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How to Get rid of the ?Overwhelm? Monster
If you wear many hats, manage a family and/or a business, it is easy to feel overwhelmed on a regular basis. Too much to do, not enough time, money, or help to do it. Do you find yourself procrastinating, proceeding with resistance or remaining paralyzed then dropping the project altogether? The idea of writing an ezine overwhelmed me for 6 months. It wasn't until I applied a spiritual approach to dealing with this feeling that my resistance dissolved. In it's place I experienced excitement that propelled me forward. It is important to dig inside of yourself and identify the key fear behind that MONSTER feeling. Christmas is burdened with too many expectations Christmas and big family holidays overwhelm people easily. We hold on to old, outdated expectations of what "should" happen at this time of the year. Take a little "self" time for your wisdom to reveal key insights for handling your resistance. Here are the steps: ? Ask yourself: Am I tired, afraid or both? Taking care of your physical needs and giving time to your spiritual practices are often neglected when you give in to what your fear demands. For example, if you are afraid that someone won't be pleased with your efforts, you tend to work harder and harder, wearing yourself out and not addressing the bottomline fear around the relationship. This happens if your fear is around finances as well. ? What is your fear about? Where does it come from? We all have negative messages in our head about not being capable, not being smart enough, not being good enough. (Try asking these questions in a journal then writing out the answers. Really explore.) I discovered my fear around procrastination regarding this ezine came from growing up in a time when the strong cultural message for girls was to be quiet and look pretty. My parents unconsciously communicated to me that I had nothing of value to say. (Of course, my mother would never say that now.) ? Choose an affirmation that reminds you of your connection to a Divine Source and the wonderful unique abilities that are part of you. Open yourself up and breathe in this affirmation. For example: "Divine wisdom flows through me guiding my words and decisions." OR "I am a valuable Child of God?through me good works are accomplished." "I deserve to feel good during the holidays regardless of other's words and reactions." ? List the parts and pieces or the multiple problems that overwhelm you on paper. Once they are contained on a piece of paper, they are manageable. Then fold the paper, pray for wisdom and take a walk?grounding yourself in mindfulness?focusing on the nature around you. Notice the inspired ideas and solutions and that begin to float into your mind, effortlessly. ? Refuse to compare yourself or your achievements with ANYONE else. That means your mother, your best friend, the actress or model on the magazine cover, or the president of your professional association. You are uniquely you and so is your life sit- utation with all of the decisions, relationships and resources available to it. Affirmation: There are plenty of opportunities for everyone. ? Simplify. In what area of life can you simplify, ignore, or designate for later? Are you trying to live up to your perception of what your mother/father wanted or achieved? Can you let go of that perception and create a new one for yourself? ? Shift from "me" to "we." You do not have to do it all by yourself. Give away jobs. Delegate. Outsource. Get counseling. Hire a consultant. Let go of the work you don't enjoy. (This is key. It took me 25 years to realize that I didn't have to do it all by myself! Is this something that we women, as super moms, take on?) ? Start with baby steps. ? Celebrate often. Acknowledge tiny successes and accomplishments toward the bigger goal. Try listing them in a journal every night. They add up, believe me. Remember this wise quote: "It doesn't matter how fast you go. What matters is the direction in which you are headed." (First Things First, Stephen Covey) Copyright 2005 Ana Tampanna ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ana Tampanna, "The Alligator Queen" is author of "The Womanly Art of Alligator Wrestling: Inspirational Stories for Outrageous Women Who Survive by their Wisdom and Wit." To learn about her speaking and coaching services and to sign up for her FREE ezine with power communication tools, life management tips, and special events, visit her website at http://www.alligatorqueen.com NOTE: You're welcome to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info at the end), please send a copy of your reprint to ana@alligatorqueen.com
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What Once Was - Ain?t No More Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I'll get right to the point. The past is gone ? vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi, Ho Silver!" It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone! Self-Esteem: You Matter You'd be surprised. Maybe amazed. If you could see the far reaches of your influence you'd be stunned. The point is: You matter. The ONE Question Winners ALWAYS Ask?. Over the past several years I have experienced my fair share of success. However, it has not been without its fair share of obstacles and setbacks. I was reflecting upon this recently as I confronted a recent disappointment. Hundreds of emotions raced through my mind as the reality set in that my deepest plans and desires were not going to reach my goals. Make The Most Of Today "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it!" - Margaret Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister) Ideas Abound - But Youve Got to Take Action Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all blessed with any number of wonderful ideas at virtually any given moment. What happens far too often however is that we ponder for a bit about the idea. We may even go as far as to plan a little about what it would take to make it work, yet for whatever reason we never take the most important step... Ignite The Fire In Your Belly ? How To Move From Being A Procrastinator To An Activator! Are you sick and tired of not getting ahead and just can't get yourself out of a rut? Well, there are certain requirements (accountability, responsibility, commitment to yourself, forgiveness, positive think and speak, synchronicity within and outside) to help facilitate a real change. Whats Stopping You? We're all familiar with the cycle: Are You Addicted to Selling? The definition of Motivation in Webster's Dictionary: Motive - the sense of need, desire and fear. Based upon this definition, some sources of motivation can be dysfunctional and that is why it can be so addictive. Realistic Dreams The wish to have or be something, especially one that seems difficult to achieve is an innate desire in every one of us. The quest of all mankind, whether it is admitted or not, is for a life of significance. Face Your Fears Yes, that's me up there! Interestingly enough, I used to be deathly afraid of heights. I'm not suggesting para sailing is the best way to overcome a fear of heights but it worked for me. Sometimes, the only way through a fear is to meet it head on. That's what I did in this case. Change Your Life, Release Fear, and Create What you Really Want Do you have a dream? Or do you just have a nagging feeling that life could better? Motivation; 7 Musings on Motivation 1. Most of us are motivated by one of two things - inspiration or desperation. Most successful people choose inspiration as their motivation. REST: The New Strategy for Business and Life Success No matter how many times you have vowed to change your harried ways, you still find yourself running behind, running out of time, running out of patience and running on EMPTY. Your biggest problem--exhaustion. You are just plain old tired. But you keep going, because there seems to be no way out. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Before Its Too Late Think about what you're doing each day and ask yourself - "Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get to?" If the answer is "No" then do something different. Get out of your comfort zone and change your habits. Assessing Your Self-Help Needs Self Help is itself a broad category from which to choose resources for your personal benefit. It is wise to assess yourself first, in terms of "needs" and/or "problems" to be solved. Because as you work through this process you will find that more than one Online Resource may fit the bill. Then you are in the unsavory position of having to test a number of things to see what works best. How to Use Discouragement to Motivate Yourself Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much too handle? Finding Your Authentic Path "Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." ~ Theodore Roethke Magic In The Leadership Zone! "Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak - and esteem to all." - George Washington Is Work Still Necessary? I have a confession to make - several confessions in fact. Who Do You Need To Become To Make It Happen For You? 'We cannot become what we need to be remaining what we are.' -Max Dupree ![]() |
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