Aviation & Flying Information

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part I

Why did the young man near Tampa, FL fly a little private aircraft into the Bank of America building there? A Cessna 152; What damage could that possibly do? We must figure out a way in preventing our youth from growing up into homegrown terrorists.

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part II

What happened to General Aviation after 9-11? Why did we take the ITC away in the late 80?s? Why were we hostile with IRS regulations toward Civil Air Patrol pilot owners? What else did this cause and why is it significant to this Part II of aviation mentor-ships for young men? We continue now with Part II of ?Young Men trying to imitate the 9-11 Scenario.?

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part III

What caused a teenager to crash an aircraft into the Bank of America Building in Tampa? It makes no sense. Read more in Part III to try to understand the causes involved in this scenario.

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part IV

In conclusion of this young man who crashed a single engine Cessna 152 into the Bank of America we see a whole chain of events; events, which should not have occurred at all. What can we do to prevent such kids from going astray in our society? Read the conclusion of my thoughts and perhaps you might find and answer to these questions.

Private Jet Ownership Indeed

Wouldn?t you like to own your own private jet? Have you ever thought about it? Many of us have and you know what it is not all that expensive as you might think after all. Private jet ownership is really taking off these days. As a matter of fact manufacturers of business aircraft are quite happy with the market sector and most are completely bullish on their future prospects in the industry.

China is Starting to Build Military Fighter Trainers

China is entering the jet fighter trainer business and set to start building a completely new generation of trainers called the JL-19 Mountain Eagle. The jet is also know as the FTC-2000, which is interesting, as the FTC is the agency which is crippling our US Corporations competitiveness over seas now. The JL-19 or FTC 2000 aircraft is a tandem two-seat, single engine jet fighter aircraft developed by Guizhou Aviation Industry. This is the same manufacturer of the JJ-7 fighter trainer now being used in the Chinese Air Force.

The Wright Brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it. There is probably no greater success story than that of Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi

Boeing it is said took a big gamble in predicting the future of air travel. Instead of going bigger like Airbus and building an aircraft like the A380, the biggest airliner ever built; The Boeing Company decided to go for a more efficient smaller aircraft with better materials and better range. It worked and sales are really going strong for Boeing. The economists in the commercial aviation business were watching the trends and they agreed.

Cactus Fly-In, Casa Grande AZ

Every year in Arizona is the Cactus Fly-in which is one of the largest events in the city of Casa Grande AZ air show and fly-in, which is always well attended and a huge success. The event seems to be growing every year, much busier this year than last year even though general aviation has suffered due to 9-11. It is events like this that help us promote our general aviation business sector in the United States.

Airbus to Build $600 Million Aircraft Manufacturing Plant in US

Airbus has announced that it will build a $600 million aircraft manufacturing plant in Mobile Alabama. This is significant news and will open doors to US based commercial airlines to buy more Airbus Aircraft in the future. Alabama is quite good at attracting manufacturing facilities such as Mercedes, Nissan and other automobile manufacturers and is known for their tax incentives and pro-business stance.

India Air Traffic Issues to Come

As India increases its economic growth the population is taking to the air in travel and more and more are flying. Commercial Aviation traffic has increased ten fold in te last five years and is expected to do so again. India will need to set up the latest in air traffic control to handle the crowed skies. Additionally India?s private aircraft markets are increasing too along with a brand new general aviation manufacturing sector.

Is your air traffic control person real?

Have you ever been flying around in your private plane and the control tower or approach control has sent you on a vector or asked you to do something, which made no sense at all? But of course you did it anyway, because they are in charge right? You might have thought to yourself; ?Is this guy for real?? ?Is this guy in some kind of dreamland, asleep up there?? Well in the future such questions may not be too far off actually. For instance your air traffic control tower professional maybe in augmented reality, sitting in a room with no windows looking at your aircraft on a TV screen or video monitor. A picture of a Beechcraft, not an image of your exact plane. Now a days the air traffic controlers train in the VR, Virtual Reality World.

Concorde Crash Conspiracy - It Could Have Been Prevented

In studying the Concorde crash the investigators determined it was caused by debris on the runway, which had fallen off a Continental Airlines Aircraft, which went down the same runway prior to the Concorde. Some thought the crash was an International Terrorist Attack. Had the debris, which had fallen off been known it could have been picked up prior to the Concorde?s take off roll.

Helicopters - The Multi Utility Machines

The vertical lift technology of helicopters has far more utilitarian aspects to its credit than only being an effective mode of transport. In India, civil helicopters are performing transportation business, be it executive or offshore. But, with Indian skies opening up to international aviation and domestic aviation getting global, it is time we understand that helicopters are the connecting links towards its success. Helicopters can reach where nothing else can. Helicopters can perform EMS (Emergency Medical Service), Law Enforcement, Power Line Survey, Fire Fighting, SAR (Search and Rescue), ENG (Electronic News Gathering) at the same time as connecting the remotest places to the center. While effort is on to improvise our country?s infrastructure by introducing metro rail, building expressways, modernizing railways, building better airports, it is time to incorporate helicopter services as well. Heliports along the expressways and railway tracks will enable timely rescue services in case of accidents.

Fighter Jet Trainers Sport Planes

You want a fighter jet as your personal aircraft; do not deny it. You want to travel faster than the speed of sound and play Top Gun in the sky. Well, it may be possible soon for you to do this, if you have the cash of course. Having studied the possibilities and options for a Supersonic Jet Trainer for fighter aircraft, one might notice that there have been lots of recent media discussions and many solutions at this years Paris Airshow. One such aircraft is the Mako trainer by Mercedes Benz. Top speed 1050 mph. Many years back we used the T-38 an F-5 Tiger with two seats. These units are needed because before you put someone in an F-22 Fighter, which costs 100 million dollars, they better be able to fly the damn thing and fly it well. The Mako could also be a fighter if needed for small countries to be their Air Force. It can use either the EJ200 by Eurojet or an F414 by GE or even Snecma M88 (a company out of France trying to make itself popular in aerospace circles for lightweight high out put engines).

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