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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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Is Your Site Ready For The Coming RSS Revolution?
Recently, there have been many developments in the RSS arena. Changes that will make RSS a major force on the web and a dominant contributing factor to your computing experience. Online marketers should pay special attention to the RSS wildcard in any future marketing ventures. If you're like the average surfer or computer user (you're probably scratching your head) what the heck is RSS? Never heard of it? 'RSS' stand for 'Really Simple Syndication' and its original acronym stood for 'Rich Site Summary'. RSS is basically just a simple code like xml or html. Truth be told, many surfers who use the web every day probably never heard of html either. However, there is one very important distinction you should realize about RSS -- one fundamental difference that makes it such a revolutionary element. It changes how information is transmitted on the web, it sends out or syndicates a site's contents. Don't come to us, we will deliver. Surfers can view the contents of your site without actually having to go to your site! RSS is usually associated with Blogs and Blogging because Blogs use RSS Feeds to syndicate its contents. Why all the fuss? Why is RSS so revolutionary? Basically, in a very simple and practical way, RSS changes 'HOW' information is exchanged on the web. It changes how content is accessed, instead of the surfer visiting websites and getting the information; with RSS a site's information is sent or syndicated to all interested parties. RSS has the potential to change every website on the net into its own mini-broadcasting system. Sending out videos (broadcatching) and audio feeds (podcasting) to those you have subscribed to receive this information. Websites can now go from being a 'static' force, just sitting there waiting for visitors to come pay a visit; to a more pro-active broadcasting force, sending out content, news and information. The implications may be enormous and far reaching. Already, we see some major Internet and Computer Companies gearing up for the coming RSS revolution! Perhaps, the most significant and revolutionary is Microsoft's Longhorn announcement that the next version of Windows will have RSS integrated not only into its browser but also into their operating system. This will place RSS firmly into the heart of your computing experience. It will change how you use the Internet and it will change how you use your computer. If that wasn't enough, Microsoft's new list extensions to the RSS standard will be under the 'Creative Commons License'. There is even a group offering $100 million in RSS venture capital funding. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts -- RSS Investors will offer funding in the developing technology of RSS. What's a revolution without fuel! www.news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5778367.html Another Internet company you may have stumbled upon while surfing, is also gearing up for RSS. Google is already using an xml powered sitemaps system to help it index the whole Internet. Webmasters, can use xml to keep their websites constantly updated in Google. A while back, Google also bought Blogger.com which is an online blogging system (Personal web logs or journals where people give their take on the state of the universe as they see it!) that also takes advantage of syndicated feeds to distribute its content. Google is already going 'head-to-head' with Microsoft in the 'desktop battleground' with the release of Google Desktop 2. Google is also finally accepting the RSS standard by placing it in the Sidebar feature ... users can personalize this sidebar with their own RSS and Atom Feeds. In the past, the Atom syndication standard was favored and promoted by Google. These are just two companies that are gearing up for RSS. There are millions more who are starting to use RSS feeds to broadcast their message, product or content. RSS is a marketer's dream. The opportunities to advertise, promote and sell your products with RSS are endless. More and more businesses are just realizing the enormous potential of RSS. Real estate, insurance, tourist industry... So what about you? Do you run a website? Are you geared up for RSS? Are you taking advantage of RSS? If you haven't joined the RSS bandwagon, don't worry, this revolution is very easy to join. Here's a few quick pointers. First, set up a blog and RSS feed for your site. This can be done within a few minutes with a no-cost system like Blogger.com which is owned by Google. You can even host this blog on your own site. Another system that offers more options is the free 'wordpress' blogging system. Find more out about it here: www.wordpress.org But blogs are just one area of RSS, make sure you have Google Sitemaps set up on your site. If you need help with this procedure click here: www.bizwaremagic.com/Google_Sitemaps_Explained.htm There are other simple and easy ways to use RSS on your site. Tags, content feeds, RSS search... Click here for further help on the different ways you can use RSS on your site: www.ezinearticles.com/?id=14366 Get your site ready, don't delay. The RSS revolution is already started. Microsoft and Google are just two companies that are taking advantage of RSS. You should follow their lead and start gearing up your site for RSS if you haven't already. The benefits are enormous and the consequences of not having or using RSS could be crippling to any online concern. With or without you, RSS will change the web and the way we use our personal computers. However, this is one revolution you definitely should consider joining. The stakes are just too high and besides, what's a revolution without you? To Put RSS On Your Site Within Minutes - Visit This Link: Copyright © 2005 Titus Hoskins
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Marketing With Blogs - Part 1 Marketers have found that blogs are excellent tools for communicating with their audience. Anyone who has something to sell or an idea to promote can benefit from using blogs. 5 Reasons Why Your Site Needs to Publish a News Feed It seems like everyone is talking about RSS Feeds. They've been around for years but the buzz is up about them as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and viewing the web through their readers - but they hardly represent the general public yet. How to Promote Your Blog for Free Online 11 Ways to Promote Your Blog The Idiot?s Step-By-Step Guide To Blogging for Profit Blogging is easy, blogging is fun. And what's more?it can help your business in a lot of ways. A blog is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links in the cyberspace. You could call it an e-diary where you can register your thoughts, opinion and comments on anything and everything under the sun that interests you. Though people had been 'at it' long before the term blog was coined; it has gained currency as an effective medium of communicating over the Internet only recently. The introduction of automated published software like "Blogger" at www.blogger.com has been instrumental in blogging success. A blog or a weblog' is conceptually similar to a website and is accessible to anyone on the Internet. How To Avoid Blog Burnout Most serious business bloggers have at least two or three blogs that they write simultaneously. I have ten, but don't update all regularly. If an RSS feed is the Yahoo Backdoor, is a Blog Googles? Though the answer is in a book I wrote this July, the question is still asked of me repeatedly. Why does it work for some sites and not others? And how come some blogs get indexed in a day and then are dropped, and others stay in Google indefinitely? How to Make Money from Your Blog Content Writing a blog can be fun and exciting, but it can also be rewarding. If you do not know how to make money from your blog content then you need to consider implementing the following suggestions in your blog. Prescription Blogs are Helping to Educate the Consumers on Prescription Consumption Blogs are being used on a more consistent basis due to their simplicity and accessibility to the public. Google Does RSS Has Google finally embraced RSS with their new XML powered Sitemaps program? Well, sort of, but it seems more like a hug than a strong impassioned embrace! RSS Round-Up: Whats Happening with Simple Syndication? Have you been following the explosion of RSS -- Really Simple Syndication -- activity online? Seems this new method of "getting the word out" is picking up steam. Why? Partly because of the Davids, and partly because of the Goliaths. The "Davids" -- the little guys -- are able to deploy the technology since it is easy to use and usually is a feature of Blogging software (Blogging is another emerging trend -- for more articles on Blogging, visit WebFadds.com). You just click the option and send your RSS feed (broadcast your articles) out to subscribing sites. And the "Goliaths", the likes of Yahoo, Google, MSN and others, are all catering to it in various ways. Let's look at some of the latest ways this is playing out... Avoid Bad Manners While Blogging Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. Why Your Blog Might Be Sabotaging Your Business Many marketers were very excited when forum and newsletter discussion focused first on blogs (about two years ago) and then on RSS feeds (mainly within the past year). It was a brand new opportunity for marketers to use, one that promised both search engine success and a way around spam complaints. So they ran out and created a free blogger account or bought some software and began blogging and trying to set up RSS feeds. Blogging for Personal Benefits While there is a lot of debate about blogs replacing emails in the future, I would rather look at blogs in a different perspective. The purpose of all technology is to make life easier for the user. Blogging is an evolving technology which when harnessed by an individual could make it very easy for anyone to communicate effectively. It empowers the individual in ways hitherto not available so easily. The RSS Promise for Internet Users The RSS promise for end-users is simple: 5 Easy Ways To Use RSS On Your Site You hear so much talk about RSS these days on the Internet and in the media. Everyone is acknowledging it's importance in boosting your site's presence on the web. Not to mention how it can increase your site's traffic and ranking. But what exactly is RSS and how can I actually use it on my site? Try these Five Easy Ways... Is Your Site Ready For The Coming RSS Revolution? Recently, there have been many developments in the RSS arena. Changes that will make RSS a major force on the web and a dominant contributing factor to your computing experience. Online marketers should pay special attention to the RSS wildcard in any future marketing ventures. Use Blogging to Manage Your Entire Web Sites Content Blogging is a term that means different things to different people. To some people it means keeping an online journal. To others blogging is about creating a community of people who can contribute to a growing discussion on a specific topic. To me, however, blogging is about creating and running an entire web site. That's because blogging can actually be used as a complete content management system for almost any web site. Writing Good Blogs There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let's look at the problem like we were children. Children don't complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject. First of all, we should ask the questions," Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?" Well, in an ideal world 'good' blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they'd be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend. Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and concise. Try to write in your blog as often as possible because if people enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas they'll want to communicate or at least be filled in regularly on 'your world'. Ask questions, comment on other blogs of similar content, start communities with others you've never met, based on your interests. Keep focused; if your blog is about thoughts on war and peace, keep your thoughts on the latest movie and how hungry you are for somewhere else. The idea is to incite intelligent communication so that in time our collective stockpile of knowledge and wisdom will gradually grow like a tree in fertile soil. I think of most importance is the fact that you want this journal to be 'good' reading. Of course we all have ideas about what genres and styles we like, but writing from your heart and soul is imperative for the connection with others that you're looking for. Share yourself; don't hide behind walls of fear of ridicule and judgment. In real life relationships trust, respect, intimacy, and unity are all necessary for a bond to form. It's the same in the 'virtual' world; people want to hear from real people-not just one-sided, highly opinionated arguments from egos that don't want to hear the 'other side of the coin'. Now, in my last article I really tore apart most writers out there, and here I'm giving some pretty complex ideas on how to fix the problem of 'bad' writing. In my next article I'll attempt to go back to the simple basics of how to write for beginners. I hope I haven't come across as too judgmental, I just truly believe the 'blog world' could become a real asset to humanity, and at the moment it's missing the mark. Ideas about sentence structure, grammar, paragraphing, using a thesaurus (varying terms used so as not to sound repetitive), whether or not your blog is suitable for a personal or professional approach, are all important to creating a simple and enjoyable read for the blogging visitor. If you are a beginner, please check out my next article on the basics. Get Website Visitors From Blogs Blogs are becoming more and more popular. The word "blog" is short for web log. And blogs are a great way of getting links in to your website. The Power of the BLOG Can a Blog earn you a prison sentence? Ask Mojtaba Saminejad. He is an Iranian whose Blog, published in the Farsi language, earned him a two-year prison sentence in June 2005. ![]() |
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