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Aviation & Flying Information |
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Aviation & Flying InformationDowned Pilots Hibernating From the EnemyWhen we watch Oliver North?s ?War Stories? or the ?Wings Discovery Channel? we often see the problematic issues with downed pilots trying to evade the enemy. They have limited if any food supply and lots of people looking for them. There is a solution or there will be soon as hibernation techniques and technologies become better. Recently Mark Roth and his medical research associates found that by administering hydrogen sulfide gas to mice in a specific ratio they could put the little mammals into suspended animation or hibernation; slowing their bodies down by over 90%. New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers. If and when an International Terrorist Cell gets one, it will become instantly the largest airline disaster in the history of the world, due to the shear number of passengers on board. Luckily bringing down such a large aircraft will not be easy, nor will it be able to be blown out of the sky with a handheld anti-aircraft missile unless it is lucky enough to hit a fuel tank. This of course is unlikely because most handheld missiles are heat seeking and therefore will generally go to where the heat is instead, thus taking out one of four engines. Travel Tips For Getting Through the Airport Easier and QuickerTraveling is different now than it was before 9/11. Arriving at the airport even earlier than before, standing in line longer while waiting to pass through security, having luggage x-rayed, and being pulled aside for random security checks make the time it takes to travel more lengthy than it used to be. Planning ahead can shave off a few minutes here and there and hopefully make your travels less frustrating. Here are some things I have found to be helpful when traveling: Airline Travel Lingo! Does The Language Need An Interpreter?With airline travel increasing in record numbers, more people are experiencing the frustration of understanding the airlines industry language, and leaving them feeling that they need an interpreter for the travel information they're receiving from the airline industry! Group Check-in At AirportsPlan Ahead For A Smooth Check-in and Flight Diamond TwinstarProbably one of the coolest experimental aircraft twin-engine aircraft is the Diamond DA 42 Twinstar. The Twinstar is propelled by twin diesel engines which burn Jet A or even conventional diesel fuel. Sounds cool; doesn?t it? Think of the money you can save? The Diamond Twinstar was a huge hit at Oshkosh 2005 and for good reason; it is sleek and sexy and the performance is unmatched. The new four-seater twin has retractable landing gear and will cruise at 18,000 feet on 11.8 gallons per hour at 201 Kts, YES! Even down at 10,000 feet ASL it will cruise at 180 kts TAS on only 10.7 gallons per hour at 75 percent power. Flying VS DrivingWhen fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. A380 BathroomsBathroom seat with a view; That?s right! The all-new A-380 is trying to make air-travel fun again, with a bathroom with a view. But Airbus is not the only commercial aircraft company, which has their shit together. Boeing is also planning as a standard feature on its 787 airliners to have a window in the laboratories. Will this get more air travelers out of their SUVs and into airliners for those 350 plus mile journeys? Some industry analysts think it just might be the ticket the market sector needs. Helicopters Outfitted With AirbagsYou know those airbags in your car? Did you know they are very similar in nature to the airbags deployment system used to crash land the Mars rover on the surface of Mars? Did you know that one company is making external airbags for helicopters and rotorcraft? It?s all true. There are critical altitudes for helicopters incase of engine failure, altitudes that if the engine quits the helicopter will come crashing to the ground. Normally if the engine quits in a helicopter it can auto-rotate and the rotor blades spin around like a pin wheel or like the Da Vinci model helicopter. This keeps the aircraft gliding and as long as the pilot glides at the proper ratio, the helicopter hovers to the ground and just before getting their it changes the pitch of the rotor blades enabling the helicopter to take a bigger bite out of the air and thus flair for a soft landing. What Causes Jet Lag?Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. Do Jet Lag Diets Work?Anti jet lag diets have been around for some time now, but do they work? Budget Airlines ? Cheap Airfares for Flights around Europe can Reduce Your Vacation CostsHere?s a good tip to help cut the cost of flying to many European cities and make your dollar go a little bit further. How to Save on AirfareThe Internet has provided a revolution in the way people shop for airfares. What used to be the province only of connected travel agents is now the province of every Internet connected traveler. Recent studies have shown that online airfare shoppers visit more than three sites on average to shop for airfares. Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap AirfaresAirfares Inflatable Aircraft Wing Camber ModificationEvery aircraft is a compromise. It is either built to fly fast or slow to land in tight distances and carry more weight. It is a jet or propeller driven craft. It costs a lot with high tech materials or it is simplistic and has less performance. Aircraft are built for many reasons, each one maybe more or less important for its intended purpose. Some aircraft are made to slightly change in flight to serve a niche or a couple of niches better than comparable type aircraft. As we learn more about our options of materials in aerospace we learn of was to incorporate multiple uses and still maintain safety at low airspeeds and efficiency at high speeds.
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Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi Boeing it is said took a big gamble in predicting the future of air travel. Instead of going bigger like Airbus and building an aircraft like the A380, the biggest airliner ever built; The Boeing Company decided to go for a more efficient smaller aircraft with better materials and better range. It worked and sales are really going strong for Boeing. The economists in the commercial aviation business were watching the trends and they agreed. Fuel Costs and Air Fares Set To Rocket After Hurricane Katrina Punishes The US It now looks certain that Hurricane Katrina will push fuel prices - and air fares - up through the roof. Flying With Your Dog A pet owner must research the many requirements before taking a dog on an airplane. Different airlines have slightly different regulations, but most airlines follow the same basic set of rules in regards to flying with a dog. Increasing TAS in Modern Day Fighters with Expandable Wing Tips As fighter aircraft get faster and faster there is a diminishing return on more aerodynamic streamlining in designs. You can only build the aircraft so "Aerodynamically Correct" once you have the best optimum design for speed, there is little you can do without changing the aircraft in-flight or the air itself. Of course both of those possibilities have been and are being looked at. Let's think on the many types of fighter aircraft, which change their configurations in-flight. You have the F-8 Crusader which changed its angle of attack in-flight so it could land at slower speeds, while achieving very high speeds in flight. The F-111 and the F-14 Tomcat both have wings which sweep back in flight as the airspeed increases. Many newer fighter designs have "thrust vectoring nozzles" to help them with maneuverability and quick turns, well that is as long as the pilot can take the additional "G's" without passing out or imploding. The new JSF, B-1 Bomber and other fighters like the F-117 can store their munitions inside the aircraft so they are not hanging out there causing incessant parasite drag or adding to the extremely low radar signatures needed to maintain a stealth configuration. Many fighters will have additional drop tanks for extra fuel, which once used up are dropped. Once dropped the aircraft can then have additional maneuverability and shed the extra drag hanging below. Designers and engineers, even pilots have often thought of ways to redesign the fastest and best performing aircraft in the modern era. Is your air traffic control person real? Have you ever been flying around in your private plane and the control tower or approach control has sent you on a vector or asked you to do something, which made no sense at all? But of course you did it anyway, because they are in charge right? You might have thought to yourself; "Is this guy for real?" "Is this guy in some kind of dreamland, asleep up there?" Well in the future such questions may not be too far off actually. For instance your air traffic control tower professional maybe in augmented reality, sitting in a room with no windows looking at your aircraft on a TV screen or video monitor. A picture of a Beechcraft, not an image of your exact plane. Now a days the air traffic controlers train in the VR, Virtual Reality World. Business Aviation Networking Notes The process of finding out about a job, getting interviewed, and eventually receiving an offer for employment starts with networking. By networking I don't mean sending hundreds of copies of your resume unsolicited to H.R. managers throughout the country, but by establishing contacts with people who may be in a position to hire you or refer you to someone who does the hiring. Let's take a look at some ways to help you break in to business aviation by following certain tips. Moving Troops and Evacuation Strategies There are many ways to evacuate people from disasters like Hurricane Katrina for instance. There are also many ways to move troops to the area of conflict. One way to move vast amounts of people, is to do so with large aircraft. Another idea, which has been kicked around, was lowering body functions to a near standstill through human hibernation techniques like what an anesthesiologist would do. Flying VS Driving When fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you've overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you'll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares. Entering Business Aviation, Part IV: Crafting a Resume Writing a r�sum� can be one of the most daunting parts of any job search. Quite frankly, it is one of the most important elements in helping you finding work. A good r�sum� can ease doors open while a poorly written one will certainly shut these very same doors. In aviation, there are certain things that must be included in a r�sum� to help you get noticed: getting noticed is, of course, the first step in securing an interview which may lead to employment. Tips to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Finding really cheap airline tickets online Flying Blimp Walrus Could Have Assisted in Evacuations What is a Walrus Super Blimp? It is a giant heavy lift Blimp being evaluated by the United States Department of Defense's special research division; DARPA. What is DARPA? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. You see they have been looking at how to move more for less? Imagine having to move millions of tons of fighting gear to the battle area? Well giant blimps may hold the key, because they are cheap to operate, can carry lots of weight and save lots of money. Jet Lag ? 5 In-flight Tips The secret to combating jet lag, and arriving at your destination with little or no jet lag, lies in sound preparation well in advance of your date of travel. This, however, is only the foundation of your "anti jet lag" plan and all of your sound preparatory work will be wasted if you don't also ensure that you follow a sensible routine during your flight. Automated Satellite Following System for UAV Swarms Much work is being done and the USAF has implemented systems to fly UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in ah hoc formations like swarms of insects or flock of birds. We cannot quite match evolution and bird flock formations but we are on our way. I propose keeping this task of swarming UAVs simple. I propose having every fifth, twentieth or hundredth UAV flown tele-robotically sending information to the satellite. All other UAVs will be controlled thru that data and by satellite in grid formations every half to three miles. All data will be collected by the larger control UAV which is tele-robotically flown. This queen bee, or swarm commander will interpret data and send in relevant data to the command and control tele-robotic augments simulator pilot. Each drone UAV will fly its line on the grid using an offset AFF. I Am Afraid Of Flying; You Are Not Getting Me A Light Plane Boy I have heard it all from my friends. I am afraid of flying. I am afraid of heights. I do not trust you as a pilot; yah thanks? You are not getting me in a light plane, sober; fine have a drink? I am not joining the mile high club; well that is what she said at first? You are not getting me in one of those contraptions; they always crash. Over the years, I have heard every excuse. But each time I have over come their objections; all I hear is thank you and remember that time we flew over such and such or so in so's house? Just too funny really. New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747 The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers. If and when an International Terrorist Cell gets one, it will become instantly the largest airline disaster in the history of the world, due to the shear number of passengers on board. Luckily bringing down such a large aircraft will not be easy, nor will it be able to be blown out of the sky with a handheld anti-aircraft missile unless it is lucky enough to hit a fuel tank. This of course is unlikely because most handheld missiles are heat seeking and therefore will generally go to where the heat is instead, thus taking out one of four engines. First Class Airfare: How the Rich Travel Have you ever wondered what all entails first class airfare, but never knew where to look? First class airfare can cost up to 15 times more than the regular fares for the same trip. So what do travelers living the high life actually get for these super inflated prices? Well, a lot. This article will detail the major carriers, and what they provide their first class airfare clients with. It's a wild ride ? are you ready? Jet Lag - 7 Steps To A Successful Trip Don't let jet lag spoil that much needed holiday trip to paradise or stop you from closing that career enhancing deal you've been working on for months. Group Check-in At Airports Plan Ahead For A Smooth Check-in and Flight Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Trying to find really cheap airline tickets can become very frustrating and time consuming but if you know how and where to search you can quickly and easily find airline tickets online. ![]() |
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