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Prosperity, Step-by-Step
Some may think that the change from paucity or 'the norm' to abundant prosperity is a mysterious and miraculous leap brought on by fate or fortune. It is not. It is, in 99% of the cases, a step-by-step and conscious following of an envisioned and intentional path; it is a proven formula. The formula is repeated on almost every page of the Prosperity Paradigm Website. It is stated simply as Purpose + Passion + Persistence = Prosperity. It may sound simple. It may even, for most, be something too simple to seem real. It is, however, the path that all those who achieve the prosperity they dream and desire, walk?step-by-step. The lover of math in me likes to define it as 3p=P. If you critically examine the lives of most people, you will see that they wander through life without (a defined) purpose. It is the rare individual who can tell you in a short paragraph immediately when asked, "What is the purpose of your life?" Even amongst those who can answer, the response most give is usually some vague and hollow repetition of some assumed or inherited survival, societal or spiritual meme. It is meaningless drivel. It is the truly rare and almost inevitably successful and happy individual who will be able to state succinctly and definitely what the real and tangible purpose of their life is. Their defined purpose may not seem all that important to you. That matters not a whit. It only matters to that person that it has value; more, that it has an all-consuming importance. If you do not know what your real (self-assigned) purpose is, then the first and most critical step on your path to real and lasting prosperity (and happiness) is to define your purpose. Only you can do that for yourself. Any purpose assigned to your by parents, peers or societal expectations is false. It will not, therefore, bear the fruit you desire?success and fulfillment, i.e. prosperity, which is the having of an abundance of ALL things held ideal in mind and dear in heart. It may take some critical self-examination and a great deal of personal honesty to arrive at a real, defined sense of purpose for your life. So what? What else are you doing with your life? Are you tired of being just average or unhappy; weary of merely surviving? Figure out with what purpose you journey through these few short years on planet earth. It is step one in your quest for having a meaningful and purposeful life. You, and only you, must decide and define your purpose. Then go about living your each and every day to fulfill that purpose. It is aptly called being on purpose. Ah, passion. How we soar when we have it! Remember falling in love and lusting after being with that one truly special person? Passion! How wondrous! How consuming! How addictive! How enlivening! How intense! How fulfilling! How passionate! The next step in your path to real and lasting prosperity is to become PASSIONATE about your purpose and your moment-by-moment existence. It is often called a lust for life, but it is more than that. It is a lust for the self-decided purpose of your life, AND, it is an immense gratitude for being blessed with being able to pursue that purpose. Get passionate or stay home. Without passion, life is mediocre. You have already learned that lesson, even if you deny or forget it in order to tolerate some normality or compromise. you have made to get through each day without passion. Now, here is the tough part for many, many people?life will throw you curves, put up road blocks, appear to resist your journey and generally test your resolve. The majority will take these 'obstacles' as proof that they are mistaken in their choice of purpose and passion or that they were not destined to have the level of prosperity they desire. Those who take these 'messages' as lessons or as opportunities to garner more strength will be the ones who succeed. Persistence pays dividends. Huge dividends. Invest in a little persistence. Although I would like to find a way to say it better, there is no greater quote than that spoken by Calvin Coolidge? "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." So there we have it. The simply stated, but not so simply applied, formula for achieving the prosperity you desire?3p=P. So now you know. The only thing holding you back from having your heart's desire is your lack of application of this one formula. It is your choice. You are totally free to choose a purpose for your life (or not). You are totally free to become passionate about life and your purpose (or not). You are totally free to desist (give up/compromise/take the easy way out) or persist. Prosperity is a matter of choice, not chance. © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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Plant! -- And Accept The Consequences! Welcome to Weekly Wisdoms. Last week I found a new way to communicate over the internet with audio. After you listen, if you'd like to try it for yourself, click here for a chance to make your own free audio postcard... Too cool! Have fun! What a busy week! The lumber package for the barn is on the way. Malcolm is here to saw up the rest of the logs for the siding. We are building a new riding arena. Three new potential clients. And we planted 3 acres of grass! Actually we put down twelve thousand pounds of lime, fertilizer, grass seed and clover seed. I feel like a farmer! I woke up this morning thinking about all that seed and what it might look like next year. Goal Setting and Interviewing Before you go on an interview process or even start your own business, you must set goals! As a corporation owner for over twenty years, this is how I went about setting goals for myself. They are as follows: Obtaining Your Desires For one to achieve their goals or obtain their desires, one must know their goals and desires in the first place. The simple task of writing down a list of the things you wish for has an amazing effect on the results of your wishes. This is one of the most basic fundamentals of successful achievement. Who Needs a Rear-view Mirror? Successful Living by Mastering Our Past When driving, we need to check our rear-view mirror every few minutes to perceive dangers lurking behind - tailgaters, hecklers, over speeding cars, and drivers under the influence. Aside from anticipating threats, it helps us contemplate our next move, giving us enough time to be cautious before overtaking or stopping or . . . slowing down. Your Life Is A Do-It-Yourself Project! The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on your shoulders. The sooner you realize this, the better! Share Your True Colors Don't you just love the leaves changing colors in the fall? Here in the Midwest we are almost at the peak of leaf peeping season. The trees are showing their true colors ? glorious yellows, reds, and oranges. Turn The Escape Key Now "I think I know how bank robbers feel as they wait for tellers to stuff their bounty into a satchel. . . . I damn near giggled as she handed me that bag, validated my parking stub, smiled, and raised her eyes to the next customer, just like that. Clutching my toy to my chest, I shoved through the crowd and hustled towards the exit. The Magic of Writing Goals in your life! Goal setting is an important technique used by athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields. Goal setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Goal setting can help you grow in life. It can help you achieve more. Creating the Best Year of Your Life At the end of each year, and on their birthdays, many people take time to reflect and look ahead. If you're one of these people, or if you would like to start getting the benefits from a little self reflection, then I have some great questions for you. Discipline is Essential for Self Improvement Most of us are regularly exposed to information offering get rich quick schemes and ways to make our fortune for little or even no effort. This is probably even more the case for students of Self Improvement than for most other people. Sabbatical from Work? Start Here! Many people envy academics who take sabbaticals. What they don't realize is that sabbaticals are not designed as time on the beach. You are supposed to use your free time to accomplish specific projects. Often you are not allowed to embark on a sabbatical if your plans seem vague or unproductive. Lifes Values Over time I have come to realize that the three most important subjects in the world to man are sex, property and religion. By the first we create life, by the second we maintain life and by the third we hope to continue life in the world to come. But I have also come to realize that it is not our sex, our interests swarm about our own egos, self-worth or self-esteem. The Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Any Goal We all have goals that are important to us. They range from quitting smoking, to creating our own businesses, to raising great kids. Unfortunately, most of us also have the experience of being unable to reach our goals, of having them always seem just out of reach. We can see them. We want to complete them, but we never quite cross that finish line. Here are 10 steps that are almost like magic! They will help you reach your goals, every time! Is that W-A-L-R-U-S? A few years back, I went to London, England. I needed to get a passport-like photo taken, but the machine I wanted to use was out of order. When I called the company who owned the machine, I asked where they had another location. I was told, "Walrus." "Walrus?" I confirmed. "Walrus," was the response. I should have asked for the spelling, but the person had said, "Walrus." I asked around, and no one knew where there was a "Walrus" until, that is, someone realized that "Walrus" was "Woolworth's." Apparently, the person I spoke with and I both thought we were saying the same thing ? but boy, were we not! Setting Sail for Your Destination Whether taking on a new project, starting a new job, beginning a new relationship, retiring, relocating, or any new start, setting sail can be the most exciting and exhilarating part of the journey. The anticipation that comes with taking off toward your destination helps to propel you forward. However, setting sail may also be accompanied by challenges or feelings of anxiety and fear as you leave the safety of the known to risk stepping into the unknown. For me, the past two years have been a time of new beginnings. A move to a new city, getting settled in a new home, meeting new friends and colleagues, exploring a new area and learning a new language have marked many new opportunities. It has been an exciting adventure and a time that I have enjoyed very much. It has also been a tremendous learning experience and has challenged me in ways I'd never dreamed of when I began this journey. Following are four tips that have helped me during this time and that I hope will help you navigate more confidently and successfully as you set sail. A Secret Technique that Entrepreneurs Can Use to Almost GUARANTEE Success! If you were to walk up and ask successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs what they did to succeed or fail, most of them would cite some mentor or lack of trait... Blame genetics or outside influence. But if you were to ask the exact same group if they used this secret, 99% of successful entrepreneurs would say yes - and almost all of the unsuccessful entrepreneurs would ask what you were talking about... Planning Ahead Of Everyone Else To Win What does it take to plan like a champion? You Are What You Do! Too often, people say one thing and do another. I admit that I have often slid into this rut and thought about how I need to do something (lose weight for example) and then don't follow through and do anything about it (yes, I'm still 245 pounds). So even though I say that it's important to me to lose weight, I don't display the requisite motivation to follow through and do it, so my words are hollow. Breaking Goals Down To The Basics One of the primary reasons why people fail to execute their goals is they set forth unrealistic or overly complex goals. Most of us have the tendency to look at the finish line without paying much consideration to the distance between the end point and us. Here are a couple examples to illustrate this point: Making The Goal-Setting Process a Partnership MAKING GOALS: Effective and motivational goals engage employees in work they can realistically perform and complete, and which has been shown to be relevant both to the organization and to the employees' interests. ![]() |
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