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Alternative Medicine Information
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Essential Oils Are Essential For Our Time What is "it"? Oils-Pure Essential Oils. Frankincense and Myrrh, for Christ's birth; Christ anointed with oils for healing. The Egyptians used it for healing, so why don't we? We have been exposed to oils for basic smells, but what about using them for more therapeutic purposes? Natural Healing For The Body Back-to-Nature Aromatherapy Are You Suffering From Chronic Constipation? Embarrassing as it may be, we have all suffered from constipation at one time in our life or another. According to the National Health Interview Survey as many as 3 million Americans suffer from frequent if not chronic constipation. While constipation is not recognized as a degenerative disease or serious disorder, people who are constipated often feel bloated, uncomfortable and even sluggish. Constipation by itself is miserable enough, but sufferers often experience painful bowel movements that can become compounded by hemorrhoids that form due to straining. Headaches/Migraine "Oh, how densely packed your head is, my sweet," sighs Grandmother Growth. "I'm afraid there's no room for new growth. If you could empty your mind, leave off worrying and planning for a while, and give in to the chaos and its random pleasures, just for a short time, I think you'd feel less pressure and your head would hurt less. The energy of your womb now circulates inside you and throbs in your head. Sit quietly; breathe out through the top of your head and imagine the breath falling gently down to earth. Rest your forehead against the earth. Place this cool stone on your third eye. Your Crone's Crowning comes closer. This is the work of your body; let your mind rest." Medical Alert Jewelry: A Life Saving Fashion Statement No one really wants to be labeled as "different." And certainly, no one wants to create that label and apply it to him or herself. But many medical conditions require some form of identification indicating that such a condition exists and must be considered in the case of an emergency. Thus, millions of people with hundreds of medical conditions must advertise that fact simply to protect themselves. For many, jewelry is the chosen medium. Why DO the Japanese Have the Longest Lifespan? Part 2: Live the Lifestyle Why do the Japanese have the longest lifespan? Last month you learned to eat the things Japanese people eat, and now you will learn how to live like they live. Fast, long, and lively best describes a usual day in Japan. The country is geared towards an active lifestyle, as the 'couch potato' concept is completely foreign. This lively lifestyle centers around three key aspects: work, socializing and recreation. Tips for Staying Young Eternally What is something that goes up but never comes down? Your age! Chiropractors: Theyre on My Team! Whenever I see the title "men's health", it conjures up a couple of images in my mind, and as far as most of the articles I see on the subject, they fall into one of two distinct and very different categories. It's either a sort of bodybuilding bust-your-buns biceps and washboard abs type deal with the fake tan and the body oil and the ubiquitous smile or it's the serious senior, Alan Alda persona doctor advising on the necessity of enduring an examination with a latex glove and all the guilt you have to endure if you don't. Norepinephrine ? A Factor in Fibromyalgia Pain That Your Subconscious May Be Able to Curb Normally an inhibitor of pain, norepinephrine can produce pain as well--especially in the case of fibromyalgia. Your subconscious may be able to help counteract the effects of this pain-related brain chemical. Alzheimer?s Patients And Verbal Abuse: How To Deal With It Abuse of any kind is difficult to deal with. Types of verbal abuse can include the following: Bleeding Gums Bleeding gums can be one sign of periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other serious problems. Other symptoms of poor dental health may include persistent bad breath, toothache, and receding gums. Untreated, bleeding gums and gum disease can lead to serious medical problems. Good oral hygiene, including thorough brushing and the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth, is crucial. However, brushing alone is not enough to stop bleeding gums. Total oral hygiene requires a comprehensive plan to care for the entire mouth, including the teeth and gums, but also including all of the tissue inside the mouth. Got a Headache? Painkillers Are NOT the Solution! Say you had a stressful day at work, didn't get enough sleep the night before and as a result you've got a bad headache. What do you do? It's easy! You take good old Tylenol or other over-the-counter medicine. And it helps! No more headache, the world is bright again. Shamanic Healing & Soul Retrieval Shamanic healing is one of the vast numbers of healing modalities available for us to experience today. Like acupuncture its roots are in the mists of time and like acupuncture it works with unseen energy. Acupuncture is usually associated with the East, while there have been shamanic healers for thousands of years in tribal communities all around the world. Prenatal Massage What is prenatal massage? Prenatal Massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that is geared to meet the unique needs of the pregnant woman. Promoting better function of muscles and joints, prental massage also improves circulation and overall body tone. Additionally, prenatal massage decreases mental and physical fatigue as well. Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive Many people ask me how I started doing this work. Junk Food Is Not Easier To Eat There is something to be said about fast food being more convenient then healthy food that helps you be thin. I will give you that. But wait, how about this. Convenient when? It is definitely convenient now. How about later, when you don't have enough energy to do anything but go to sleep? Or when you cannot focus because all you feel like doing is taking a nap. Or is it more convenient when you have indigestion and heartburn and don't feel like doing anything? New Age Torture I'll admit it ... I'm a spiritual tramp. I've spent the last few years slutting around, looking for a cure for all my aches and pains. So far the only thing I seem to have cured is my curiosity. This morning, as I rose from my bed, feeling worse than ever, I found myself summing up the total experience of my New Age Vision Quest with one Monty Python line: "Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!" For like the Spanish Inquisition, the goal of New Age Therapies is to get you to confess -- for instance -- you're lying on a table, all blissed out, and then suddenly some healer, with a gentle voice sticks a needle attached to an electrode in between your front and second toe, mumbles something about "activating the Chi in your angry liver" and then walks away with a sadistic chuckle telling you"it's all right to scream if you want" while recalling painful childhood memories. Different Detox-cleansing Regimes Your body should clean itself naturally, but today's diets make that process difficult. Many turn to internal body cleansing to rid the body of waste products and toxins. A detoxification treatment is designed to help the body eliminate stored toxins and strengthen the organs involved in this process. Full Spectrum Daylight Bulbs ? Simply Light Years Ahead! Sunlight is a vital nutrient, which regulates the activity of the hypothalamus gland that secretes seratonin, controlling our moods, biorythms, sleep patterns, body temperature, digestion and sex drive. In addition, the photochemical action of sunlight on our skin activates the production of vital Vitamin D essential for growth and maturation of cells, the maintenance of the bones and a healthy immune system. ADHD The Easier Solution ADHD is a very rapidly growing part of the health care industry. The symptoms are varied, including: irritability, hyperactivity and behavioral problems. Many kids are so affected that they require some pretty hefty drugs to control them. ![]() |
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