Aviation & Flying Information
Inflatable Slots for STOL
Short Take Off and Landing Aircraft are extremely valuable in commercial, private, government and military aviation. It is important for safety and for performance. I propose inflatable slots to increase the short take off and landing performance of aircraft. I propose a kit, which can be installed on any aircraft, which can be run thru ram air and glued to the top of the wing and rapped around the leading edge.
Aerodynamic Inflatable Wing Gates for STOL
Low speed flight characteristic are crucial to safety. Those aircraft that have good flight characteristics at low speeds are favored by pilots and the companies, military, NGO or private individuals who operate them. One way to increase positive slow speed flight characteristics is to install vertical gates on top of the wings of the aircraft to keep the air flowing over the wing at slow speeds. The only problem is that at high speeds these gates may also cause increased parasite drag which effects performance.
Lockheed Loitering Missile Expandable Wing Concept
Smart Missiles are expensive, but effective. Efficiency in the the new paradigm of the net-centric warfare will yield results to those who pay attention and do not waste assets.
Making a Mechanical Manta with Material Memory Manufacturing Methods
I propose building a mechanical manta ray as a Underwater Unmanned Vehicle; UUV. The manta ray will have air tanks inside of its wings and a sound device, which will also operate a sonar and an ELF communication system. The air tanks will be flexible rubber type tanks with an array of gases which when hit with a directional sound device will excite the air and gas molecules and expand the tanks, thus flapping the wings. The wings on the down stoke will have material memory making them go back to a neutral position. Material Memory Muscles:
Cracking Aircraft Windows with Directed Sound Waves
Today our modern military scientists have found many uses for directed energy beams. Some of these uses include communication, non-lethal weapons and high-energy lasers. Directed sound waves and harmonics maybe the answer to stopping manned aircraft in the battlespace on its way to find our blue force as its next target. Using such directed waves we can penetrate and crack aircraft canopies, rendering the aircraft useless to continue the mission. Or so disrupt the enemies mission that it is forced to turn back completely and abort or even force the enemy pilot to eject immediately.
Tactile Strip Sensors on Leading Edge of Material Memory Airfoils
Aircraft designers have always tried to figure out the best compromise for the aircraft they build, trying to get maximum performance at both high and low airspeeds. Now with material memory components they will be able to do this. The camber of the leading edge can change to a nice fat round area for slow speeds when Short Take Off and Landing STOL is needed and back to a thin leading edge for the lowest coefficients of drag and optimal cruising speed once airborne. But how will the aircraft know when to do this on its own. After all if the wing has material memory based on a heat, then it might be hotter at lower altitudes and then less ambient temperature (2 degrees per thousand feet) at higher altitudes. Yet when moving much faster the friction will heat up the wing also or you could be flying in an area with temperature inversion like Los Angeles basin where the smog is kept in the valley. (UCLA when the smog clears?)
Static Electricity to Flap UAV Material Memory Wings
How can we keep aircraft and UAVs aloft longer and conserve fuel? How can we have a small MAV or UAV remain airborne for hours on end? Perhaps we should design a unit, which flies like a bird but uses the energy, which is all around us to do so. Electromagnetic Energy is everywhere. Can we design a light-weight vehicle which floats about and flaps every so often to remain airborne? Well as technology gets better with polymer muscles and built in material memory; where the substance is manufactured to keep its original shape like the toy; ?Stretch Armstrong.?
Increasing TAS in Modern Day Fighters with Expandable Wing Tips
As fighter aircraft get faster and faster there is a diminishing return on more aerodynamic streamlining in designs. You can only build the aircraft so ?Aerodynamically Correct? once you have the best optimum design for speed, there is little you can do without changing the aircraft in-flight or the air itself. Of course both of those possibilities have been and are being looked at. Let?s think on the many types of fighter aircraft, which change their configurations in-flight. You have the F-8 Crusader which changed its angle of attack in-flight so it could land at slower speeds, while achieving very high speeds in flight. The F-111 and the F-14 Tomcat both have wings which sweep back in flight as the airspeed increases. Many newer fighter designs have ?thrust vectoring nozzles? to help them with maneuverability and quick turns, well that is as long as the pilot can take the additional ?G?s? without passing out or imploding. The new JSF, B-1 Bomber and other fighters like the F-117 can store their munitions inside the aircraft so they are not hanging out there causing incessant parasite drag or adding to the extremely low radar signatures needed to maintain a stealth configuration. Many fighters will have additional drop tanks for extra fuel, which once used up are dropped. Once dropped the aircraft can then have additional maneuverability and shed the extra drag hanging below. Designers and engineers, even pilots have often thought of ways to redesign the fastest and best performing aircraft in the modern era.
Common Cockpit Concepts and Convenient Configurations
One of the big pushes in aviation and military is to have common cockpit designs, which are ergonomically correct. The Common Cockpit Initiative (CCI) would mean all aircraft have basically the same cockpit; all the instruments would be in the same place, the seats in the same place, in fact nearly everything would be the same. This would make virtual Reality training easy in simulators and allow for maximum efficiency and save lives, as the human component would never be confused and thus fewer mistakes would be made in unfamiliar cockpits under extreme stress during incidents, under fire or during equipment failure. It would allow maximum use of the ?human unit? as everyone could do every job. Taken to extreme this would mean your automobile or a commercial truck would be similar to a war fighting tank, jet airliner, private boat, fighter jet, helicopter and school bus. Engineers laugh often at this saying; ?oh sure and the commode will also be designed like that; once you take a dump you simply move the joy stick down which signals the toilet to release the human waste and flush?? Then another engineer laughs and says; ?Yah or it could be a leveler identical to the ?bombs away? switch in a fighter-bomber carrying the latest smart munitions?? Yes, I was listening as this conversation went on for a few minutes in the lobby bar of a hotel in Dayton, OH during an aviation and space conference.
Getting Cheap Airfares
Airlines offer tickets at a fraction of the cost you buy tickets. These offers are given to wholesalers and agencies that bring good business to them. If you can trace out these wholesalers and agencies, you may get cheap airfares from them. These are seasonal and vary from time to time. You cannot expect the same price all the time. It could be cheaper or slightly higher than what you bought the previous time. Moreover, prices vary with the destination for which you are buying the tickets.
How Cheap Can You Get? Try Online for Cheap Air Tickets
Most consumers feel the airline travel is very costly. We can end up spending a fortune when we add up the various costs, such as flights, accommodation, taxes and insurance, hotel services and car hire. There are so many ways to cut back these expenses without having compromise with the quality or the comfort of the travel and hotel stay.
Flying With Your Dog
A pet owner must research the many requirements before taking a dog on an airplane. Different airlines have slightly different regulations, but most airlines follow the same basic set of rules in regards to flying with a dog.
Essential Oil Skin Care Tips for Frequent Fliers
Are you one of those people that has lots and lots of airline miles, so many that if you had a dollar for each one, you could stop working for a living? Do you know exactly where all the Auntie Anne?s Pretzels are located at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport? Do you book your flights by typing in the 3-letter airport code instead of the city name into the ?Destination? box on-line? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you fly too much ? and if you fly too much, chances are, it has taken a toll on your skin!
How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight
Everyone wants to buy a cheap economy ticket and get bumped up to business or first class. I mean who doesn't want more comfort, more legroom, better service and lounge access? The new generation of flat seats makes flying long-haul more comfortable than ever before.
International Corporate Catering Guide
One of the more challenging aspects of being a flight attendant is providing in-flight service excellence to your customers. When operating out of familiar territory selecting a highly regarded
caterer is usually not a problem. However, can that high level of service be found in Boise as well as in Beijing? And, if so, where can this information be found?
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Find Cheap Tickets From all the Major Airlines
All of the major airlines are now associated with different web sites allowing for you to find discount airfare and cheap tickets on the internet. One of the reasons the airlines have done this is because so many people now have access to computers and the internet.
Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft
It appears Mexico with its 120 million population is considering getting into the lucrative aviation manufacturing sector. Of course this will mean that they must acquire some expertise and some trading partners to sell to once they build these aircraft. Mexico is looking to team up with the Ukraine to make this happen. Vicenti Fox. Mexico's President met with the Ukraine and offered to build the An-140. Also to do major repairs there as well. The An-140 is a twin engine turbo prop aircraft used primarily for passengers and cargo; although it has also been used in an AWCS configuration for military and security purposes in Russia. Here is a picture of the aircraft:
Airline Travel Lingo! Does The Language Need An Interpreter?
With airline travel increasing in record numbers, more people are experiencing the frustration of understanding the airlines industry language, and leaving them feeling that they need an interpreter for the travel information they're receiving from the airline industry!
Airport Noise Reduction
Do you live near an airport and cannot stand the noise? Many of us do. Generally the airport was there before us however. In some cases the little airplanes turned into full-blown airliners. Reducing airport noise can be achieved by using sound waves towards the noise area. One way to do this is to use a similar noise or sound wave and point it above the homes in a flat directional set of beams like a funnel.
Is your air traffic control person real?
Have you ever been flying around in your private plane and the control tower or approach control has sent you on a vector or asked you to do something, which made no sense at all? But of course you did it anyway, because they are in charge right? You might have thought to yourself; "Is this guy for real?" "Is this guy in some kind of dreamland, asleep up there?" Well in the future such questions may not be too far off actually. For instance your air traffic control tower professional maybe in augmented reality, sitting in a room with no windows looking at your aircraft on a TV screen or video monitor. A picture of a Beechcraft, not an image of your exact plane. Now a days the air traffic controlers train in the VR, Virtual Reality World.
Mirrors to Redirect Mini Laser Weapons on Fighters for Vortex Airflows
Recently a new airborne laser system was announced to be put onto fighter jets, once this technology becomes more advanced we will no longer need missiles for air-to-air combat. The system, which will go onto a fighter jet would be called the; "HELLADS" or High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, it is being tested now. It would be a system based on Israel's THEL system which is a mobile "Tactical High Energy Laser"
India Air Traffic Issues to Come
As India increases its economic growth the population is taking to the air in travel and more and more are flying. Commercial Aviation traffic has increased ten fold in te last five years and is expected to do so again. India will need to set up the latest in air traffic control to handle the crowed skies. Additionally India's private aircraft markets are increasing too along with a brand new general aviation manufacturing sector.
A Look at Fractional Jet Ownership
We've all experienced it - the commercial flight. After a mad dash to make it to the airport on time, including the hours allotted for getting through security, where you'll have to take off your shoes, empty your pockets, and prove that your laptop is not a bomb, you sit and wait for a couple hours before they decide to start boarding, and give you the privilege of sitting in the cramped seat that you paid a couple hundred dollars for.
Group Check-in At Airports
Plan Ahead For A Smooth Check-in and Flight
How to Overcome Jetlag
Jetlag seems to be every traveler's worst nightmare ? especially if you're going away for just a short while.
Cracking Aircraft Windows with Directed Sound Waves
Today our modern military scientists have found many uses for directed energy beams. Some of these uses include communication, non-lethal weapons and high-energy lasers. Directed sound waves and harmonics maybe the answer to stopping manned aircraft in the battlespace on its way to find our blue force as its next target. Using such directed waves we can penetrate and crack aircraft canopies, rendering the aircraft useless to continue the mission. Or so disrupt the enemies mission that it is forced to turn back completely and abort or even force the enemy pilot to eject immediately.
Fuselage Mounted Laser Vortex Enhancer Directed to Airfoils
DARPA has developed a small laser cannon, just like Star Wars to use as a weapon in a fighter plane for air to air combat, destroying enemy missiles or perhaps using a combination later on of Argon or CO2 (depending on altitude) for close air support. Recently it was announced that they would put this new airborne laser system onto fighter jets. The system, which will go onto a fighter jet would be called the; "HELLADS" or High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, it is being tested now. It would be a system based on Israel's THEL system, which is a mobile "Tactical High Energy Laser."
How Cheap Can You Get? Try Online for Cheap Air Tickets
Most consumers feel the airline travel is very costly. We can end up spending a fortune when we add up the various costs, such as flights, accommodation, taxes and insurance, hotel services and car hire. There are so many ways to cut back these expenses without having compromise with the quality or the comfort of the travel and hotel stay.
Entering Business Aviation, Part I: Types of Aircraft
The jets that people fly in corporate aviation are usually a lot smaller than those found with the airlines. Exceptions to the rule are Boeing's BBJ and Airbus' Corporate Jet, both of which are based on some of the smaller types of aircraft marketed to the airlines.
Essential Oil Skin Care Tips for Frequent Fliers
Are you one of those people that has lots and lots of airline miles, so many that if you had a dollar for each one, you could stop working for a living? Do you know exactly where all the Auntie Anne's Pretzels are located at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport? Do you book your flights by typing in the 3-letter airport code instead of the city name into the "Destination" box on-line? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you fly too much ? and if you fly too much, chances are, it has taken a toll on your skin!
Entering Business Aviation, Part V: Tips on Finding Work
I will not pretend that this is the easiest topic to write about. In fact, my knowledge of how one finds work as a private flight attendant is based chiefly on what others have shared with me. You can find some useful tips within the many threads written on the Corporate Flight Attendant Community message boards, but to save you from culling through hundreds of threads I will highlight various standout points and include others that have been shared with me over the past several years by industry insiders:
Really Cheap Plane Tickets
To begin with, the best place to buy really cheap plane tickets is online. Travel agencies can't compete with discount ticket sites. Search Google ("cheap airfare south america", for example), or try the well-known sites, like Expedia, Travelocity, Cheap Tickets, Hotwire or Priceline.
Inflatable Aircraft Wing Camber Modification
Every aircraft is a compromise. It is either built to fly fast or slow to land in tight distances and carry more weight. It is a jet or propeller driven craft. It costs a lot with high tech materials or it is simplistic and has less performance. Aircraft are built for many reasons, each one maybe more or less important for its intended purpose. Some aircraft are made to slightly change in flight to serve a niche or a couple of niches better than comparable type aircraft. As we learn more about our options of materials in aerospace we learn of was to incorporate multiple uses and still maintain safety at low airspeeds and efficiency at high speeds.
Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap Airfares
Sex in a Cessna, Part III
So far we have learned the safety aspect of setting the aircraft up in non-restricted airspace, with auto-pilot and away from other aircraft traffic. Now we will describe sexual positions, which will help you maintain controlled flight without restricting visibility. Remember fly the plane first and worry about the sex second.