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Top 3 Steps to Success Building the Relationships
Marketing is a broad business subject that encompasses a range of activities including advertising, public relations, sales, promotions and building relationships. Building relationships-often called networking-is a vital foundation for the building of a strong business of any size. Start by building relationships with other like-minded people and those with whom you share interests. The more relationships you build with other people, the longer your lists of people are who may buy from you or join your business venture. Bruce DeYoung in "What's Relationship Marketing?" gives a definition of this idea: relationship marketing is the process of attracting, maintaining, and enhancing relationships with people. You must seek ways to gain a prospect's trust and find ways to meet their needs. This concept has recently been discussed frequently in the media. But it is not new. DeYoung wrote his article in 1988 and some of his references go back to 1983. How are relationships built? For starters, be helpful. Find some things your prospect wants and establish ways to get these for them. Try doing something your prospect needs, or give advice if desired. You will need to share information to accomplish this. Relationship marketing cannot be selfish or self-centered. For success building the relationships. There are Top 3 steps : 1. Successfully Using Discussion Board As A Marketing Tool. For example, suppose your interests include cooking, swapping recipes, dinner parties, or parties in general (also known as get-togethers of family and friends). Look for sites with discussion boards on such topics and sign up. Then get yourself involved in some of the topics that are on the board by adding to the topic of discussion before ever trying to make a sale or a recruit out of anyone on that particular board. With all discussion boards, the owners will allow you to set up what is called a signature file. This is a footer for all your posts with your name, a link (or two) to your Websites that are relevant to the topic of the discussion board. However, if the discussion board is a topic on cooking, don't put the links to business opportunities directly into your signature. This could turn off any potential clients that you may have and may violate discussion board rules or etiquette. Instead, consider building a small specialty Website with relevant products that would be of interest to those participating in the discussion board. On that Website, you can include a link to your business opportunity. Continuing with the example above, let's say you are in an opportunity that sells a variety of products, and you have three items that are food or beverage related. 2. Successfully writing article As A Marketing Tool. Everyone says writing articles with resource blocks and having them published in e-zines or websites is a good way to attract traffic and prospective customers. Lot of marketer do this, and we know it works. There are also many who simply refuse to distribute free articles, saying their writing efforts are too valuable to give away. They are entitled to their opinions. But we know articles work. we also know many of us do not have the international guru status many authors believe they have. So free articles are the best way for us to get our message out there. There are many paying opportunities for all kinds of writers. Many marketers do this, too, and get some results. What if you hate to write? Use other people's articles after becoming an affiliate so you can sell their products. There are many e-books and other electronically distributed items for sale. Most of the producers are avid article writers and would be glad for you to use these with all the purchase links they put in them. That's why you need to become their affiliate. 3. Successfully Using E-mail As Marketing Toll. This is the whole principle that e-mail marketing pivots upon: create an e-mail list, keep expanding it, and use it to bring customers back to your Website, where you convince them that your product, your service, and your value are outstanding. Your Website is where you will make the sale; the e-mail is what will bring customers there. -Sheri Waldrop, Owner of Proscribe Writing Service. E-mail may bring customers, but before you can entice a visitor to your Website to give you their e-mail address, you have to make your site a place they want to visit-and stay. Using free offers to get the attention of your visitors when they visit your Website is still one of the best ways to build a relationship with that visitor and increase the chances that he or she will return. Many people who are using the Internet are looking for information. Several key ways to keep them as returning visitors. -Offer free downloads , Offering them premiums, give-aways, and downloads can be a very cost effective part of your advertising budget. If you type "free content," "free ebooks," or "free downloads" into your Google or other search engine, you'll find thousands of things that you can offer your Website visitors. -To begin the process of turning these visitors from prospects into loyal customers, you need to develop an effective follow-up system. The use of autoresponders can be a very cost-effective way to follow up with those who have visited your Website. Autoresponders can be programmed with messages that you will use to close the deal on products that you are selling. -By setting up an autoresponder form on your Website (available from your Website hosting service, or search for "autoresponder form" via search engine), your visitors can sign up for further information, newsletters, downloads, and other free offers. This in turn will give you and your visitors the opportunity for some interaction on your Website, thereby allowing you to build what is called an opt-in subscribers list or also known as an e-mail list. Newsletters delivered by autoresponder to the names on your opt-in list are a great way to keep them informed with updated information about you, your services, or your products. It is best to keep your newsletters to one page. Keeping them short and precise, you will not lose the interest of your readers. The best, and as yet by far the most productive, thing you can do for your subscriber list is to research any new information and products for them so that they will not have to. In today's age, most people are searching for quality information and products in less time. Erny Setyawati is the Publisher / Author of the Bali Global Market Ezine which has been writing for the internet for over 1 years. He has shown to use this simple technique to build successfull on line business. Click here to find out more, http://www.baliglobalmarket.com
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10 Newsletter Ideas to Write Articles for Your Newsletter Since you publish your newsletter on a regular basis, sometimes it's difficult to find newsletter ideas for your next issue's content. You sit in front of your monitor and stare at the white screen where the typing cursor is blinking... but your mind doesn't seem to come up with any ideas. Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. Start Your Own Ezine Newsletter & Profit! The information listed here is worth more than gold. if you apply these simple list building plans and techniques, we guarantee you will see results. you may not get the results as fast as you want to, but don't worry. all list building strategies take time and when properly used correctly, will be more rewarding than you can possibly imagine. E-zine Promotion: 10 Smart Reasons To Charge A Fee For Your E-zine You publish an e-zine, you may consider to start charging a fee. The Disintermediation of Content Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past? 7 Ways to Self-Promote Within Your E-zine We all know that an e-zine won't attract and keep subscribers without offering insightful, practical content. If you only drone on and on about how wonderful you and your services/products are, your readers won't stick around for long. Does Your Subject Line Do the Job? It's proven that the FROM field of your emails is the MOST important factor in getting your messages opened. But after that, it's surely the subject line. Talking Pictures Are the Go! A Tokyo day care company has begun marketing a "talking picture," which can play messages for up to 12 minutes by holding up a pen-shaped scanner on the photograph. The scanner uses invisible barcodes to activate the sound. An Embarrassment of Riches - Part II The DOI Foundation has unveiled the DOI-EB (EB stands for e-books) Initiative in the Book Expo America Show 2001, to, in their words: The Future of Email Newsletter The future of email Newsletter - Llando Ford 07.28.2004 What are you doing with the Spam you receive? I'm sure you are not happy receiving it just like none between us. 5 Ways to Make More Money With Your E-zine Have you been publishing an e-mail newsletter for at least six months but still aren't seeing real results (read: revenue) from it? Don't fret - you may just need a tune up. Here are five ways to kick your e-zine income into gear this year: TOOT YOUR OWN HORN MORE The adage goes, "If you don't blow your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon." If your focus is providing your readers with useful information that enriches their lives and businesses, bravo! That SHOULD be your focus. But now I want you to look out for yourself as well: Take at least 25 percent of your e-zine space and make it all about YOU. Give promos for your services, products, books, workshops, etc. List raving testimonials from clients and customers who LOVE you. Weave your business success stories into your articles and tips. Share something funny about your weekend that makes me feel closer to knowing you personally. (For more self-promotion tips, see my article at http://www.ezinequeen.com/7ways.htm) MAKE ME AN OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE Let's suppose I'm one of your subscribers. Even if I realize you offer wonderful products and services, I may need a kick in the pants to make a move. To entice me, offer me a special, l1mited-time deal. Examples: three months' of consultation for the price of two, a 20% discount on your latest book or newest service, or one of your usual offers with a few exciting bonuses thrown in. Make the offer obsolete within a few days or by next week. By putting a time limit on it, I'll be more apt to act now instead of later. Don't overlook how powerful this tactic can be. Some of my most profitable weeks have resulted from running a limited time, special pr0motion of this type in my e-zine. PACKAGE IT AT A LOWER PRICE POINT This is a super strategy for service professionals such as consultants and coaches. As your subscriber, I know the way to get the BEST service from you would be to hire you one-on-one, but perhaps I can't afford that right now. BUT consider that I may likely be interested in lower-priced options such as group coaching, teleclasses, online seminars, or a manual/e-book. This is exactly how I became an e-book author. When I started my first e-zine, my main business was writing for corporate communications. After I gained a few thousand subscribers, I realized that my readers were mostly small business owners and entrepreneurs. So I began creating products and services geared toward them. And now I profit more from those each month than from my corporate work. PROMOTE A PRODUCT/SERVICE THAT COMPLEMENTS YOURS Do your readers and clients often ask you about a certain topic that's related to - but not exactly - what you offer? Then resell a resource that you heartily recommend and would put your reputation behind. For example, while my specialty is e-zines, I get many questions about creating and selling information products online. So I continually research credible resources on this topic to share with my readers. Many of the creators of these products offer a handsome commission on any sales I refer to them. (I do this myself by paying out up to 25% commission on any referred sale. http://www.ezinequeen.com/affiliate.htm) NEVER recommend any service or product to your readers that you haven't personally tried and wouldn't back 100 percent. Otherwise you'll blow the trust that you've worked so hard to build up in your readership. SELL AD SPACE AS IT SUITS YOU E-zine ads won't make you wealthy, but they can make for some handy extra c^sh. (I call it my "margarita money.") Most e-zines offer one sponsor ad at the top and several "classified" ads at the bottom. Sponsor ads typically cost three to five times more than the classified ad, but you'll see the ranges vary greatly. Start by offering ad specials to your own readers. Then also list your e-zine in the many e-zine advertising directories on the Web. These services help match advertisers with appropriate publishers just like you. (Need help? My manual gives step-by-step instructions on how to accept and profit from ads in your e-zine.) Remember that you have every right to be selective about the type of ads you accept. While your readers know these ads don't represent YOUR business, their quality will indirectly influence their perception of you. The Magic Button That Earns $3,546 or more Ever wonder how a "guru" earns $3,546 or more just by pressing a button? Search Engines Can Be The Online Writers Best Friend It's an exciting time for online writers, with a wide array of options. With desire and well-directed effort, a good writer can end up with a variety of work. However, as we know, there is much more to the writing biz than the meat and potatoes of the actual writing. Research, record-keeping, finding markets, composing and sending queries, dealing with rejections and self-promotion all factor in, and it all takes up a great deal of time. But the actual money, and the greatest satisfaction, comes from the writing itself and seeing your by-line posted on some well-trafficked site. Email Newsletter Format: HTML or Text An email newsletter is probably the most effective way to communicate with your target audience. One of the main considerations before you create and deliver an email newsletter is what format to use: HTML or Text. 11 Quick (and Good) E-zine Content Ideas Publishing an e-zine is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreading the word about your services and products. Newsletter Formatting Formatting your text newsletter correctly can make a failure into a success! Learn how to do it, and why. How to turn your Newsletter into a Web Page...in 45 seconds! Do you place back-issues of your Newsletter onyour website? Subscriber Incentives: Are They Effective? Gosh, What Am I Going to Put in My Email Newsletter THIS Month? So you decided to put out a monthly newsletter, because "that's what smart marketers do." This is a terrific idea! After all, really good content is the way to your readers' hearts, and everyone loves to receive presents in the mail (or, email in this case). A Blog, 5 Minutes a Week and These 5 Simple Steps Equals Your Own Online E_ZINE One of the fastest ways to gain "Guru" Status online is to publish an EZine. Notice I said Publish. A Publisher is often responsible for finding and using the works of others. By using these 5 simple Step you will be able to publish an EZine with 5 Minutes worth of Effort Weekly. ![]() |
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