The Powerful Mastermind Team

Your Access to Achievement

A few years ago I read the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I remember being very intrigued by the title and wondered "How could anyone grow rich just by thinking?

When I first began to grasp a fragment of what the book was revealing about success, I was reading it again as a result of a business I was working with. This time I noticed the one element that was mentioned constantly throughout the book. Have you read and discovered the one secret element within the pages?

It's not bad to read a book and miss the point. But if you read a book that is recommended by so many business-minded people and you don't get the point, you may want to read again until you get the point. Each time you read, you will receive a deeper awareness of what is being offered by the book

This past year, from reading the book again, I completely got the importance of having a mastermind team. It's not good enough just to form a team. It is important to take some steps to create the team in a way that builds a solid foundation for complete loyalty and commitment..

How do you form a criteria for choosing team members?

It would take many pages to fully explain the dynamics of a powerful mastermind team. Here are a few tips for you to consider in your search for teammates:

1. Write down what you wish to achieve, yourself. This goal may be to have people hold each other accountable or it may be to create a new business venture to create a specific minimum of income. It may even be to create a non-profit venture of some sort. It is important that you clearly know what your own intention is from the beginning.

2. Begin to attend business meetings where you get to observe the participation of others. Are they consistent? Do they move the conversation forward? Do they have skills that may make a difference for what you wish to create? Do they express similar goals without having heard yours?

3. Look for people who are successful in what you wish to create. This will bring velocity to your success.

4. Be sure to include people who are at higher levels of success than you are. They will be eager to participate when they see your clear intention and your total commitment to the intention.

It's okay to go it alone. You may achieve a few great things alone. And if you can achieve a few great things alone, imagine what you can achieve with a team of supportive people causing you to have your dreams with more ease and velocity than you ever thought possible.

If you have no failures, redefine your goals. They may be too small. It may take time, but the big goals are the ones that get you up bouncing in the mornings like when you were a child. Remember?

Copyright 2005 Juanita Bellavance

Juanita Bellavance, the author of this article is known for understanding what a client needs to succeed. She can look at what's missing and lead a client into seeing for themselves their own power over it. Because of this realization of their power, people have a shift in belief level. And that shift ignites them into action! A FREE Consult is available to the first three people who email Juanita with "Free Consult" in the subject line.

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