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Dating Tips: Work on The Similarities
What is it that makes you attracted to someone? The look? The character? The way he or she makes you laugh? Well, that's a few possibilities. Now let me ask you another question. What is it that you feel that makes a couple go on a date together, dates after dates? Think about it. Remember they have a choice of saying no to a date. Very simple, there's something of similar liking between the both of them, something which both enjoy doing together, over and over again. Ask yourself this question, would you go on a date with someone whom doesn't enjoy dining, watching movies, coffee at café? not a thing at all of what you enjoy doing? For a couples to remain together, there has got to be something similar between both. Similar liking, interest, characteristic? The more the similarities there is between the both of you, the better the chances of a development of a further relationship there will be. What are the similarities between both that you can work on? First of all, the physical appearance of course. Your physical appearance is the very first thing that catches a person's eyes, the eyes of that special someone. Take note of the type of dressing style he or she likes? How is he or she normally dressed? A trendy and hip? Casual and sporty? Smart casual? Try to dress so, dress in the style he or she would like. Think about it, if you were someone who is very concern with the neatness and cleanliness of your physical appearance, would you like someone who is always so shabbily dressed? Naturally, a person would tend to enjoy the company of another who generally dresses similar to that of him or herself. Don't you find it so within your usual group of click? Next would be the hobbies and interest. What sports does he or she like? Does she play the piano? What type of movies does he or she enjoy watching? Does she love animals, dogs? Does he love fishing? What flowers does she like? Hmm? knowing his or her habits will be good too. Where does he or she normally hang out? Does she hate crowded places? How many cubes of sugar she like for her coffee? Does he hate shopping? Well in simple, find out anything possible under the sun about him or her. Not a clue where to start? Friends would be a good source to start with. Ok guys, now that you know what she likes, it's time to plan for a little nice and enjoyable date with her. It's afterall still a guy's job to ask the girl out, right? Notice I used the word "enjoyable" instead of a nice and "romantic" date? Well, a date involves two persons. To allow the chance for a further development of a relationship, the chance for a next date, you have got to make her enjoy the date, enjoy the time spent with you. Take her to places that she likes, serve her food that she enjoys eating. "Oh medium cooked for the lady please?" Present her with flowers that she likes. She will be so surprised and impressed by you. "Oh Rick, how do you know that I love Pink Tulips? It's so sweet of you?" Plan activities that she has always enjoyed. Watching a movie that she likes at her favorite cinema? Bringing her to her favorite musical, "Phantom of The Opera"? Ha as usual, me and my ideas again? Well, I know you can definitely plan for yourself a more perfect enjoyable date. In simple, create a familiar environment for her, a date that she will feel comfortable. Naturally, she will enjoy herself, enjoy going out with you, having your company, developing a further liking for you. ©2005 http://www.loveletterbox.com Rick Valens
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