Alternative Medicine Information
Treating West Nile Virus with High Quality St. Johns Wort
West Nile Virus, although new to the U.S., is
well-documented. The Centers for Disease Control
identifies it as a flavivirus, a member of the
Togavirus family. It is closely related to yellow
fever and dengue fever. This is important because
the Togavirus family are encapsulated viruses,
i.e., they are covered with a lipid (fatty)
The Facts About Glutathione and Parkinsons Disease
Parkinson's Disease (PD), a devastating illness, occurs in one of every 100 people over 65.
Alcohol : How Badly Can It Affect Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sufferers?
The wonders of alcohol.
Focus Your Light: Earning Money From Home When You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Fibromyalgia
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Fibromyalgia makes you extremely tired, exhausted and weak. It means you only have a fraction of the waking hours that most people enjoy - and even those waking hours are often spent feeling exhausted and with brain fog.
Injured Athletes and Acupuncture
I have always been amazed at the clinical results that I have seen with injured
athletes and acupuncture. For a while, my wife and I worked closely with a number
of athletes from a world championship athletic team, the Santa Barbara Condors At
the world class level, these athletes would be compared to world cup soccer players
in the way their body is used and abused. My findings were that for most types of
injuries, acupuncture had profound results. What is important is the distinction
between acupuncture that is used to get rid of pain, and acupuncture that is used to
relax the muscles and soft tissue (while freeing up the energy flow). Also, the
distinction of separating sprain from strain and tear. The best results that I always
found were from stress and strain. Tear, I would always refer to an Orthopedic
Physician and suggest herbs to speed up the healing process. When it comes to
knots, clicks, pops, soreness, tension, and aches, acupuncture is extremely
Getting Rid Of Gallstones Naturally
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that sits on the right side of our bodies just beneath the liver. Its primary function is to store and secrete bile. Bile is a yellow-brown fluid produced by the liver, which helps us digest fats. Our liver produces up to three cups of bile a day. Our gallbladder can store up to a cup of bile as it awaits a fatty meal.
Top 3 Reasons Why You Suffer From Pain In The Back Of The Knee
Pain behind the knee is something many of us have or might experience if we play sports that involve bending at the knees, running, tennis, or any activity that puts strain on the area.
Being Rubbed Up ? The Right Way! - The Therapeutic Wonders of Massage
PROBABLY one of the most powerful preventive medicine tools available to us is that of Massage. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment and can be traced back many thousands of years to the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese who are said to have practiced massage as a spiritual art. The word Massage comes from the Greek ?massein? meaning ?to knead?.
Today in this fast paced 21st century, it could be argued that we?ve never known a more hectic style of living. When we become stressed our activity becomes strenuous and our energy requirements exceed supply. Our bodies can become tired and stiff, our muscles cramped and sluggish with the overall feeling of being tense, fatigued and stressed. But do we take time-out? Do we look for ways to relax and slow down? Do we decide to nurture ourselves a little? Usually not! Let?s face it, most of us just soldier on. We are so caught up on the treadmill of our busy lives that we have forgotten how to listen to our bodies.
The experts and their statistics tell us that we are living longer than ever before. Our life expectancy is extending every few years with a result that most of us can now expect to live well into our eighties! Perhaps this is one of the reasons that more and more people today are now taking responsibility for their own health and well being. People are looking to complementary therapies to aid the recovery from tension, stress and fatigue. In our determination to be healthy and remain healthy many of us now use massage as a powerful form of preventative medicine and as part of an integrated approach to our personal health care.
It has long been recognized that the power of touch is crucial to us as humans. We are all sensual beings and as a result our bodies respond well to massage and human contact. Research in the UK has proven that in many health institutions, such as hospitals and nursing homes, etc. patients responded better to treatment and were more content when there was more physical contact between their carers and themselves.
Here?s why it works - There are many types of massage techniques which can include, sports massage, mother and baby massage, Swedish, Shiatsu and Reflexology, but the basic principle of each is very similar. Massage improves circulation allowing your blood to send oxygen and nutrients to your muscles where ultimately they are converted into energy. Furthermore it assists the filtering out of toxins and drains the essential lymph system which is so important for a strong immune system. The result? A nourished, cleansed and relaxed body and a wonderful sense of well being that can last for many days afterwards!
1) A qualified massage therapist will have undergone a substantial period of training and should be a member of an international association relating to his/her specific field of expertise. There are a number of excellent therapists in your locality and referring to your telephone directories should provide you with a qualified massage therapist or clinic in your area.
2) Your therapist will want to get to know about you on your first visit and will prepare a personal case history based on a number of questions he/she will ask. In order for the therapist to provide you with the best suited therapy during your session these questions are important and will touch upon medical, social, personal information as well as your family history of illnesses, etc. Based on the information compiled the therapist will then design a treatment specifically for you.
3) It is important for you to feel at ease with your therapist and it is the practitioner?s job to make you feel comfortable and explain to you what they will be doing.
4) Always let your therapist know what you are planning to do after your massage.
5) If you are planning to have an Aromatherapy Massage, i.e. a massage combined with pure essential oils, it is best not to have a shower or bath for approximately eight hours as this period of time is needed to allow the full absorption of the oils into the body.
6) Finally when your session is complete your therapist will allow you some quiet time to relax on your own before getting up and heading off and continuing your day.
So, as and from today, make a promise to yourself, commit to having a healthier body, system and rested mind and book that massage appointment now ? aren?t you worth it?
Roundworm and Parasitic Infections
A parasite is an organism that lives off, and generally within, a host body. This can include your body, or the body of an animal, like your pet. Parasites live off of the "life" of another body, feeding on the nutrients, cells, and organs, of the host. They can reproduce by the thousands, depositing thousands of eggs, or simply replicating by cell division, within the host's tissues and cells. Estimates are that up to 85% of the human population is infected with parasites, and up to 50% of people in the United States are infected.
The Origins of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils to treat various ailments, has been used by healers for thousands of years. Although its origins are difficult to trace, the use of aromatherapy goes back at least 4,000 years, possibly beginning with the ancient Egyptians, who were known to have used aromatic botanicals in many different ways. The Egyptians used a number of herbs and spices for soothing massage, medicine, cosmetics, and even in their embalming practices.
When Your Emotions Become Like Ticking Bombs & Cause Disease
So, where does disease come from? How does it get manifested in your body in the first place? Do environment and diet really play key roles in causing disease? Well, the information contained in this article will shock you to say the least. For years now health officials have told the public about how diet and environment specifically contribute to most illnesses.
My Search for Happiness in the First Year of Sobriety
Constipation: A Serious Health Concern
How often do you go to the bathroom and have a bowel movement?
I realize that this question may seem odd, but it the most basic sign of good digestive health. Over 95% of health problems start in the digestive system and constipation is certainly a culprit in many of these maladies.
Natural Healing For The Body
Back-to-Nature Aromatherapy
Test Your Indoor Air Quality!
How safe is your Indoor Air?
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Can I Be Hypnotised?
If you are conscious, have an IQ higher than about 80 (average is 100), have the ability to concentrate, and also have the ability to dream ? then you can be hypnotised.
How I Overcame Anxiety/Panic Attacks
Has this ever happened to you, out of the blue, for
apparently no reason at all? You suddenly start
experiencing any or all of the following symptoms:
shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort such
as tightness, lightheaded, dizziness, faint, palpitations,
a pounding heart, sweating, trembling or shaking, a
choking sensation, nausea or stomach cramps,
numbness or a tingling sensation, chills or hot flashes.
Hemorrhoids Remedy: Practical Diet Tips, Toilet Habits And Exercise To Prevent Hemorrhoid Symptoms
Some people say that prevention is better than cure. That is a wise statement indeed. We may not know it but many of our common habits are the main causes of hemorrhoids. This article will show us which habits they are as well as list out a few tips to hemorrhoid prevention.
Is Heat or Ice Better for Arthritis Pain?
You probably know that applying heat or ice to a painful joint can help relieve pain, but have questions about these simple techniques. Which one? Why? How often? How long?
What Does The Label Vegan Mean in Bedding Products?
Vegan, or vegetarian, organic fills and batting, are natural materials free of animal ingredients and by-products (including wool, silk, fur, leather, dairy, eggs, honey, beeswax, and lanolin). Additionally, no animal ingredient or animal by-product inputs are used in manufacturing and processing. Vegan also means these natural materials have not been tested on animals.
Herbs Can Heal You or Save Your Life
A history
Is Green Tea Good for Me?
Scientific studies continue to show that green tea is good for you.
Anti Aging Tips & Techniques
Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. Even the cells grow and die as time passes "there was nothing to stop these changes" but this sentences is no more existing. Man has found ways to slow stop and even reverse the growth of human bodies. Anti aging is a process in which a person can stay young for a long time.
CPT Codes; What are you Getting Billed for?
All of us visit some sort of medical office from time to time and some of us make the visit a routine. No matter how many times we go in for a checkup or treatment we usually end up paying a relatively inexpensive co-pay for the services rendered to us. So who makes up the difference and how do they pay it? Obviously, the doctors and nurses that we visit are not making a living off of our co-pay; so how do they obtain the additional money from our heath care provider? In this article, I will tell you the basic information about CPT Codes and what they are used for.
New Age Torture
I'll admit it ... I'm a spiritual tramp. I've spent the last few years slutting around, looking for a cure for all my aches and pains. So far the only thing I seem to have cured is my curiosity. This morning, as I rose from my bed, feeling worse than ever, I found myself summing up the total experience of my New Age Vision Quest with one Monty Python line: "Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!" For like the Spanish Inquisition, the goal of New Age Therapies is to get you to confess -- for instance -- you're lying on a table, all blissed out, and then suddenly some healer, with a gentle voice sticks a needle attached to an electrode in between your front and second toe, mumbles something about "activating the Chi in your angry liver" and then walks away with a sadistic chuckle telling you"it's all right to scream if you want" while recalling painful childhood memories.
The Power of Ganoderma in Oriental Medicine
Ganoderma, a rare variety of Mushroom credited with the highest medicinal qualities by the classic Chinese 'Seng Nong' is indeed a subject of much research from the ancient china of 100 B.C. or earlier to the modern times by various universities and research organizations. It is also known as Linghzi in China and Reishi in Japan.
Reflexology Therapy
Reflexology therapy, (an ancient art practiced by early Egyptians), is also a science founded on the basis that areas of the feet, hands and ears are comprised of zones and reflex areas that correspond to all glands, organs, and bodily systems.
About Candida, Its Symptoms & Treatment
Candida is a fungal infection affecting the moist external area of the body like mouth, nostril, in side folded skin and vagina basically of a parasitic fungus. There are many types of Candida fungus like Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Tropicalies, Candida vini and sub-types named after the infected areas like Cutaneous Candidasis, Thrush, Vaginal Candidiasis, Penile Candidiasis, Pulmonary Candidiasis, Esophagus Candidiasis, Invasive Candidiasis and the treatments for respective infections are identified.
Cure for Shingles
Shingles is a patch of painful blisters that appear on one side of the body. These blisters are filled with fluid. These blisters are caused by the varicella-zoster virus, a virus from the herpes family causes chicken pox in us. Shingles may cause permanent damage to vision and hearing capability in some cases. If shingles is found near the eyes and ears it should be treated immediately.
Bling Therapy - Healing with Gemstones
From jeweled necklaces to ankle bracelets, and all the tops and bottoms in between, we suddenly see Bling on every one and every thing! You instinctively knew that something about diamonds and rubies made you feel good when you first saw them sparkle on your friends, and they made you feel even better when they were shining on you.
How Can Green Tea Benefit My Family?
No doubt you've heard of Green Tea and the health benefits you can experience from drinking it.
A Grounded Look at the Nature of Healing
In "Evidence for the Sixth Sense", Hazel Courteney interviews an American scientist, Gary Schwartz, regarding the nature of energy and its relationship with the physical world. He explains three worldviews; one, that matter produces energy, it is a side effect of the physical world. For example, the sun is a physical object, and it produces energy in the form of light. The second theory was put forward by Einstein, theorises that energy and matter are both sides of the same coin, neither of them being before the other. Energy can create matter and matter can create energy. Regarding this theory, Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), a French Catholic Priest and Philosopher, theorised that matter is the outward manifestation and conscious energy is the inward manifestation of the world. This implies that everything is conscious regardless of how basic or apparently 'lifeless' it is.
Some O. H. & S. For You To Consider
Clicking a mouse isn't exactly vigorous exercise, so I thought we might consider a little Occupational Health and Safety. If you're like me, you spend quite a few hours each day 'slaving over a hot computer' - and it's probably one the most sedantary things you can do.
Migraines Are The Great Equalizers
Migraine headaches must be one of the great equalizers that tell you in no uncertain terms to stop what ever you are doing now!
Alternative Health Practitioner, How to Pick the Perfect Help for You
Therapists, physicians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, body workers and energy workers need to be interviewed and checked out just like your roofer!