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Alternative Medicine Information
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Three Immune System Building Natural Remedies Here are three products that can help you elevate your immune system and lessen or prevent you from getting the flu. Use one or both of them to super charge your immune system. Aloe Vera, an Alternative That Will Improve Your Looks and Your Outlook Do you remember your teen years? Remember that schoolmate that had a less than perfect complexion and always seemed to be the object of cruel comments? Sure, you can relate to what I'm saying! Perhaps it was even you at the receiving end of those comments. Unfortunate as it may be, as a teenager, our outward appearance plays a vital role in issues of self-esteem. Our peers often exasperate the tiniest of imperfections that we may have, making them a Goliath in our life. Many of us needlessly suffered the humiliation of being called toad-face, wart hog or other disparaging names. Mother Nature provides a simple effective treatment for most diseases of the skin, especially those that frequently occur with most young adults. Hypnotherapy and How it Can Help Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to unlock the capacity of the unconscious mind to bring about therapeutic changes by modifying deeply-held assumptions, fears and misconceptions. An Aspirin A Day Can Give You Cancer I want to share a health alert with you. So many people today are taking an aspirin a day - many upon the recommendation of their doctors and many simply because they think it is the "healthy" thing to do. However, a recent study involving 88,000 nurses revealed a 58% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer among those who took 2 or more aspirins per week for 20 years or more. ("Daily aspirin use linked with pancreatic cancer," Reuters Health News, 10/27/03) Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of constipation. Foam Pillows are Changing the way the World Sleeps For countless people worldwide, getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis is an elusive, if not almost impossible, goal. The causes for this malady are numerous, and could consist of overwork, stress, pain, a sleep disorder, and the list goes on. While some people may require a physician's assistance in developing a normal sleep pattern, many Americans have found great benefit by merely changing one or more of their bedding products. Healing and Transformation Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Guide To Some Common Herbs That Heal Herbs have long been an acceptable way to fight common ailments and while they should not take the place of medical advice, can be a great supplement to your current medical care. There are many common herbs that have healing properties which you may not even know about. Acupuncturists An ancient Chinese method of pain relief and disease treatment; acupuncturists have used acupuncture effectively over several centuries. Acupuncturists use a treatment where fine, hair-like needle insertion is done over several, specific areas of the body. Drug Addiction Treatment Centers: A Fresh Start Half a decade ago, I started working on a hotline to help addicts and their families find drug addiction treatment centers. Thousands of calls later, I still remember the first time I picked up the line. Working with an Intuitive Counselor: Opening the Door to Yourself "Oh, I've had a psychic reading before. They read some cards and wanted to know when my birthday was and then told me I'd meet a man in the next 6 months, but I never did." I've heard this from clients before. The difference is that after working with an Intuitive Counselor, they see that intuition, psychic ability and energy awareness is for so much more. An Udderly Ricidulous Home Remedy Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks? The 5 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste A Must Read if You Have Children! Hypnosis for Change Change is what we want. Change is what we fear. Hypnosis offers a resolution for this dilemma. How does it do that? Hypnosis does it by recognising that your mind is so much more powerful than you think it is and by demonstrating that to you. But of course, since you don't believe your mind is so powerful, that doubting aspect of your mind has to be distracted. This distraction of conscious interference is given a special name - trance. But trance sounds a bit mystical and strangely otherworldly and so myths and irrational fears about trance and hypnosis have emerged. I'm going to explore these myths and fears and in doing so reveal that hypnosis is the utilisation of a perfectly natural state for your benefit. Headaches/Migraine "Oh, how densely packed your head is, my sweet," sighs Grandmother Growth. "I'm afraid there's no room for new growth. If you could empty your mind, leave off worrying and planning for a while, and give in to the chaos and its random pleasures, just for a short time, I think you'd feel less pressure and your head would hurt less. The energy of your womb now circulates inside you and throbs in your head. Sit quietly; breathe out through the top of your head and imagine the breath falling gently down to earth. Rest your forehead against the earth. Place this cool stone on your third eye. Your Crone's Crowning comes closer. This is the work of your body; let your mind rest." Pain Relief: Is There an Alternative? Do you rely on Vioxx, Celebrex or Aleve (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs) to ease pain? If you suffer from inflammatory arthritis or pain due to injuries, you probably are familiar with one of these drugs. No doubt you have also heard recent reports linking some NSAIDs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Belonging to a class called Cox-2 inhibitors, the drugs in question work by reducing inflammation and pain, while having a minimal effect on stomach bleeding and ulcers. But several studies have raised questions as to the long-term consequences of using Vioxx, Celebrex, Aleve and, possibly, other drugs in this classification. What are the facts and do you have an alternative for pain relief? Hemorrhoids & its Symptoms Hemorrhoids are conditions where there is a swelling of the veins around the anus. The veins may be inflammed sometimes. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the anus or the rectum and the external is found external to the anus or rectum but near them. The internal hemorrhoid may sometime protrude and it is called protruding hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoids are caused due to straining in moving the stool. Top 3 Reasons Why You Suffer From Pain In The Back Of The Knee Pain behind the knee is something many of us have or might experience if we play sports that involve bending at the knees, running, tennis, or any activity that puts strain on the area. Aromatherapy ? Part I: Essential Oils a) WHERE DO ESSENTIAL OILS COME FROM ? - Essential Oils ? Part 1 ![]() |
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