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The Story Of A King And Three Maidens ? Six Keys To A Successful Relationship
A King was trying to choose between three maidens to be his wife and queen. It was very difficult to judge since these women were all very intelligent and beautiful. He gave each maiden a bag of seeds and told them he was going on a pilgrimage for one year. When he returned, each of them were to give the seeds back to him. Whoever protected the seeds the best would become his wife. The first maiden locked them in a safe to protect them. The second maiden sold the seeds at the market, thinking she would purchase new seeds when the king returned. The third maiden threw the seeds in the garden. When the king returned, the first maiden pulled the seeds from the safe where they had died due to lack of light, water, and air. The second maiden rushed to the market, purchased new seeds, and presented them to the king. The King said that although the seeds were alive, they were not the same seeds. The third maiden brought him into the garden where there were many flowers blooming. She told the King that the flowers were from the seeds he had given her. The king said to the third maiden that she would be his wife because she understood that a seed, like love, should be treated with care, tended with kindness and allowed room to grow for it to become strong and beautiful. Relationships, like seeds need the proper environment to grow. The environment needs a balance of the five elements. The seed will die if there is too much or too little water, air, light, or earth. Just as a seed needs this balance in life to flourish, we also need proper balance in our homes to create, maintain, and nurture our relationships. SIX KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP 1. Clear the energy in your home regularly as a build up of stress and resistance will only inhibit relationships. You can purchase a Vastu CD from Vastu Creations by emailing us at info@vastucreations.com. When played regularly, this CD will eliminate negative energy in the environment and will benefit all of your relationships. 2. Remove clutter from all areas of your home especially the center, northeast, and northwest. Clutter causes stagnation in relationships. 3. Balance the five elements in your home to create a healthy environment so relationships will grow. Get a Vastu Home Analysis. It's easy to do, easier to implement and will benefit your life immensely. See the Vastu Creations website at www.vastucreations.com for more information and to order. 4. Sleep in the southwest area of your home with your head to the south. Your body is a magnet with your head being the positive polarity. When you sleep with your head to the north, the two positive polarities repel each other and can create disharmony in the body. Sleeping with your head to the south replenishes your energy and helps to remove stress. 5. Create a Relationship Altar to positively stimulate new and existing relationships. You can purchase individual instructions for this altar by going to the Products Page on our website at www.vastucreations.com/ or pre-order our upcoming book Altars of Power and Grace and get free shipping within the continental United States. 6. You are connected to everyone in the world and everything in the Universe. See all people as God. Treat others as you wish to be treated by giving them respect and honoring who they are. Michael and Robin Mastro's synergistic approach successfully assists people in living in peace and harmony with themselves and others, and in creating balanced lives filled with unlimited possibilities. Visit us at www.VastuCreations.com
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The result is that we don't see the keys where we don't expect them to be. 12 Powerful Motivational Tools That Guarantee Success No matter how many years you spend in a classroom or from what social class or lifestyle, motivation is the common factor among those who are high achievers. When the Door of Opportunity Opens Anybody can achieve anything ? do you believe that? I do. But there is a caveat that must be made. Those who succeed are those who walk through the door of opportunity when it swings open. That we know. But what is the secret to getting through the door of opportunity? Todays Trivia I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether. 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I have seen it happen too many times, and if you don't act now, it may happen to you. Stretch! "Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be" Karen Raven What Is The Value In Wanting To Accomplish Something? When I listen to people tell me about some of the things they want to do, I pause for two reasons. One is the fact that I'm listening and watching them to see if they are serious within themselves. Secondly, if it's something they really believe that they can accomplish. Be Action-Oriented Are you a melancholic online business owner by nature? I have something to tell you. Two Months, Two Actions: First Steps to Success Susan stood on the scale the other day. She had gained two pounds. The ONE Question Winners ALWAYS Ask?. Over the past several years I have experienced my fair share of success. However, it has not been without its fair share of obstacles and setbacks. 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Throwing on some old work clothes, gabbing a mug of steaming coffee and picking up the list of jobs off the kitchen table, I head outside. Creativity and Innovation Management - Motivation Motivation in creativity and innovation is more important than personality traits. This is like possessing high intelligence ? one must be motivated to improve and apply it. Ambitiously Pursuing Your Own Self (Excerpted from The Power of Ambition series) ![]() |
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