today at www.rational-coaching.com
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Go For Success! Creating Business and Personal Goals that Inspire and Motivate Are you feeling motivated to set some strong goals for this year? Write down those New Year's resolutions and get going, right? Most people write down lofty resolutions that they think they should want and rarely stick to them, losing motivation and focus within three weeks of their "good intentions." Six keys to keys build vision - point four 4. Start somewhere (put to use what you already have) What is The Right Action That Leads To Your Ultimate Goals? What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? If I Won the Lottery, I Wouldnt Have to Job Search! IF I WON THE LOTTERY, I Goal Setting - A Valuable Lesson "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill Its The Ride That Counts Having goals is a good thing. It means that you're willing to take the first step to achieving those goals. When you write down your goals, articulate them on paper, that's the first step to achieving them. Be Selfish With Your Goals All too often good-intentioned people set forth goals designed to satiate others rather than themselves. While the intent is honorable, the results will likely lead to failure. Why? As the somewhat provocative title of this article indicates, you need to be selfish with your goals and select ones that mean something to you. Actual Achievement Part 1 Sport is an excellent medium in which to explore the mechanics of achievement. My own background is in Whitewater Canoe Slalom, which requires power and technique in a constantly changing environment. How is this for a fitting metaphor for today's business environment and life altogether? You need resources (power), like money, people or things and use them in skillful ways (technique) to adapt, grow and thrive in an ever changing and unfolding environment. Goal Setting - My Disappointing Discovery Goal setting has become almost an industry in itself with countless books and techniques available online and in published form promising to help you achieve your most cherished desires. I have read many articles and looked at many products in the course of keeping up-to-date in my profession. Improve Your Self Confidence Knowing yourself is the foundation of self-esteem, self confidence and personal development. Man has been seeking himself since the days of the Oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused. The Power of Why: Setting Intention-Oriented Goals Everyone ? particularly business coaches like me - talks about goal-setting, and so it is surprising that surveys indicate 97 percent of businesspeople do not set them. Of the people who do set them, 97 percent set reactive goals, 2 percent set proactive goals and 1 percent set intention-oriented goals. Guess which ones create the biggest results? Halftime: Re-evaluating Yearly Goals Note: This article was originally written at mid year so it is good reminder around June but the principles are applicable anytime. Taking Action is Essential for Self Improvement and Success Much has been written about writing down goals and regularly reviewing and updating them as a major party of self improvement and success. Likewise, it is considered that a plan for the achievement of any goal, and breaking major goals into manageable steps are essential. If you are thinking of stating a new business or any major undertaking, thorough research is certainly required. It is also unlikely that any new businesses will get far without a well written and researched business plan, and the chances of raising money from a bank without one are probably zero. Driving To Your Goals Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major things that get you where you want to go when driving are a specific destination, directions for getting there, and a way to track your progress. You must also have these three things to achieve any goal. Productive Goal Setting There's been a lot written about goal setting and there are many different approaches and methods ? in fact, it's easy to get caught up in the confusion about how to set goals and not end up setting any. These simple steps will help you to set powerful goals and make goal-setting an invaluable part of your life. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve with the help of some well though-out, written goals ? try it! The Importance Of Having A Goal In Life At the age of twenty two, I read a book that described the importance of having a goal in life. In the books example, a survey had been carried out at a school. Students who had just taken their GCSE'S were asked to answer various questions, one of which asked, "Where would you like to be in five years time?" Top 10 Ways to Ensure New Years Resolution Success Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Year's Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below. Losing Site of Your Goals: Determining Your Vision From Your Actions! In the fury of trying to accomplish our goals, we tend to lose site of our Vision. We get so caught up in "doing things" that we forget why we're doing them. In the process, we lose hope, lose drive, and end up running in a circle trying to find our "reason" again. In our circular dance, we fill in the gaps with unnecessary activities, or "busy work", to make us feel as though we're moving forward. Instead, we're merely weighting ourselves down further to create a wall around our newly developed "comfort zone". Great Goals Make You Stretch! I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged, immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently partially disabled as the result of being involved in two car accidents in six days (neither of which was I at fault). I recall an incredible sense of emptiness and a daunting feeling of being completely overwhelmed; especially when trying to figure out which pills went with what ills. Unable to return to the vocation I loved, I received disability payments and simply existed. Most of my time was spent in bed where I eventually became 48 pounds "over-fat." When dreams and reasons for living are wiped out by the greatest, of the least unexpected, most people priorities typically change. My priorities? Well, they just disappeared. I was defeated physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and knocking on "Financially's" door. Making the bed was not a priority; it simply went unmade. And when it came down to paying the bills, many went unpaid. One day I was moved enough to actually cultivate the emotion of being "fed up!" During this awakening, I made the decision to reclaim complete responsibility for my life. And I did. Setting Goals ? Things to Think About We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right now ? our capabilities and interests ? and think logically about what we'd like to accomplish, our chances of achieving our "goal" are slim to none. Here are a few things to think about when you're trying to decide what you'd like to do. ![]() |
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