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Courage and Fear
Mark Twain once said, "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear." Feeling fear is normal but so many are afraid to admit it. Fear can lock us into a way of life and keep us from being truly challenged and happy. I have learned that the best thing to do is to share my fear with someone else. When I try to pretend I am not feeling it, I become even more anxious. So decide that courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to move through it, share it, and then do what must be done. I also read once that, "Unknowns are merely joys we have not met." What a wonderful way to think about things and events. You can take new experiences in baby steps if you need to. You do get to be in charge of how you handle it. Does that surprise you? Learning this important fact has given me such freedom to explore and move ahead in my life. And please do not compare yourself to someone else. We are, each of us, unique in who we are as individuals and in how we handle life. Enjoy your uniqueness and move forward! And in closing, Brendan Francis once said, "Many of our fears are tissue-paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them." So, keep these ideas in mind when you next feel fearful. What fear can you walk through today? Karlynn Baker lives in Arizona and she received a Master of Science degree at the University of Arizona in 1972. She owns her own counseling business and enjoys life with her husband, David, three daughters, and two adorable grandsons.
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Todays Trivia I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether. I could be, assuming my cables would stretch that far, in my bed inputting numbers into my laptop and still be making money. (Believe me, it sounds like far more fun than it is, and is not nearly as profitable as one might think.) 4 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Need For Acceptance... And Get On With Your Life Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you get over your need for acceptance. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find that people will judge you less and accept you more! Your Life Just OK? It Doesnt Have To Be That Way! Live the Life You Really Want To Live! I have some questions for you. Are you ready? How would your rate your life on a scale from one to ten; 10 being fantastic and 1 being the worst it could possibly be? Are you happy with the most important aspects of your life? And note that I didn't say are you content or are you satisfied. I said are you HAPPY with your life the way it is now? If you are, why are you happy? If you are not, why not? I urge you to be specific when you answer those questions. 7 SECRETS To A Great Life A great life doesn't happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. A great life is the result of using the 24/7 you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next. Customize these "secrets" to fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today! Motivation: The Power of Opportunity I think each one of us has had the experience of coming up with a great idea for a product or a way to do something, only to see someone else do it and make a ton of money. Motivation and Change: Creating Your Daily Success Program I get some of my best ideas for my column from my clients. Persistence Persistence will carve you as a leader in your industry. Persistence is where you get mental strength. It seperates you from ordinary people. You must learn to cultivate a habit of persisting, since all things are possible if you persist. How to Overcome Procrastination in 4 Simple Steps If procrastination is holding you back in life, these 4 simple steps are a sure way to help you overcome your endless struggle with procrastination. You'll soon be able to achieve those daunting tasks and in some cases, even look forward to doing them! 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People who procrastinate become frustrated and generally accomplish nothing. To change this negative behavior, you must first identify the things that cause you to procrastinate in the first place. Feelings of fear, rejection, and unworthiness take a real toll on your self-esteem. Taking steps to improve your self-esteem will make a huge difference in your energy level and will motivate you to make other positive changes in your life. The Simple Life When we talk about a Simple Life, we are not talking about Paris and Nicole. We are talking about a life that is in harmony with our values. We are talking about a life that is joyful to live. Change 101: How to Get the Changes You Desire Here's a bold statement: Top 5 Reasons Why Youre Not Living Your Dream 1. "I'm too old to make a change." Maybe you're over 30 and settled in your career. You don't even want to think about making a move somewhere else. Besides, at this point in your life, you're supposed to be doing what you want, right? Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Before Its Too Late Think about what you're doing each day and ask yourself - "Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get to?" If the answer is "No" then do something different. Get out of your comfort zone and change your habits. Break Free I received an email the other day from one of our customers. "Please help. I am desperate. My life is a mess. I have read your book, The Initiation. I think it's true what you say, but nothing is working for me." Walk In The Light It was a mild October night, weeks after the horrific September 11 terrorists attacks on our nation. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, my husband, children and I, entered the gates of the North Carolina state fair. The fair lights illuminated the sky as thousands of fair attendees attempted to escape into hours of fun and fantasy. While trying to temporarily remove the overshadowing fear that more tragedy may be imminent, the excessive police security constantly reminded us of our nation's tragic events. ![]() |
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