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The Fishing Industry and Sponsorship
Should you approach the fishing industry for sponsorship? First let's look at it from the lure manufacturer's standpoint. Just think of your favorite lure manufacturer for a minute. Now imagine that you work at their plant. One of your jobs may be to sort through the hundreds of emails, hundreds of faxes, and hundreds of letters each day from anglers seeking sponsorship via products and or cash. Included in those communications you will also find donation requests from - fishing clubs, non-profit organizations, company friends, etc. Can you imagine having that job? After a few days of employment wouldn't all the resumes start to look the same? How about all the product or financial donations requests, wouldn't they all start to look the same too? Of course they would. How would you know which one to support or sponsor? Don't think I made this example up ? I didn't. The fishing industry as whole, whether it is manufacturers of: lures, line, rods, reels, boats, motors, sunglasses, hooks, tackle boxes, etc. is literally inundated, every single day, with hundreds maybe thousands of sponsorship requests. And have you ever heard of the old saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know?" Some sponsorship deals are landed that way too ? the good 'ol boy network. Not much you can do about that. As you can see, approaching the fishing industry for sponsorship looks like an uphill battle - and it is. That's why I recommend avoiding companies in the fishing industry early on in your fishing career. If you happen to be fortunate enough to get some sort of sponsorship from within the industry, it'll more than likely end up being a small discount on products purchased. Even though that may save you a little money, it won't help with your biggest expense ? tournament entry fees. Let me put it this way. Pretend you sell advertising for your local newspaper and you present ad rates to a local tire company. In reply to your advertising rates they respond with ? "Can we give you some tires at a discount in exchange for the ad?" Don't laugh, many anglers do exactly that. They exchange small discounts on product in order to advertise a particular fishing company, just so they can say they're sponsored. Crazy isn't it? So, what's an aspiring tournament angler to do for sponsorship? Outside of the fishing industry you'll find companies that have advertising, marketing, and promoting needs. When you start to think of your "sponsorship offer" as an "advertising/marketing/promoting" avenue you'll start to see the possibilities of landing cash for your entry fees. That's what I did and still recommend. Look outside of the fishing industry for cash sponsorship and stay away from the fishing industry initially. You'll find a lot less rejection in my opinion. Scott Rauber
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Trout Species ? Cutthroat Trout and Golden Trout Cutthroat Trout: Cutthroat Trout are generally found only in high alpine lakes or in some selected areas of the Pacific Northwest. Communications Equipment in the Wilderness For Hunting, fishing, hiking, boating or cycling in all kinds of weather Find and Catch More Fish, Quickly and Easily, with the FISHIN BUDDY 2255 "Wherever you like to fish-lakes, reservoirs, rivers or streams, you'll never have a fishing buddy who can spot fish as easy and as fast as a Bottom Line Fishing Buddy?." Chumming and Plankton Fish Catching Tips In night fishing 95% of success is determined before your line is wet. It is recommended to start an evening feeding frenzy along the food chain with your big game fish as the final predator. Fly Fishing Small Streams Picture this; you've spent some time hiking into a small stream in the back country. It's early morning, mist is rising and the midges that have been swarming around you are breakfast for the small browns you have come to catch. You quietly walk up to the stream, watching the swirls of rising fish. You tie a nymph onto your leader and step into the water. Fishing Topwater in Lily Pads In 2004, I fished more lily pads than ever before? Why? Well, because I caught fish in them. I probably caught over 100 fish in the lily pads this year alone. Two were over 5 pounds and one over 6 pounds. So what did I do different this year? Making The Most of Your Time - Fishing Safety Rules Everyone Should Know When you are going fishing, whether nearby your home or on a long distance trip, there are many fishing safety rules that you need to keep in mind. Take a Kid Fishing Take a kid fishing and they will learn to be successful in life. As an avid fisherman for over 30 years I have to look back on my life and consider it a success. I credit that success to my passion for fishing. Why? You ask. Well, I am the youngest of three boys of a single mother. My oldest brother was six years older than I was and loved the outdoors. On occasion he would take me with him and his friends to go fishing. We really had a great time. We caught a few fish, but most of the time we just wound up in a rock skipping contest or swimming. Trout Species ? Brook Trout Brook Trout: Frequently gullible, yet extremely tasty, Brook Trout are wonderful trout to fish for - especially since they frequently inhabit the most beautiful stream settings in the U.S. Get Ready For Bed....Bedding Bass That Is! It's getting near the time bass will be on their beds. Not just any bass, but trophy size bass in Ohio. So, what are you going to use to catch those lunkers? Big baits of course! Well, not really. While large baits do catch big bass, sometimes they scare them away or intimidate them. That is when finesse baits come to play. Night Boat Fishing Checklist Boat Fishing At Night Checklist On The Road...With Jack Karpawack Jack Karpawack here. How To Find Fish Ponds My Fishing Trip With The Pro I was in Southwest Florida and was asked to go fishing by one of the pro bass fisherman there. Thinking I would learn a lot that day, I graciously accepted his kind offer. Drop-Shotting For Picky-Overfished Bass There is a fairly new technique when it comes to bass fishing but it works great especially when bass are under a lot of pressure, it's called drop-shotting. When you see other fishermen using worms and fishing the edges of creek channels, try this and fish the bottom of the channels instead of the edges. It's also good around boat docks and bridges and in shallow water when the bass are bedding. Why Do You Need a Tacklebox? A tacklebox or a tackle bag is a necessity to store your fishing lures, bobbers, and hooks. The Hendrickson Mayfly Mayflies are essential to trout fly fishing. There are still ultra purists who consider casting dry mayfly patterns upstream to rising trout the ONLY form of fly fishing. I wasn't brought up that way and find that way of thinking too limiting. For one thing it would severely limit my time on the water, and would force me to get rid of about three-fourths of my beloved fly fishing gear. However, I must admit, there is a certain timeless quality to casting classic dry flies upstream to rising trout. And if that were available to me year round, well I might move to closer to ultra purist status. No Boat? Join Your Local Bass Club Having been an avid basser for years, and not having the wherewithal to purchase a boat, I've often felt cheated and frustrated about not being able to get out to deeper waters (where I was certain the real bass were). Having succumbed to this delimma for some 40 years or more, I finally had something come my way that I never knew existed: my local bass fishing club. I mean, I knew bass clubs existed, but I didn't know they were for me. For one thing, how can you join a bass fishing club if you don't have a boat. Additionally, isn't it just the best bass fishermen that are in these clubs? These guys do tournaments and such. Not sure if I could measure up. Low and behold, the old saying "you won't know if you don't go" proved itself once again. Thanks to an Internet buddy, I was enlightened. I got the address and went to my first bass club meeting. It was simple, friendly, fun and I was fishing with them that weekend. First off, let's address the notion that you have to be a great bass fisherman to belong to one of these clubs. This is not true. In fact, most of these anglers are people just like me, only with a little more experience (remember, I didn't have a boat - I was bank fishing). Most of these people are happy to share that experience with you. Secondly, you do not have to have a boat. In fact, most clubs are looking for non-boaters to help share the expense of the trip with someone who owns a boat. Brilliant! That really surprised me. Why didn't I know this years ago? It makes perfect sense, yet somehow this information escaped me. Owning your own boat can be expensive. A decent boat purchased new can easily run you around $15,000. Ouch. Then there is the issue of storage, insurance, fuel, the trailer, something to pull it with, maintenance and a whole slew of other expenses that come with the package. But not for the non-boater. I paid my bass club dues (very affordable) and within 2 days I was out with the gang on my first local bass club fishing tournament - in a boat. My share of the costs was extremely reasonable compared to those in the last paragraph. It was a 3 day trip and we even shared the cost of a room. Don't ask how the fishing was; that's a whole other article. In this club, we go out once a month to a different lake and have our own little bass tournament. Each time we go out, the non-boaters are matched up with a boater (also a different one each time). This way, you get to learn a little something from everyone. So, if you are bank bound like I was, and want to head out for more exciting fishing, go online or open up the phone book and contact you local bass fishing club. You could be out on the boat in no time. Whether or not you catch any fish remains to be seen. The Fishing Industry and Sponsorship Should you approach the fishing industry for sponsorship? Do You Make Your Kids Fishing Experience Enjoyable? If you take your children fishing with you, they can enjoy something for the rest of their lives, as long as you make it pleasant for them. ![]() |
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