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What Is Failing Forward?
What an absurd statement! Absurd or not, progress is not possible without failure. It is part of being an evolving and growing human being. Failing forward is about leveraging mistakes; making a realistic assessment of risks and the ability to live with the downside and experiment with new approaches. FAILING FORWARD is an investment in human success. Look at it this way: 1. Failing forward is really about achievement as a series of trial and error opportunities. 2. You, as a person, are not a failure. Failure is a state of mind. 3. You are not a vicim. Take responsibility for what you can control and into a position of power. 4. You can control how you let a trauma affect you. 5. The present is the only place real opportunity exists and where you can take action. 6. Lettting go of limiting beliefs may be hard on the ego, but your ability to move forward will increase dramatically. 7. When you have a vision, you have a view that puts failure in its proper perspective. 8. There is always uncertainty when you try something new. 9. You can't make significant progress by doing it all yourself. Let your environment and network do some of the work. 10. Often, the only difference between success and failure, is simple persistence. 11. Knowing when to let go and try something else is important. Failing forward is about getting up and moving on. (My notes from a recent study group called: Failing Forward www.failingforwardtosuccess.com) About The Author Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A. Certified Job and Career Transition Coach (509) 469-3514 Email: doitnow@nwinfo.net
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How To Get Through A Bad Day No matter how hard you try to make them otherwise, some days are just awful. They start off bad, they never get any better, and they end on a low and sometimes even gloomier note. These days befuddle your mind, waste your finite resources and throw your calendar off. Some people call the state of mind accompanying this day 'depression' or are content to simply think of it as 'having a bad day'. Sometimes there are logical explanations ? mostly, though, these days seem to strike at will and we don't understand how or why they have entered our lives. Greed and Selfishness: Knowing The Difference And Loving Yourself! I hear many people discuss how selfishness leads to greed, or that being greedy is part of being selfish. I simply have to say that "greed" and "selfishness" are not the same things. These are "value words" and are based on ideas and information drilled into our heads when we were younger as something known as "basic morals." Procrastination: Make It Work FOR You! Man, I love to procrastinate! And I'm pretty darn good at it, too. Would you believe I started writing this article almost six months ago? Yep. But then I found lots of ways to, well, procrastinate. But I guess you've already figured that out... Making Decisions You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren like the desert. Desire + Action = Outcome ? Anxiety & Panic This is my mathematical strategy I use to achieve everything I want in life. Allow me to explain? Entrepreneurs: Take Action Over Inspiration Every Time! "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory!" General George S. Patton Have A Crack! For everyone the New Year is now in full swing. There is also a percentage of us that are wondering where the last few months went. This is why we all need to start focusing on what we all want to achieve this year and more importantly make sure we actually try to achieve it. Action Rules - Just Get Started! 'Action Rules!' in the Getting Goals Game. It is the number one most important step to achieving your greatness. Your Biggest Do it Yourself Project When I meet people and tell them what I do, I often hear, "Oh, you are a motivational speaker," with some amount of assuredness in their voice. While I realize there are many speakers that people lump into this category (some who are my friends and mentors), I strongly disagree with that label. How To Motivate Yourself For Success? I was having coffee with my friend the other day. He just joined a multi-level marketing company. The company sells aromatherapy products that improve air quality and help people to have a healthier life. Pride and Prejudice Can Be Healed and Melted Away A Burning Desire "Mommy, he's doing it again." I yelled as I came running into the kitchen where I knew I would find Mother. I was so angry-no MAD-that I was breathing like a wild animal. "Shawn is taking my toys apart, again. I hate him. I hate him." Motivation: The Cure for Complacency Q. I've always tried to work hard enough to provide for my family and be content. The problem is, when I'm content, I get complacent, and everything starts to fall apart. How do I keep going and avoid getting complacent? Motivation: The Power of Opportunity I think each one of us has had the experience of coming up with a great idea for a product or a way to do something, only to see someone else do it and make a ton of money. Procrastinator No More! Procrastination is when ever we postpone a task or duty intentionally without a valuable explanation. It is a natural tendency in people. Let's face it, sometimes we are tired or a specific task is unpleasant to perform and we respond by putting it off until later. If it happens only once or on something of not much importance it is okay. But, what happens when a student keeps putting off the school work. At the last minute he may want to make up for the lost time but fails the class. So, can you see how procrastination can get in the way of your success and objectives? Therefore, it is crucial for people to learn how to avoid this negative tendency and manage it effectively. Below I have added some tips that can convert anyone in to a procrastinator no more! How To Deal With Denial Denial is a coping mechanism commonly used when something happens that we really don't want to see. Doing this is actually quite natural. After all, we want to keep our lives in order, and we resist taking in information that we feel would result in a loss for us. Your Life Story: Whatcha Gonna Do? Write Your Life Story NOW before Its Too Late! Imagine this scene: Project yourself into the future. You are 87 years old and sitting on the couch in the living room of your house. Sitting around you are your grand children and their children too. The smaller ones and maybe even some of the older ones ask you to tell them a story. They enjoy your stories. And of course you are more than happy to oblige them. Then after all, this is your family! Your offspring! You've told them many stories over the years. This time, however, they want you to tell them a different story. The story they want to hear this time, and everyone seems particularly primed to hear, is the story of your life. They are all waiting eagerly for you to begin. Remember, Worse Things Can Happen At Sea, So..... Dont Ever Quit! Throughout the many pages of scores of motivational books, with the Bible being at the forefront, we are encouraged to "not give up." We are told to believe that we can come through any situation and be victorious in life. Ask yourself this question: Am I up-beat or am I beat-up? Motivation By Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning is a great motivator. Why confine it to Spring? How Do I Stop Procrastinating? Often times we procrastinate because it just seems like so much WORK to get what we want! We just don't feel like the rewards justify everything that needs to be done to obtain those goals. ![]() |
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