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A Lifestyle Approach to Remedy Snoring If you want to remedy snoring, you have to find the underlying cause. Snoring is not an affliction like the common cold, where you wake up one morning and you've just got it. It is something that normally arrives slowly over time. Most people can't remember the day and date that their snoring started. It was sometime in my mid 30's or some such vague description is the normal response to a question on its arrival. Anxiety Anxiety is a pernicious little devil; it can hold us back, freeze our creativity and diminish our ability to fight our way out of trouble. Anxiety leads to a 'vicious cycle' in which anxiety feeds poor performance which increases anxiety and . . . you get the picture. How to Stop Bleeding Gums Bleeding gums can be one sign of periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other serious problems. Other symptoms like bad breath, toothache, and receding gums indicate poor dental health. Reiki REIKI is a form of natural healing through direct application of Universal Life Force Energy, or CHI (the term used by Chinese mystics and martial artists for the underlying Universal force, otherwise, energy). Through Reiki, energy is thought to be effected by thought. Reiki implies that our energy can be shaped and manipulated by thought patterns. Laxatives You Find In The Drugstore A laxative is defined as, What Is Reiki? Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing in which a properly attuned Reiki Practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal Life Force (or ReiKi). The Reiki practitioner opens them self up as a conduit for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a higher source to facilitate healing or correct a person's aura. The Reiki Practitioner is not a healer per se ? but the energy moves through them to work with the recipient's higher will in correcting imbalances and treating situations from the core causal point rather than the effect. This is thought to have a beneficial effect on the body, mind, and spirit, emotional and in Indian systems - the chakra system. Bladder Infections "If you let that fiery wise blood just sit there in your belly, great granddaughter," admonishes Grandmother Growth, "you'll get the urge to quench that heat. You'll get a tickle, a twinge, an urgent call. But you won't have the moisture you need. It's boiled away. It's gone up in steam. New Age Torture I'll admit it ... I'm a spiritual tramp. I've spent the last few years slutting around, looking for a cure for all my aches and pains. So far the only thing I seem to have cured is my curiosity. This morning, as I rose from my bed, feeling worse than ever, I found myself summing up the total experience of my New Age Vision Quest with one Monty Python line: "Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!" For like the Spanish Inquisition, the goal of New Age Therapies is to get you to confess -- for instance -- you're lying on a table, all blissed out, and then suddenly some healer, with a gentle voice sticks a needle attached to an electrode in between your front and second toe, mumbles something about "activating the Chi in your angry liver" and then walks away with a sadistic chuckle telling you"it's all right to scream if you want" while recalling painful childhood memories. More Sinus Headaches Home Remedies One of the best sinus headaches home remedies, is called acupressure. All you got to know is your sinus points and then you can use this acupressure method to treat your self and rid yourself of the pain, and the best thing about the acupressure method is that it has no side effects. This is one of those sinus headaches home remedies that you can do completely on your own and if you are doing it properly, you can get almost instant relief. I have described the steps in detail in the points that follow, try doing it and I promise you, you'll be glad you did. Various Types of Herbal Medicine: Used for Thousands of Years to Successfully Treat Diseases Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for 'new drugs' and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available. Discover The Missing Key to Improving Your Health Do you know the top ten causes for death? You will recognize them all. The Healing Power of Water Gardens If you experienced a day filled with running from one place to the next, one errand to the next, one meeting to the next, imagine a place where all your troubles can melt away. A place where the stressors of the day are nonexistent. A place where peace and tranquility are norm. As The Primary Caregiver, Should I Journal My Feelings About Alzheimer?s Disease? Being a caregiver is stressful and difficult. It involves contradictory feelings, thoughts and frustrations. When you have to care for a loved one who has Alzheimer's, you have to be patient, talk with a calm voice and never "talk down" to your loved one. Bring Peace and Serenity to Your Life Through Hypnosis! Hypnosis: It happens to everyone, young and old, in everyday life and on special occasions. It is a state of being fully absorbed and attentive to such a degree that occurrences in the outside world become less important. It feels good to be in hypnosis. It is a time of total and complete relaxation for the mind, body and spirit. Holistic Is Not A Four-Lettered Word If you're anything like me, then you've got a certain picture in your mind of what *holistic* is supposed to be. For me, it's conjured up pictures of holy men, or shaman, doing a ritual dance while chanting mantras, and rubbing *energy crystals* in an effort to remove evil spirits from your life. It wasn't until I started doing research for my new book, *5 Keys To Health: A Holistic Approach* when I realized that my preconceptions couldn't have been more further from the truth. Oregano Supplements : An Effective Natural Treatment for Fungus and Other Ailments What's the big deal with oregano? Many of you have eaten foods containing oregano, or even sprinkled it on your pizza, without knowing its healing powers. In a comparative research, oregano topped the list of healthy herbs according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to, Shiow Y. Wang, Ph.D., the study's lead researcher and biochemist, herbs with the highest antioxidant activity belonged to the oregano family. In general, oregano had three to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied. Medical Alert Jewelry: A Life Saving Fashion Statement No one really wants to be labeled as "different." And certainly, no one wants to create that label and apply it to him or herself. But many medical conditions require some form of identification indicating that such a condition exists and must be considered in the case of an emergency. Thus, millions of people with hundreds of medical conditions must advertise that fact simply to protect themselves. For many, jewelry is the chosen medium. Bleeding Gums Bleeding gums can be one sign of periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other serious problems. Other symptoms of poor dental health may include persistent bad breath, toothache, and receding gums. Untreated, bleeding gums and gum disease can lead to serious medical problems. Good oral hygiene, including thorough brushing and the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth, is crucial. However, brushing alone is not enough to stop bleeding gums. Total oral hygiene requires a comprehensive plan to care for the entire mouth, including the teeth and gums, but also including all of the tissue inside the mouth. How to Stop Hair Pulling With Hypnosis Stress caused by the day-to-day issues of home life and work can bring people to their breaking point. Many people struggle with the feeling of wanting to pull out their hair. Problems arise however when you reach the point where you actually do pull your hair out. The actual scientific word for hair pulling is trichotillomania. French dermatologist Hallopeau created the term in 1989 when he saw the results of hair pulling in his patients. The Trichotillomania Learning Center estimates that there are between 6 and 8 million Americans struggle with trichotillomania. The Effects of Diet on Infertiltiy Overwhelmed by studies, research and the constantly changing diet, nutrition and food recommendations? With so many conflicting opinions and studies it's a full time job trying to keep up with the do's and don'ts. ![]() |
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