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Feng Shui To Attract Love
Not having much luck in love lately? Relationship falling apart? Maybe its those upside down dried flowers in you have hanging in your hallway, (oh so chic in Martha Stewart Land but the kiss of the death in Feng Shui circles.) Or maybe its the antique full length mirror in your bedroom ... Feng Shui (pronounced Feng Shway) is the ancient Chinese art of rearranging design elements so that they harmonize with your enviroment. Several systems are used to determine what should go where to enhance the love life, but the one that applies to anyone reading this is the Pa Kua system. In Pa Kua, the southwest corner is the love sector of your home. First of all get a compass, and find out what exactly is in the Southwest corner of your building. Is there a bedroom there? Good. A toilet there? Bad. It means your romantic prospects are getting flushed away. Is your Southwest corner a badly lit storeroom full of clutter? Also bad. It means your love-life will be as messy as well. In fact, no matter what room that corner is located in, it now becomes your job to enhance it as best as you can, by getting rid of clutter and using decor. You are also going to rehaul the southwest corner of your bedroom to double your chances of attracting romance. What's in southwest corner of your bedroom? A closet? Bad. A vase full of beautiful flowers? Good. That will greatly enhance your chances of attracting a suitable partner. To attract a partner, Feng Shui experts recommend putting a painting of peonies, or a vase of the flowers there. You could substitute any flower for the peony (as long as its not prickly like a cactus), but whatever you do make sure the flowers are fresh. The Chinese hate dead or dried flowers and would prefer that you have those rather than any kind of decay in a spot that signifies your love life. Also lucky for romance, is a pair of wooden ducks or a painting of two ducks (as ducks mate for life) If you don't like how formal these ducks look, you can always do what I did and put two rubber ducks in your southwest corner. Mirrors on the ceiling, especially full-lenght ones, or mirrors on the walls in the bedroom are a big no no, as they symbolize portals through which an interfering third party's energy can enter...Feng Shui masters don't like to invite voyeurism. If you don't like Chinese decor, you could use my favourite westernized Feng Shui tool -- the Lava Lamp. Pink glowing goo moving up and down in your romance corner is sure to send out a sensuous vibe. Pictures or statues of loving couples or love friendly Goddesses such as Venus and Aphrodite would also help activate the love sector. As the southwest corner is symbolized by the earth element, it is also helpful to place crystals there, with the most suitable choice being rose quartz. If you want to go all out, you might want to also consider painting that corner or adjacent walls a bright red, also to symbolize passion. Whatever you do, don't go overboard...you could end up with a bedroom that looks like a Chinese brothel, or worse yet, invite somebody over who is familiar with Feng Shui who might go ³Hmmmm...I see ducks, flowers, crystals, red walls ...I better get out of here! This person is just a tad too desperate for me! Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Any man who can ask a woman to dance, then take charge of what happens on the floor and move relatively smoothly to music, has enormous appeal. Fat or skinny, short, tall, or not even close to attractive, even old, old, old, a man who is comfortable on the dance floor has his pick of the ladies. For whatever the reason, dancing intoxicates. Especially women. Few men can really dance, and those guys are on the floor constantly. Some men think they can dance and do get up, ask the ladies, and have fun. But at least half the men sit or stand uncomfortably on the sidelines with all the women who wish to be on the dance floor. We women don't get to dance nearly as much as we'd like to, even the ladies who are good dancers. There aren't enough dancing men to go around. You can almost feel the yearning, the sadness, and the disappointment in those women and between those non-dancing couples. And the non-dancing guys? Pathetic. I personally know three women close to my age who met their now - spouses on the dance floor, and those ladies were great catches! Gentlemen and ladies, there's a message here. Guys: 1. Take lessons and learn how to dance. Leading well takes skill, but if Drew could learn how, so can you. Creating Relationship Synergy through Rapport Building One of the great things about rapport is that it doesn't matter whether you have agreement or not with the other party. Remember some of the conversations you've had in the past with your best friend, partner or even children. Do you always agree with them? What happens when you disagree? Is it the end of the world or is there friendly banter? Sometimes we simply agree to disagree. I heard someone say once "You can either be right, or you can be happy". I know I'd rather be happy. You can also build relationships with others although you personally don't get along. 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