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Can Pain Be A Motivator?
Carol was a new client. She had been looking for a job for several weeks and wasn't having much success. As with most of my clients I asked her to envision herself working in the job she really wanted. As we talked she was really excited about the possibilities. I really caught her short though when I asked her what did she see happening if she couldn't find this job. Like many of my clients Carol was reluctant to visit a place of pain. Many clients object to that question saying that they don't want to think negatively. There is so much written today about positive thinking that most of us go around like Pollyannas believing that wishing will make it so. There is however merit in acknowledging the possibility of pain. A part of the population is very competitive. Winning is a strong value for them. On one of my trips to NY I played checkers with my grandson. When he saw he was losing he hit the board so all the pieces got mixed up. I guess he thought it would be better to have no one win then for him to lose. At least for now he is extremely competitive. Those who are very competitive hate to lose so that they do whatever it takes to "make it happen". (Sometimes at someone else's expense!) What about the rest of us? I include myself here too because I am not someone who likes winning for its own sake. How can those of us who aren't so fiercely competitive really commit to a goal and make it happen? One way is to visit the negative outcome of not achieving the goal. The more painful the outcome the more motivated you'll be to work toward your goal and away from the pain. One branch manager I had at AT&T told the management team that she liked to hire sales people who had just taken a big mortgage on a house. (The bigger the better!) Without making the sales these people would lose their homes. Now that is a huge negative impact for not making quota. (I drew the line when she asked us to encourage the sales force to increase their debt!) Your vision is something you want to move toward and the negative outcome is something you want to move away from. Sometimes it is the "moving away from" piece that is more motivating than the "moving toward" one. If you have ever had a manager with a bad temper who screamed at people who didn't do the job the way he/she wanted it done then you understand the motivating power of the "moving away from" outcome. (Think "You're fired" and Donald Trump) Chances are these bosses get the job done but what you really want to do is move away from them. If Carol had a boss like that then she would know that the negative impact of not finding the job she envisioned. She would have to continue working for that boss. Solo professionals and sales people know that when they are hungry (making their quota literally puts food on the table) they work harder, smarter and faster to accomplish the work. Here you could be working toward the vision of plenty of food or away from an empty table. So how about you? What are you doing to reach your goals? Do you feel yourself floundering as the year is progressing? Look at your business or career plan. Are you close to reaching your goals? If you want to speed up the process consider finding the impact of a negative outcome. Take action 1. What is your vision? If you would like a copy of Ten Ideas To Help You Create A Vision of Your Ideal Work-Life use the link below http://www.asparker.com/casestudy3.html and go to the end of Sarah's story. 2. What is the negative impact of not accomplishing your goal? 3. Do you feel energy and excitement from your vision? 4. Are you repelled by the negative impact? 5. How can you use both of these to move yourself forward? About Alvah Parker Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker's Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Parker's Value Program© enables her clients to find their own way to work that is more fulfilling and profitable. Her clients are managers, business owners, sole practioners, attorneys and people in transition. Alvah is found on the web at http://www.asparker.com. She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.
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Creativity and Innovation Management - Motivation Motivation in creativity and innovation is more important than personality traits. This is like possessing high intelligence ? one must be motivated to improve and apply it. What Once Was - Ain?t No More Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I'll get right to the point. The past is gone ? vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi, Ho Silver!" It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone! Whats Your Aging in American IQ? Take the Quiz and Find Out. TRUE or FALSE A Burning Desire "Mommy, he's doing it again." I yelled as I came running into the kitchen where I knew I would find Mother. I was so angry-no MAD-that I was breathing like a wild animal. "Shawn is taking my toys apart, again. I hate him. I hate him." Life Rewards Action Thinking is good, yes it is. I strongly encourage thinking. In fact, thinking plays a terrific role in success. It helps you strategize. It helps you get motivated. It tunes you into success. I am all for thinking and I do it regularly! Why Do We Need Our Addictions? If money is considered to be the root of all evil, then what would we classify as our addictions? What is Success? Everyone wants success. People talk about setting goals and positive thinking and getting to the top. However, most of these same people never really define what success means to them. Hold That Elevator! As Prince, or whatever his name is now put it in one of his songs, "When Life's elevator tries to bring you down go crazy, punch a higher floor!" Ideas Abound - But Youve Got to Take Action Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all blessed with any number of wonderful ideas at virtually any given moment. What happens far too often however is that we ponder for a bit about the idea. We may even go as far as to plan a little about what it would take to make it work, yet for whatever reason we never take the most important step... Forward Motion The natural cycle of life is to grow and move forward but moving forward brings with it an element of the unknown. It is human nature to fear the unknown. Often it is difficult for people to take the steps required to move forward because of that fear. Deep down inside, they may know that much needed changes are required in order for improvement to take place in their life circumstances yet they find themselves unable to let go of the familiar comfort of the past. The Thrivers Secrets to Success?: It Starts With Your Attitude - Get a Grip and Go®! What impact would it have on your professional and personal life if you could learn the secret of successful living known by about 25% of the people? Think about that for a minute and even pause right now and write some thoughts down. How would your life be different if you operated like a "thriver" - a person who thrives and flourishes no matter what life throws at him or her? The ONE Question Winners ALWAYS Ask?. Over the past several years I have experienced my fair share of success. However, it has not been without its fair share of obstacles and setbacks. I was reflecting upon this recently as I confronted a recent disappointment. Hundreds of emotions raced through my mind as the reality set in that my deepest plans and desires were not going to reach my goals. Overcoming Procrastination What are the reasons that YOU procrastinate? Christian Gladiators? Athletics as a Metaphor for the Christian Lifestyle When Paul first arrived in Corinth in the middle of his second missionary journey, Acts 18:2-3 reports that he joined Aquila and Priscilla in the occupation of making tents. This fits in well with what Paul himself wrote at about that same time. For example, in 1 Thess. 1:9, he says: "Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you." Similarly, in 2 Thess. 3:7-8, Paul states: "We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat any one's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you." Motivation: 3 Keys to Lasting Change David Bowie once sang, "Ch-ch-changes, tryin' to face the strain." How to Exude More Confidence Confidence: The word conjures up images of self-assurance and belief in ones' self. Self-confidence is inward security. It basically means that your source of security comes from within yourself, you're confident in your integrity to your own value system. It is not congruent with doubt or fear. Procrastination Strategies: Boost Your Productivity by Getting On With It We all suffer from procrastination from time to time but rather than fight it, think of procrastination as a gift. This gift allows you to get clarity on what is important to you and what you should work on next. Change your thinking when it comes to procrastination. How to Become an Effective Self-Help User "Know Yourself" That's what the big guy said way back when? Was it Aristotle, Plato or Socrates? Anyhow, that's the essence of what this article is about. Motivation: 3 Powerful Quotes from Golfer Tiger Woods I am not a golfer, unless you count an occasional game of putt-putt. I'm not even a fan of the game. But I am a fan of excellence, and so the following quotes by golfing great Tiger Woods recently caught my attention: Maintaining Your Motivation I recently spoke to a group of sales professionals at the end of their training conference. The attendees had participated in many learning sessions over a two day period ? most of which were product related. I was scheduled to speak after dinner and I was somewhat concerned how attentive they would be by this time. ![]() |
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