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Fighting Identity TheftJames H. Dimmitt Chances are good that you know someone who has been victimized by the fastest growing crime - identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission FTC reported that there were 10 million cases of identity theft in 2002 alone. It’s estimated that someone’s identity is stolen every 79 seconds. The bad news is with increasing amounts of personal information available to an experienced identity thief, it shows few signs of slowing down. The good news is that identity fraud is now a federal crime with stiff penalties for those who perpetrate these crimes. Here are a few simple steps you can take now to minimize your risk: 1 Check your credit report annually, if not more often. Most victims of identity theft don’t realize they’ve been victimized until 14 months after the crime. By then the damage is done and you will spend a significant amount of time and money trying to correct it. 2 Keep your Social Security number private. Do not have it printed on your personal checks or drivers license. Do not share it with anyone, including merchants, unless they can provide a good reason for having it. Once someone has your Social Security number they have the key to unlocking your identity and using it fraudulently. 3 Shred offers for pre-approved credit cards that you receive by mail. Do the same with any receipts that contain account numbers or your Social Security number. Identity thieves are not afraid to go “dumpster diving” in order to obtain your personal information. Identity theft has become the fastest growing crime because it is the most profitable crime. On average, the loss from identity theft is about $18,000.00. Taking these precautions now can you save you from becoming another statistic in the fight against identity theft.
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