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The Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Any Goal
We all have goals that are important to us. They range from quitting smoking, to creating our own businesses, to raising great kids. Unfortunately, most of us also have the experience of being unable to reach our goals, of having them always seem just out of reach. We can see them. We want to complete them, but we never quite cross that finish line. Here are 10 steps that are almost like magic! They will help you reach your goals, every time! 1. Precisely define the objective. Exactly what do you want? Measure it, put a number on it. How many pounds do you want to lose? How many dollars do you want to earn? No one can achieve a fuzzy goal. Be precise. 2. Align the objective with your values. You won't work toward a goal that conflicts with your values or sense of purpose. Make sure your goals are consistent with your religious and moral beliefs, and with other goals that you have. Internal conflict will undermine your performance, every time! 3. Develop appropriate affirmations. A series of positive, powerful, present-tense statements that describe the benefits of having your goal and how you'll feel when you've reached it are essential. They should be short, active, exciting, and you will need to write them down and repeat them many times, every day! 4. Develop powerful reasons to achieve your goals. "If you have enough why's, you'll find a way." We reach goals that excite us, that stimulate our imaginations. We reach goals that are vital to our health, our family and our future. Find lots of reasons! When it's important enough, you'll make it happen. 5. Write your goals and your reasons down! Write them on file cards every day! There is power, magic and mystery in writing your goals down. Put the cards where you'll see them through the day. Put them on your mirror, or on your desk. Carry them with you and read them, over and over, through the day. 6. Set a deadline. Again, have the courage to be exact. Quit smoking by your birthday, double your income by the end of this year, get out of debt by September 1st. A goal without a deadline is just a pipe dream! Give yourself the discipline of a date. 7. Define intermediate targets. To lose 40 pounds in 4 months, determine to lose 10 pounds EACH month. Having smaller goals makes each one easier to achieve, and you can track your progress to your larger goal. A journey of a thousand miles is just a series of steps, one after another. 8. Make your goals public. Tell friends and family what you plan to do, and your target date. Ask them to hold you accountable and to help you along the way. Knowing your friends are rooting for you is a powerful motivator. Set yourself up for success by making a public commitment to reach your goals on time. 9. Get a partner. High achievers rarely do anything significant by themselves. Get a running partner, make a friendly bet with your spouse to quit smoking, make it a family project to get out of debt. Always have at least one person who totally supports you, and make sure they are part of your campaign. Hire a coach, if appropriate. 10. Celebrate every intermediate victory! Give yourself a reward for each day without a cigarette, have a family celebration for each bill that gets paid off. High achievers find reasons to celebrate every day! Like that journey of a thousand miles, you must celebrate ? really celebrate! ? each step along the way. Remember, "if you can imagine it, you can achieve it." Any goal that truly fires your imagination and fills your heart with joy, is reachable! Set targets, develop an adequate support system, break large goals into smaller steps, and go for it! You can do this! Here's to your success! © Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
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Make Your Dreams Reachable All too often, we may be envisioning a level of success, which is far beyond what we can realistically accept and thus fall short of full manifestation. However, if we can envision a period of time in which our success can gradually increase, quite often our subconscious can more easily accept it. However, allowing ourselves to get comfortably accustomed to a steadily increasing flow of abundance in our lives tends to stabilize it for us. Whats the Next Action Step? Nothing gets done unless an action is completed. Everything we do is an action step. Of course some are so routine they don't really need to be written down or remembered. They are simply habit or ingrained in our daily lives. Wake up. Go to the bathroom. Say your prayers. Read the sports section of the newspaper. Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Get dressed. Drive to work. Do you have these tasks written down in your planner? Of course not. But they are still action tasks. You don't get cleaned until you wash up. You don't know how the Phillies did last night until you read the sports section. How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own business? First, we will examine how your dream got deferred. Then, we will outline definitive steps to get you back on track. Achieve Your Goals And Dreams By Using Excel Spreadsheets Do you think your life is passing you by and you want to get back on track? Do you feel you are stuck in a rut and you don't really know how to change your life? Idiots Guide to Goal Setting: 5 Steps to Success Weve all read about personal goal setting. Weve all tried it. According to the stats, most of the time we all fail. 10 Keys To Personal Goal Setting Does personal goal setting work? Many people want things, situations or accomplishments, call these goals, and then are disappointed when they don't get them. Call desires goals if you want, but just naming your desires sure isn't effective goal setting. Good goals have some or all of the following: The Value of Focus in Reaching Your Goals "One aught never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half." -- Sir Winston Churchill Exploring Beneath The Surface Unwanted feelings and thoughts are rich territory to dive beneath the surface for fresh insights that open the heart. Imagine for a moment that you are floating along on the ocean of feelings unwilling to accept that the choppy waves to your left signify anger. If you put on snorkeling gear and dive under them, you will see a whole new world. The Process of Developing Meaningful Goals DEVELOPING A GOAL-SETTING CHECKPOINT: The process of developing meaningful goals and objectives can be a challenging task for any manager. There is a method to make this process easier, however, and it involves following a few general guidelines. The Goal Setting Checklist for the first-line supervisor has been specifically designed with two main objectives in mind: (1) for specific use in translating general (or possibly unclear) goals into a workable structure; and (2) for use as a worksheet (or checklist) to write meaningful goals and objectives for employees. This two-step process should enable the supervisor to translate ideas, "rough thoughts," and wishes into goal statements of a much more practical nature. Over the years, experience has shown that while it is relatively easy to teach the concept and theory of goal setting, many supervisors and managers have found it quite difficult to translate the theory into actual practice. Step-by-step use of the goal setting checklist should provide a constructive aid in this regard. Master Your Destiny Do you have a goal for the future that you would love to achieve but just can't work out how? Well, you can succeed. Believe and it will happen! How? Well read on and see. Have you heard the expression ' MIND OVER MATTER '? Do you really understand what that means? Well quite simply, your mind has two areas: the subconscious and the conscious, it is the subconscious to which the expression relates. The subconscious mind is 88% of the volume and is your 'automatic pilot', keeping the heart beating, lungs breathing and millions of other things that ensure that we survive. The subconscious has other powerful functions. If you allow it, it will protect you and provide solutions to problems, if the right questions are asked. The Illusion of a Final Goal "..... there is no final goal. There is always further to go. It is a voyage of unending discovery, and as in all such voyages, what is gathered by the wayside is often as valuable as what is found at the destination." G.I. Gurdjieff Ingredients That Make A Winner Whether we like to admit it or not, other people's opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities. How to Achieve More by Dealing with Resistance Today I want to discuss the missing link in goal attainment... Goal Setting - The Facts Behind The Fiction To have hopes and dreams for the future is a wonderful idea. If you want to call them 'goals' that's fine also but do learn to get things in perspective. They are NOT achieved in the way you have been led to believe. A New Conversation About Dreams - Integrity: The Key to Getting What You Want The most critical attribute for realizing our dreams is integrity. In a conversation about dreams, integrity is essential and can be summarized this way: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honor your word and agreements and you will be living with integrity, where dreams really do come true. The Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Any Goal We all have goals that are important to us. They range from quitting smoking, to creating our own businesses, to raising great kids. Unfortunately, most of us also have the experience of being unable to reach our goals, of having them always seem just out of reach. We can see them. We want to complete them, but we never quite cross that finish line. Here are 10 steps that are almost like magic! They will help you reach your goals, every time! Create Your Path to Success - Achieve Key Goals Creating your path to success depends on walking on a firm foundation. Knowing WHAT you want is only the beginning. Visualizing what you want and repeating affirmations makes your intentions stronger. Yet, this is not enough. So what IS the secret to realizing your goals? Let's walk the path together. As we walk the path step by step, I encourage you to write the answers to these questions: Discovering Your Values In the last newsletter we talked about 'Your Reason Why', and how having emotional reasons for doing things gives them real power. To see this article go to www.mypowerfulmind.com/articles/article/1823709/25320.htm Attain Instant Results With Goal Setting Tools Your path to the successful accomplishment of your goals can be very thorny. Ups and downs, hardships and difficulties are inevitable components of success. Besides, difficulties add some spice to the groove of our life. Commitment A true commitment is a heart felt promise to yourself, from which you will NOT back down, no matter what the circumstances may be! ![]() |
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