Aviation & Flying Information

AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy

The Aerial Fire Fighting Industry uses a system called AFF Automated Flight Following System. It works from a satellite. We are noticing an increase in robotic flying machines, which are called UAVs Unmanned Aerial vehicles. These aerial vehicles use tele-robotics. Soon we will be able to have many aerial unmanned vehicles fly in swarms keying of one in five, ten or even a hundred aircraft. Some of this technology is being tested now and some even in the Middle East battlespace; the ?Sandbox.?

Automated Following Jump System for Paratroopers, AFJS

There are many problems of safety in paratrooper drops. Many times night jumps are done or drops are made into the battlespace under low visibility. This is good and bad. It is good because the enemy cannot see you as easy to kill you, but bad because you cannot see anything either. At night it is often considered a blessing to make a jump into enemy territory because you do so under cover of darkness. Since modern day soldiers have GPS gear and wrist watches; I propose using them to help prevent entanglements, stealing of air flow to another soldiers canopy and burn-ins.

Automated Satellite Following System for UAV Swarms

Much work is being done and the USAF has implemented systems to fly UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in ah hoc formations like swarms of insects or flock of birds. We cannot quite match evolution and bird flock formations but we are on our way. I propose keeping this task of swarming UAVs simple. I propose having every fifth, twentieth or hundredth UAV flown tele-robotically sending information to the satellite. All other UAVs will be controlled thru that data and by satellite in grid formations every half to three miles. All data will be collected by the larger control UAV which is tele-robotically flown. This queen bee, or swarm commander will interpret data and send in relevant data to the command and control tele-robotic augments simulator pilot. Each drone UAV will fly its line on the grid using an offset AFF.

Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show

The Federal Aviation Administration is devising a method of alerting pilots who enter a restricted airspace to leave immediately. To do this is will use a laser beam pointed at the aircraft in a certain color. This is something new, but the concept is probably something, which came from the VASI light system for glide paths on landing. VASI is Vertical Air Situation Indicator.

Airport Noise Reduction

Do you live near an airport and cannot stand the noise? Many of us do. Generally the airport was there before us however. In some cases the little airplanes turned into full-blown airliners. Reducing airport noise can be achieved by using sound waves towards the noise area. One way to do this is to use a similar noise or sound wave and point it above the homes in a flat directional set of beams like a funnel.

Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online

Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you?ve overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you?ll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares.

A Look at Fractional Jet Ownership

We've all experienced it - the commercial flight. After a mad dash to make it to the airport on time, including the hours allotted for getting through security, where you'll have to take off your shoes, empty your pockets, and prove that your laptop is not a bomb, you sit and wait for a couple hours before they decide to start boarding, and give you the privilege of sitting in the cramped seat that you paid a couple hundred dollars for.

Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online

Trying to find really cheap airline tickets can become very frustrating and time consuming but if you know how and where to search you can quickly and easily find airline tickets online.

Finding the Cheapest Airfares

To find the best airfares, it takes a series of actions to be accomplished during the same period of time. Airfare rates change suddenly online, so when you see a price that you are comfortable with, grab it.

Boeing is Really Flying Now

The Boeing Company has completely blown past projections for aircraft sales this month. Before the Annual Paris Air Show the Boeing Company had already made three deals for commercial aircraft of worth over 5 Billion in sales. First they cleared a deal for new 777 Cargo Aircraft, then another for new 737-400s and then another again. Then during the Paris Air Show they had even more commitments for aircraft even tripling the already stunning beginning of the month.

17 Ways to Keep Safe and Secure When Flying

Here are 17 ways to keep safe and secure when flying domestic or abroad. Air travelers need to keep a sharp eye and an ever present focus on what?s going on around them. Even though it has been a few years since the September 11th 2001 hijackings, the threat of terrorist actions against air travelers is still ever present. Not to mention with the hustle and bustle of a busy airport. This is a prime place to be potentially burglarized by a professional thief or criminal.

Overcoming Jet Lag

Jet lag can be one of the worst, and certainly one of the most frustrating, aspects of long distance travel. Also called desynchronosis (meaning ?out of time?), jet lag occurs when travellers pass through multiple time zones, arriving several hours ahead or behind their ?home? time.

Aviation Lawyer: Whether Passenger, Pilot or Owner, You May Need an Aviation Lawyer

If you or a family member has been the victim of an airplane accident, you should find an Aviation Lawyer (Attorney) to help you. It is important to contact an Aviation Lawyer because of the highly specialized nature of Aviation Law. An Aviation Lawyer will understand law involving the industry, the mechanics of aircraft, types of aircraft, and how defects in these put passengers at risk. Aviation Lawyers do not just work for passengers, but for pilots and aircraft owners as well.

Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft

It appears Mexico with its 120 million population is considering getting into the lucrative aviation manufacturing sector. Of course this will mean that they must acquire some expertise and some trading partners to sell to once they build these aircraft. Mexico is looking to team up with the Ukraine to make this happen. Vicenti Fox. Mexico?s President met with the Ukraine and offered to build the An-140. Also to do major repairs there as well. The An-140 is a twin engine turbo prop aircraft used primarily for passengers and cargo; although it has also been used in an AWCS configuration for military and security purposes in Russia. Here is a picture of the aircraft:

De Ice Boots Preventative Care

If you have de-ice boots on your aircraft you realize that for them to last you will need to keep them in new condition. In days gone buy aviators and aircraft mechanics have used all sorts of things to keep them in mint condition. This is especially serious if you park your aircraft out doors for any length of time. Like tires the rubber in de-ice boots gets old and checks. I can remember as a young man cleaning aircraft in trade for flight time often using floor wax on the de-ice boots. It worked well indeed.

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