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Home Security ? Defend Your Home and Possessions Against Intruders!
With all of the emphasis in the past few years on Homeland Security, many people have overlooked the importance of home security. While it might not make the first story on the news, when your house is burgled, safeguarding your home soon becomes the most important issue in your world. The Facts There's no reason to wait until it happens to you. According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 75% of all crime in the United States is property crime. In 2003, there were 14 million thefts of property. In 83% of these crimes, the burglars actually entered the home or some other building to steal property. According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, residential burglaries in 2003 averaged $1600 in property or cash loss per incident. This does not include repair of locks, doors, windows, and other destruction. Are you willing to give $1600 (not to mention the security of your home and safety of your family) to a burglar? It can happen to anyone. Whether you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area, you are a target of burglars. What are you going to do about it? The Options Never underestimate the resourcefulness of an intruder. Simply locking your doors and windows isn't enough. If you can think of a way to get into your home, surely someone who makes crime his living will be able to as well. You also shouldn't overestimate the resourcefulness of neighbors. Neighborhood watches are fine, but how many of your neighbors spend every hour you aren't home watching your house? How would they distinguish between a furniture delivery and a robbery? Can you tell just by looking if someone is simply walking for exercise or casing houses for possible burglary attempts? Even houses less than a mile from police stations are easily robbed. There are more effective options that will prevent break-ins and make your home secure. Home Alarms A simple loud noise will not deter a criminal. Your neighbors are likely to turn up their televisions to drown out the sound. Battery and even electrically operated sound alarms are easily thwarted by criminals. If you are going to use a home alarm, you should use a monitored system. When you decide between monitored home alarm systems, you generally have three choices ? a do-it-yourself system, a national monitoring system, and a local home security company system. The do-it-yourself installation systems are by far the cheapest. You need a bit of technical know-how, and you need to know how an intruder enters. When you buy your own equipment, you have your choice of companies to monitor your system. Some systems let you program additional numbers to be called when the alarm is triggered, which isn't as helpful as you'd think. By the time you or a neighbor is able to react and call the police, your burglar is usually long gone. It's best to stick with the pros. National alarm system monitoring services (such as ADT or Brinks) are the most popular. Common customer complaints include being taken advantage of on installation. The national companies contract installation with independent dealers. Many ADT and Brinks customers have reported outrageous quotes, having to negotiate with the installer, and advertised specials being worthless. Other problems include monitoring errors and slow reaction time. When an alarm is triggered, the company calls you to determine if the alarm went off by accident (the large majority of home alarm triggers are accidents by the home owners). If they cannot get you on the phone, they will then call the proper authorities. Unhappy customers have reported no calls at all or very delayed calls. These companies also require you to contract with them for a specified amount of time, usually 2-3 years, even if you are unhappy with their service. Local alarm monitoring systems are usually less expensive with higher levels of customer satisfaction. A local company will have fewer customers, so you are more important to them. You will get a less expensive, yet completely effective installation by an actual company representative. Because these companies rarely require long-term contracts, you have more freedom to change monitoring companies. Knowing this, they will usually charge less per month and put forth more effort to keep your business. Any home alarm system comes with a useful lawn sign indicating that your home is protected by an alarm system. This, alone, is a form of prevention as a thief is more likely to hit a house without an alarm system. Alarm systems are also great for fires and other emergencies. Usually as an added feature, you can hook smoke alarms up to your monitoring system. If a smoke alarm goes off, the fire department is notified. This is especially beneficial during the night or if you leave pets at home during the day. Panic buttons are good if you happen to be home during a break-in or you have a medical emergency. You should also get a break on your homeowner's or renter's insurance when you have a system installed. Monitored home alarm systems are definitely worth the investment, but you shouldn't stop there. House Sitters Even if you have an alarm system, house sitters are invaluable. If you leave your home to go on vacation, your best defense is having actual people in your home. The majority of burglaries in the United States happen during the day while people are at work. Criminals will take the easiest route. If people are in their targeted home, they will move on to a house that appears empty. The problem with traditional house sitting services is that they simply make one or two trips to your home a day to collect mail, open curtains, water plants, and throw off criminals. That still leaves about 23 hours in the day that your home is vulnerable to intrusion or fires. The best house sitting option is to have people living in your home. If you have a friend or family member stay at your home full-time throughout the length of your vacation, you will worry less about burglaries, fires, and other problems such as coming back to a flooded home because of a broken hot water heater. Having a house sitter also cuts down on preparation time and expenses before your vacation. You won't have to have your mail stopped (all a criminal has to do is watch your postal carrier skip your house to assume you're on vacation), buy and set light-timers, or even board the dog. Don't have a friend or family member who can stay at your home? There are services available that match up people and live-in house sitters. It's as though someone is renting your house while you're on vacation, only they generally don't pay you rent. They will pay utilities, mow the lawn, take care of your mail, pets, and home while you're away. They will notify you of any problems. The services help you screen candidates and find the perfect person, couple, or family willing to take care of your home. The Solution The very best prevention you can implement is a combination of 24-hour home alarm monitoring and a house sitter if you are going to be away for any length of time. Don't become a statistic. Start protecting your home today! Copyright © 2005, Ian White Author Ian L. White specializes in helping people who are interested in finding a house sitter in their town, or for more information about the benefits of house sitting. To find out about these services, visit http://www.housecarers.com today. Registration is free for homeowners (and they'll never have to rely on cousin Eddie again.
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Security Cameras For Your Peace of Mind The reasons for installing cctv cameras are the same whether you own a home or business. Protecting your property, family and employees is probably at the top of your list of priorities. You're not the only one that feels that way. Sales of home and business security systems have exploded in recent years. Even before 9/11, security system sales were on the rise. After the terrorist attacks, sales of home and business security cameras rose by as much as 20% over the course of three months. Home Security System, You Are A winner Have you ever been to a local trade show or fair and filled out a raffle and later you find out you have won a Home Security System? Well, you are not alone. Sometimes everyone one wins. That's right you are not as lucky as you think you are. Well you are lucky in one regard; home security systems do work, not only do the little flags out front of the stickers near the front door help prevent crime, but an alarm sends the culprits running big time. Emergency - Gas Fire! Woooooooo??Woooo???The siren sounded. All of us looked at each other with excitement. The time has come for us to go into action. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Millions of people everyday rely on fire extinguishers to put out minor fires which start in the home. Fire extinguishers contain a powder which is known to instantly put out a fire and prevent it from spreading any further. In 2004, fire extinguishers saved over 25 lives in the United States and prevented over 1,500 injuries. Fire departments all over the world encourage home owners to have at least one fire extinguisher in the home at all times. That said, studies show that approximately 80% of homeowners do have at least one in their home, but the question is do they know how to use it? Security Alarm System Motion Detectors Passive Infrared Motion Detectors- These detectors are also known as PIR detectors. The technology they utilize is "passive infrared". The device is mounted on a wall or in the corner of a room. It sends invisible fingers out into the covered area in several layers. The top layer goes the furthest and averages about 60 feet straight ahead and 35 feet on the sides. Kevlar Sheets for Your Home Walls Home security is more important today than ever. You may have even considered Kevlar Sheets for your home or car. They are available and there are some companies who specialize in these things. The military uses them in Humvees and other vehicles. In the Vietnam War the spotter planes and helicopter pilots would put bullet-proof vests on the floor boards since the AK-47 rounds would come up thru the aluminum and kill pilots. Without getting too dramatic you might wish to employ the same strategy in your home. Six Common Criminal Types And How To Avoid Them "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" that saying is as true for crime, as it is for health. After taking literally thousands of reports over the years I spent as a police officer; I found that a lot of crimes that had happened could have been prevented. The easiest and most effective way of dealing with crime is not be a victim of it in the first place. This is easier said then done, and no matter how cautious you are you can still be a victim. Nothing will give you a 100% guarantee; however, there are things you can do to at least limit your odds of being a victim. But first; you have to know what you are preventing yourself from, in order to know how to prevent against it. This article will in general show you some of the common criminal types, and give some suggestions on how to avoid them. I have made up my own classifications for these people based upon my experience as a police officer. Surveillance Camera Positioning It is a known fact that advertising is made to attract our eyes. Marketers work very hard to plant visual memories in your mind. They use anomaly phrases, rhetorical questions, sexy images and ironic text. There are many reasons why this is done but the biggest reason is that it works. Our eyes are often caught and our brains captured for a moment while we digest the advertisement. Since the advertising world has done such a good job in making us look and think there is a slight hesitation in our gaze and direction of sight. This of course is the world's best time to snap a shot or grab an image of a human on a surveillance camera. Handling Weather Emergencies: Part 2; Home Security, Evacuation, and Emergency Kits Introduction Hurricane Preparedness If you are about to get hit by a Hurricane are you prepared? Do you have enough plywood to board up your windows? Often the local lumber companies will be sold out. In fact if you wait till the last minute Home Depot will be out too. Do you own a portable generator? No? Get one. Do you have enough fuel to keep it powered up? Most generators can use up to 1.5 gallons per hour and thus you need spare fuel tanks as well? If you wait too long the gas stations will be closed and after the Hurricane the power may not be turned back on for up to two-weeks depending on the damage. If you are talking about a direct hit Category III or IV it is entirely possible that it will be at least that long. Essentials For Hurricane Season According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the East Pacific expects 15 to 16 tropical storms. Nine of these end up becoming hurricanes with five becoming deadly major hurricanes. If you live in the southeastern part of the U.S. then you know that hurricane season started on June 1st. Are you prepared for Hurricane season? Did you know that Hurricane season lasts until the end of November? Have you gone out and bought all the supplies that you may need? This article is written to help you prepare for any kind of hurricane. It will also provide you with a list of items that are essential for any storm. Katrina: Lessons Learned on the Nature of Man For many years, novels and films have given us apocalyptic views of how easily mankind could disintegrate into ruthless barbarity once removed from the constraints of law and order, and the comfortable smooth machinery of "civilization". But all that was just fiction, right? Not really. The reality is in the news. Numbers That Can Save Your Life It's one of those things we don't give a second thought about. Many of us move into a house and never even change the number that's on the house. Why should you, it's the right number and that's all that matters. Well it may be the right number but can you see it at night or from the road? If there is an emergency and you have to call an ambulance, you certainly don't want them wasting valuable seconds looking for your home. Having a visible house number both day and night is critical. Turn Your Home Into A Fortress The best way to turn your home into a fortress is to carefully and strategically consider all your options. First you need to make a layout of your property and look at an aerial diagram of your home. Then you will need an aerial of the neighborhood, you can go to Google maps for this. Aerials pictures can provide you with possible escape routes of burglars. Drainage ditches, side roads, school playgrounds and wooded areas. You can also get an idea of every possible way the burglars might try to park a moving van without being seen or without being noticed. Often burglars look for areas where they can park a van or pick-up undetected for hours while they load up your prize possessions. Someone Spying? Someone Spying? So are the Teddy Bear and the Potted Plant Stand Alone Keyless Access - How Does It Work? Security and convenience are usually delicately balanced. If something is secure it isn't convenient and vice versa. It's convenient to leave your keys in the ignition, but it isn't secure. Keyless access products offer both aspects in an attractive package. Emergency Telephone Numbers Emergency is a situation that poses an instant threat to human life or possessions though this description may be different in some areas. Deliberate bogus reports of an emergency are usually prosecuted as an offense. One should call for help any time there is a danger for life or public order. The emergency telephone number is a special case in the country's telephone number sketch. Who Abducted the Missing Child? What is going on with these people who feel they can walk onto your property or in front of your home and abduct your child? If those parents had installed a hidden camera in their home, the police could use the recordings from the camera and have a quick lead to find the child and return them safely. Being prepared for the unthinkable act of your child being abducted by installing hidden cameras is much better than wishing later you had installed cameras! Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol Have you found yourself disgusted with the crime lately. You know much of it is gang and drug related yet cannot understand how it has infiltrated your quiet town or how it has become such a menus in your city? Have you recently been a victim of a crime, vandalism or petty theft. Have you just about had enough of this? There is something you can do and it won't cost you a dime to do it. Start a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol in your area today. Alarm Controls are the Brain of your Security System, Use Yours When Choosing One The alarm control is the brain of your security system. It is typically placed in an area that is out of the way like a basement, attic, closet or office. The motherboard and additional components such as radio receivers, backup power supply and zone expanders are inside this metal box, which is often locked. You will have little or no interface with the alarm control. Your alarm technician will need to access this unit to program it and wire it to general standards, or your custom standards. ![]() |
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