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How to Test Your DSL and Cable Internet Connection Speed
There are two measured elements that determine your internet connection speed. They are: The download rate, and the upload rate of data measured in bits per seconds. Usually, it is expressed in Kilobits per second. A bit is the smallest piece of data that can be stored in a computer. The bit can be either "0" or "1". The byte is eight bits. Example of a byte and bits are the following: bit= 0 or 1 byte=8 bits 1 byte=10011101 (eight bits) A single charcter needs one byte or eight bits to be stored in a computer. So, when the data rate is 1 byte/sec, that means one character per second is the rate at which data is transferred through your connection. This is very slow, and only intended for an example. In order to browse the internet, you must have at least a dial up access with a 56kb/s modem, in order to get a meaningful and practical result. There are different types of internet connection. First they introduced the dialup connection using your phone line, then the broadband was introduced. The broadband internet connections are DSL, Cable, or Satellite internet services. They are widely used and expanding due to the high bandwith. When you get an internet service, your provider states that your speed will be a certain numbers. They usually give you a good idea, but not an exact one. The common asked questions among internet users is: How do I know what is my connection speed, and if I am getting what I was promised?. If there anyway I can test my connection, and do I need to buy expensive software to test it?. The answer is simple. There are two ways to test your internet connection speed: 1- The manual simple calculation test that you can do yourself without any software or third party services. 2- You can find a service that lets you run a test through their servers, and get your numbers displayed at their webpage. 1-The manual method: Since I mentioned that the connection speed consist of two numbers, the download and upload speed. So, what you do is download from the internet any free software, and watch the result box with the result that show the size of the file and how many seconds it tool to download. When you are done recording the download speed, upload a file of a specific size (1 Mb, 2 Mb), and time your watch when you start. When the file is uploaded, check your watch and record the time it took for the task. Then divide your file size by the seconds it took. If you file was 2 Mb. that took 5 minutes to upload, then your upload speed is 2 Mb./300 sec. or 6.826 Kbits/sec.You can run the above test couple times, and then take the average for a better result. 2-The automated test at a third party service: This is my preferred one, where you get to a website where the test is done for you. It is done using a script installed on their server, and letting you download and upload to their server a test file (invisible to you). Then, the result is displayed on their webpage. You just have to register for free using your email. It is free. This is a website address where they offer you a free internet connection test: http://www.visualware.com. In summary, don't settle for numbers given to you by your services, do the tests whenever you can. You enjoy it, and feel that you are getting your money worth. This is because some servcies charges you 35 dollars or more for a high speed internet service. Thanks, I have created an Ebook about troubleshooting procedures for DSL, or Cable connection problems. You can get it for free by right clicking the link and saving to your computer: http://www.ebookfreestore.com/software/ComputerEbook.pdf
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Its On! (Free Internet TV - Watch TV Online) Get ready because "there's going to be television out the wazoo!" This according to Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN - U.S. operations in a USA Today story on the merger of the Internet and television. Major broadcast networks, cable networks, and content providers are gearing up for the 'mother of all media battles' in staking out territory on the new and rising medium called "Internet TV". Basically it's video online, which is not new, but what is new is that the major networks are now getting fully involved. Klein continued, "It will be pausable, searchable, with all the customizable 'on demand' advantages of the Internet. It's a future that's not very far away" Klein did not elaborate on how long it will take, what a 'wazoo' is, or how a television would fit through it. Two Enter Internet Battle Consumers understand that when there is more competition in a market, there are lower prices. This is especially true in the computer industry where it is reported that 68% of households have a computer. According to the Computer Industry Almanac, the worldwide number of Internet users will exceed 1 billion this year with the United States leading with over 185 million users. The number of users will continue to increase as well as competitors, forcing companies to offer faster connections at a cheaper price. Two technologies that will lend a hand in allowing new players into the Broadband market are BPL and WIMAX. ICMP Protocol - Internet Control Message Protocol The Internet Control Message Protocol communicates errors messages between systems that require attention. This error is not usually at the user level, the error is handled by the application layer. In the OSI Reference model, ICMPs are generally considered part of the IP layer. How to Test Your DSL and Cable Internet Connection Speed There are two measured elements that determine your internet connection speed. They are: The download rate, and the upload rate of data measured in bits per seconds. Usually, it is expressed in Kilobits per second. Business Satellite Internet Products Compared - 2005 There are a number of options available for Business Class Satellite Internet connectivity in the U.S. today. New offerings seem to launch every week in 2005 and it is becoming a bit confusing for the business owner who can't obtain traditional high speed internet or can't afford the expense of running a T1 line to a location off the beaten path. I've outlined below several options for business with the positive aspects as well as negative where applicable. Each company and heavy individual user has different needs, so no one platform is a "one size fits all". I will outline them and you decide: Wireless Network Hammerin The wireless network in my house went haywire. It worked on three PCs, one had a horrible connection, and one can't connect. Between Hubby and me, we spent a lot of time researching and trying to figure out the problem. We narrowed down the possibilities few by doing tests. Hubby is the network king in our house and I learned a bit in working with him. In fact, I solved the problem... temporarily. How to Choose Best ISP for Your Needs Well, the Internet access industry is starting to shake its way out. The much-anticipated consolidation of access providers is nearing its end. In broadband, this means that most users have little or no choice of providers. Though many of the changes have been hard on user choice, this is not necessarily a bad thing. In some cases, it's better to have one stable and pricey provider than 100 unstable, cheap providers. The shakeout was painful for scores of users who often were left with no connection when they needed it most. And some providers left standing don't exactly have good track records, either. Webmail - What are the Benefits? 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But the trade-off is permanent pop ups along the bottom of your desktop, or other advertiser gimmicks that may inhibit your Internet experience. The Coming Television Revolution The revolution is just getting started and will be begin to make its mark this year. By 2010, it will begin to take off. By 2025, it will be the standard for all TV viewing. It's called Internet Protocol Television, or IPTV for short. IPTV works with a set-top box connected to any broadband interface and to a TV. It will allow users to choose among thousands (and eventually hundreds of thousands) of hours of programming, including movies, sports, classic TV, etc., and download their selections from the internet to the hard drive of the set-top box. Whois Protocol - TCP/IP Suite The Whois protocol is an information service not unlike the finger service. The Whois protocol provides the client or user with information about the owner of a domain or specific IP address. Information provided by the Whois protocol contains contact information such as address, company, telephone number, and e-mail address. Broadband Features Internet service providers are becoming more and more present as the internet makes its way into more and more homes in America. This is making it harder to decide which ISP to subscribe to. In fact, most of them have a list of benefits to entice customers into subscribing from their ISP. Here is some information on the basic features that should come with a good ISP. Wifi Hotspot Locations for Sale..is that a Good Thing? Recent companies have been advertising wifi hotspot locations that are 'turnkey' (they can run themselves), and only cost between $13,000 and $20,000 to start. Is that good? Internet Service Providers Internet Service Provider or ISP is a company that provides access to the Internet. Broadband - Will it Affect Your Online Marketing Future? The coming age of general Broadband use bearing down upon us, minute by minute, is going to leave many changes in its wake. Some will be welcome; others will demand all we can do, just to keep up! Dreams Come True With The Help Of Global Consciousness On The Internet Dreams. There are two types of dreams: 1. When you are sleeping there are stories unfolding in your mind from a parallel dimension. 2. The aims one has in life. The latter is the type of dream I wish to discuss. We all have these dreams, don't we? We picture ourselves in the future having realized our talents, having achieved in the areas that interest us most. Your dream may have been a relatively simple one, like reaching enlightenment, or helping to create world peace! Maybe your dream was just to set foot on as many beaches across the planet as possible, a little selfish-but hey, you're still sharing a smile everywhere you go. In this the Information Age, our dreams have become more realistic and practical to attain. With the Internet and web sites in particular, a global consciousness is forming to help all people towards their goals. Google Brings Millions of Hard-to-Find Library Books to Your Fingertips Millions of hard-to-find books from five major libraries will soon be a lot easier to access: Google has made plans to scan and digitize them, making the books available on their widely used Internet search engine. BT Broadband Approximately 4 million people in the UK use ADSL with an extra 2 million using a cable connection, meaning 6 million people in the UK have an always-on internet connection. Of these over 1.7 million are subscribed to BT's broadband package, making them the UK's main broadband provider. Wireless Technologies in Mass Transit for Convenience and Safety Modern Mass Transit is making it easier for commuters, especially with the latest inter connecting wireless technologies. Many buses, commuter trains, shuttles and even trolley cars now have WiFi wireless computer access so no one is out of touch during the travel time. This is being done now in Baltimore to NY trains and in Sacramento to San Francisco Trains thanks to Amtrak. After all we now have WiFi hotspots at McDonalds, Kinko's, Book Stores, Starbucks, Airports and hotel lobbies already. ![]() |
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