Why Arent You Making a Ton of Cash as an Affiliate

Matthew Zavadil & David Huizar

5 keys to you becoming a successful affiliate:


Before you become an affiliate for someone, you want to know one major thing. You want to be very sure theyve taken the time to test their whole sales process!

Have they invested some of their own time and money into fine-tuning and improving their sales letter until it really converts visitors into buyers Is their ordering process simple for your prospects to navigate

The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of your time and money to generate traffic to a sales letter that cant sell its way out of a paper bag, right

One way to figure this out is to use a little common sense. How does the sales letter affect you Is it professional Does it suck you in Do you find you cant stop reading it because you just need to know how this product can help solve the problem its saying it can

Does it make you want to buy One thing you dont want to do to the lifeblood of your business your prospects is sell them "junky" stuff.


You should pick a product that pays you at least $25 for each sale. Unless you become an affiliate for more than one product well touch on this point a little later, stick to the $25 as a minimum price point so you can take your advertising costs out and still make a profit.


It must be free to join an affiliate program. If they are charging you to join, or require you to buy their product first, its not an affiliate marketing program.


A great place to start is Clickbank. They have one of the largest affiliate marketing programs you can find. Just go to http://www.clickbank.com and get a clickbank ID.

At Clickbanks home page, go to "Earn Commissions" and search for products that fit you and your site. They are even ranked in order of popularity. Thats another sign of whether its a program worth your time.

Another place you can go is http://www.lifetimecommissions.com .

Amazon has a good affiliate marketing program. Go to http://www.amazon.com and click on "Join Associates" near the bottom of the page. You wont get as much of a commission for each sale as you will from Clickbank or Lifetime Commissions but it does accumulate over time.


The real key to being successful with affiliate marketing is to develop a good content based website and weave your affiliate links into all your content. You want to "pre-sell" your prospects rather than "sell" them.

Leave the job of "selling" to the sales letter page you are transferring them to. Your job is to provide your prospects with good, quality content regarding whatever they are interested in. Inside this information, when its relevant, just "recommend" that they click to an offer you honestly believe will be of immense help to them.

Wouldnt you rather have a friend recommend you something of value and allow you the time to consider whether its right for you rather than be "sold" Everyone who visits your site feels the same so remember this.

We mentioned earlier that wed discuss becoming an affiliate for more than one product and how it affects the minimum commission youre willing to accept. If you put together a content site as were recommending, the $25 minimum isnt as critical.

Of course, youd like the maximum, fair commission possible, but if you have 15 or so programs youre recommending, you can offer quality products for less. If one of your products brings you $10-$15 in commission and you have some others paying you $25, $75 or more, you can see youre averaging a good return over-all.

Why arent you making a ton of cash as an affiliate Follow these 5 points and we see big profits in your future!

About The Author

David Huizar and Matthew Zavadil http://www.zero2hero2day.com have a combined 14 years experience in business building and coaching. They focus on empowering you to "Unleash the Wealth Inside You" and gaining freedom through the wonders of Internet business. For more FREE information on Affiliate Marketing, send a blank email to mailto:affiliatemaster@aweber.com

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