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1-800-Get-Rich Can Toll Free 800 Number Domains Pay OffMike Banks Valentine The toll free number 1-800-Get-Rich belongs to the Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. Perfect vanity number for a casino, right Well apparently not. Their website shows the actual numbers, 1-800-438-7424 for the marketing department of Resorts Atlantic City. Those NUMBERS are nowhere near as memorable as is the mnemonic device of letters representing those numbers on the telephone keypad. It makes you wonder, did the casino have bad luck no pun intended or receive bad publicity for their 800-Get-Rich phone number Doing a Google search for 1-800-GET-RICH returns several spoof articles using the toll free number to make light of get rich quick schemes. Seems as well suited to a casino as to satire, since gambling represents the ultimate get rich quick scheme. But on the web theres a another element to toll free numbers you must consider. 800 numbers are used as domain names which seem to stick in our memory as a web address just as well as a phone number. Resorts Atlantic City Hotel Casino should buy the domain name www.1800getrich.com and assign that marketing department toll free 800 vanity number to the Casino. The domain name is for sale as of this writing if you visit that web address. You can be certain that the current domain owner knows that the toll free vanity telephone number is owned by Resorts International Hotels www.resortsac.com which matches the domain www.1800getrich.com. It has to be enticing to think a large corporation may want his domain. The casino owns the toll free number but isnt using the mnemonic for it. Makes you wonder about the history of the domain name, since WHOIS records show it was reserved only this past May of 2004, AND the history of the vanity number since it is going unused, at least on the web site. Hmmmm... There are vanity phone number resellers online that actually specialize in providing 800 numbers with matching domain name for those seeking the consistent branding for their business. Clearly this is simply a marketing ploy by savvy 800 number vendors, as those domains may be full of hyphens and may cost more than they should due to the perception of value-added. An interesting aspect to toll free numbers as domain names is that of 1-800 copyright and trademarks. Take for example, the well known flower retailer 1-800-FLOWERS.com where they use both the domain name and the toll free number. Both are copy- righted and trademarked names and essential to the business. Legal precedent allows trademark owners to confiscate domains from "cybersquatters" who buy domain names containing trade- marked or copyrighted words and phrases hoping to sell that domain back to the trademark holder. But it is less clear an issue when it comes to descriptive toll free and vanity phone numbers. How about 1-800-PINDROP.com - which you would think would be registered to Sprint Communications Curiously, as of October of 2004, this domain was available. What do they use www.pindrop.com without the 800 goes to Sprint.com. It appears there are wide inconsistencies in using toll free 800 phone numbers as domain names but they can be memorable, which is one measure of a good domain name. They also arent limiting as to word length. Ive always felt its a bit odd to type in 1800keywordphrase.com as a domain name, but only because there is no hyphen in it. 1800 looks like eighteen hundred and is just as strange as typing 247 for domains as a suggestion they are always open, more often seen as 24/7, but domain names cant have that slash mark in them. As a matter of fact, Ive always disliked numbers of any kind in domain names - especially those using numbers in place of the words "to" up2me.com& "for" good4you.com But, as owner of http://website101.com Im at odds with the dislike for numbers in domain names. Still, it works better than 1800website.com or 1-800-website.com, both owned by Verio Web Hosting and both purchased in August of 1996, but neither have web sites configured at those addresses. They must not have been a worthwhile domains, yet they keep them. If it offers you another option for a memorable web address, 800 number domains may be worth considering.
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How To Prevent Fraudulent Credit Card Transactions What Are Possible Signs of Fraudulent Transactions see at Web Hosting Companies Customer wants to pre-pay for a year Domain Name Registration for 5 years or more Orders using free email address providers like Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. Usage of multiple cards to complete order. International address. AVS can not validate those international addresses. Multiple purchases in a short time period. The customer and billing addresses are different. Choosing Domain Names for Professional Sites: Six Guidelines A professional or business site is one where the primary purpose of the site is to facilitate business transactions. You can sell items directly online or exclusively offline, but the result is the same. You want customers to buy products and/or service directly from you. Developing Your Own Pitch If you have surfed any of the exchanges for credits, you have seen them; countless affiliate web pages for all the different programs available. A Bang On The Head, A Kangaroo And An Entrepreneur, What Happened Next If you are always on the look out for a money spinner, sometimes youll find them pop up in the most unlikely of places. Internet Marketing In A Room FULL Of Naked Men! NO, thats not one of my secret dreams :- Its an observation that you need to make. Years ago, I read Harvey MacKays fantastic best-seller, Beware The Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. I really enjoyed the book and even sent Harvey a note. He sent me an autographed copy of his book "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive." Its one of my most prized possessions - but back to the naked man... Classified Ads - What Works & What Doesn’t Do classified ads really work Should you include an email address or fax number in them How about a call to action The Key ingredients for success with your own home based business! There is a-lot of ways to make money at home. 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Revising Your Site - What Happened To My Search Engine Placement As of September, Smartads went through what so many have done before. I changed the entire site. I knew what it meant. It means that your search engine placements your probably so proud of are probably going to be lost in the process. I Make Money Online. You Can Too When I purchased my first computer over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to put it to work and make money with it some how. But I knew nothing about computers or the Internet. I knew nothing about network marketing, search engine marketing, or even how to create my own web site. I knew nothing about e-mail marketing e-mail leads or how to set up an e-mail list. How To Evaluate A New Business Opportunity If you are searching for ways to earn an income using the internet, you must have already come across many programs with unbelievable claims of overnight income. This article outlines 7 criteria that I use to evaluate any opportunity that presents itself before me. Sub Domains - An Inexpensive Solution to Grow Traffic Read this brief article that reflects what we learned about subdomains and their important role in effective internet marketing. 10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website "Viral Marketing" is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The main purpose of viral marketing is to spread your message to as many people as possible without having to spend any money for advertising. Why Use Professional Web Site Designers For Your Next Web Development Project Probably you know someone who has created a web site all by himself or herself. So if they can do it why use a professional at all Cant you create your own business or organizations web site in your spare time and without the services of a professional web site designer The answer is probably, yes. But following are some reasons why it may not be a wise idea for you. Online Business, Where do I start BUSINESS. A big word. A big commitment. A big step. The Top Ten Benefits of Having a Web Site Do you need a web site Are you considering getting one but are unsure Here we take a look at the main reasons why a web site could be beneficial to your organisation. 1-800-Get-Rich Can Toll Free 800 Number Domains Pay Off The toll free number 1-800-Get-Rich belongs to the Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. Perfect vanity number for a casino, right Well apparently not. Their website shows the actual numbers, 1-800-438-7424 for the marketing department of Resorts Atlantic City. Those NUMBERS are nowhere near as memorable as is the mnemonic device of letters representing those numbers on the telephone keypad. It makes you wonder, did the casino have bad luck no pun intended or receive bad publicity for their 800-Get-Rich phone number ![]() |
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