Interior Design & Decorating Information
Decorating on a Dime
Decorating your home and office can be a challenge if you are on a budget. There are so many different options, and most of them are outside of your financial grasp. A good piece of art work could cost you thousands, not to mention framing. How then do you decorate on a dime?
Decorating With Lights and Shades
Candlestick, lamp and fixtures for electricity must accord with the lines of your architectures and furniture. The mantelpiece is the connecting link between the architecture and furnishing of a room. It is the architect contribution to the furnishing, and for this reason the keynote for decorator.
Lamp Shades Decorate a Room
When redecorating a room, don?t forget about your lighting. While it may seem that you will have to purchase all new lamps for your new décor, sometimes all you need is a new lampshade. Replacing a lampshade is a lot cheaper than purchasing a whole new lamp.
The Art Of Selecting Your Homes Art
Art should be personal. Selecting pieces that you really
love should not be influenced by the color of the carpet or
your couch. To really make a statement, art should be chosen
based on it's own merits.
Vintage Hearth Accessories Heat Up Your Fireplace
Curling up near a cozy fire is a wonderful winter pastime but you?ll need the right tools to tend your fire. Vintage fireplace accessories can add just the right atmosphere to your décor. Here?s what you?ll need to keep your fire aglow.
7 Tips to Care for Your Antique Furniture
During your spring cleaning, don?t forget to think about your
antiques. In this month?s column, we?ll give you seven tips to help
you care for your antique furniture.
Are You Hiring The Wrong Florist?
Many people agree that flowers are one of the most important
elements in your design. From big parties to small
get-togethers, flowers can bring that added touch to any
setting. If you are planning to appoint a florist for your
event, discuss what you want to achieve with your flowers.
Many people do not know what they require and will be left
with disappointing flowers. Lots of hosts or organizers hire
florists that can turn out to be a disappointing investment. If you follow the
5 rules laid out below, you will invest in a good florist
that knows exactly what you like and can use flowers to reinforce
the mood you must create.
Pool Table Lights Guide: How To Light Up Your Game
The proper pool table lights is critical to playing your best game of pool. The ideal pool table light fixture is attractive, unobtrusive, and provides just enough illumination without creating a glare. Choosing the right pool table lights for your home need not be difficult. Just keep a few points in mind.
Freestyle with Metal and Format: The Milan FuoriSalone 2005 event.
This Italian lifestyle project, underlined by the aroma of espresso coffee, is divided into three thematic areas showing different ways of rendering the multifaceted personality of today's ceramic tiles, an irreplaceable part of home decor.
Country Decorating Ideas - Create Warmth and Charm with Country Style Decorating Ideas
Country decorating ideas can help you create a home that is warm, inviting and the perfect home to live in. Country style decorating ideas help you capture the spirit of country living during modern times. If you are restoring a country home, try to keep the original woodwork, windows, floors, fixtures and cabinetry unless they are beyond salvaging. For decorating a new or existing home, there are choices you can make that will provide you with the charm and comfort of life in the countryside.
7 Tips To Note When You Decorate Your Home
When you decorate your home, think twice about the colors you use. Plan out properly the color scheme before you even buy the paint.
Fireplace Candelabras - The Easy Alternative To Burning Wood
It wasn?t that long ago that the fireplace was the main source of heat in most every home. The hearth was a place for families to gather so that they could enjoy each other?s company while they read, played games or worked on a hobby. And let?s face it. Houses in those days were cold. If you weren?t in front of the fireplace, you could be quite chilly.
Fireplace Accessories - Adding The Finishing Touch To Your Hearth
Back in the day, fireplaces were an integral part of heating the home. People relied on the heat which radiated from their fireplace as their main heat source. Today?s modern heating systems have negated the need of the fireplace in the home, but many people continue to incorporate the fireplace into their existing and new home construction. One of the reasons why this is the case is that the peace and comfort gained from a gently crackling fireplace simply cannot be obtained any other way. Many people like nothing better than a warm, cozy fire on a brisk fall day or cold winter?s night.
Rustic Country Decor - How to Decorate Cottage Style Homes
Rustic country decor and how to decorate cottage style homes are extensions of American country style decorating. In addition, traditions are borrowed from French, English and some Swedish country looks. Rustic country decor can be defined as coarse, charmingly simple, unfussy, unfinished and yet with endearing qualities. Rustic country decorating includes the use of natural woods, aged surfaces, rough finishes and simple lines. Cottage style homes are comfortable, modest, quaint homes that can be made of thick stone or log wood.
Area Rugs Will Add That Special Look And Feel To Your Home
Decorating with area rugs is one of the easiest ways to update, revitalize and beautify your home. Rugs can add dramatic color and design to every room; create a focal point or define areas; add warmth to the look and feel of tiles, stone, or concrete; protect hardwood floors or wall-to-wall carpeting; and tie elements of a room together. You can change rugs when the seasons change and take them with you if you move. It is not surprising that area rugs are of great interest to the do-it-yourself decorator.
Some Things to Think About
Color is probably the most important element in decorating and should top the list of your requirements when selecting area rugs. If a room has a lot of bright colors and looks very busy, choose a neutral color and a subtle design for the rug. If the colors of the room are soft and neutral, you can add a splash of color and interest with a bright rug and a dramatic design. If you want to enhance the color scheme that exists in a room, select a rug that repeats the dominant or accent colors; if the color scheme hasn?t been chosen, buy the rug of your dreams and decorate the room around it.
The pattern on the rug must not clash with patterns on the wallpaper, window coverings, cushions, and other fabrics in the room. Dark colors add warmth, and light colors will make the room appear more spacious. The amount of traffic is also a consideration. If there are children or pets, or the rug will get steady use, dark colors and intricate patterns will not show dirt as much or as quickly as light colors.
If you buy a rug for the bathroom, make sure the colors are compatible with the color of the bathmat. (Or buy a new bathmat.) It is also important that a rug in the bathroom not be adversely affected by moisture especially if it will be underfoot when you step out of the shower or bath. Maintenance is an important consideration when choosing rugs not only for the bathroom, but also the kitchen, the hall, or the room of a child. Select designs and colors that don?t show the dirt, and are stain resistant and easy to clean.
It is a good idea to add padding under a rug because it will not only keep the rug from moving, it will also extend its life, absorb sound, and make vacuuming easier. If you are placing a rug over wall-to-wall carpeting, choose a thin under-pad coated with an adhesive.
Check the Size You Need
If you want an area rug to cover most of the floor in a room, the same amount of bare floor should be exposed on all sides of the rug, even if the room is an irregular shape or there is a closet or fireplace extending into it. If you are not able to arrange that, try and have the same amount of floor showing on two parallel sides.
When defining an area ? a conversational grouping, for instance ? there should be no more than two feet of empty rug extending out from behind the furniture. A rug used in this fashion will unify the items placed around it if the rug is large enough to accommodate at least the front legs of each piece of furniture.
If you are going to place a large rug in the bedroom, it need not be centered but the same amount of floor should be visible on two or three sides of it. In the dining room, the rug should extend eighteen inches to twenty-four inches beyond the table. An eight- by ten-foot rug will work in most living rooms and dining rooms. A six- by four-foot or a six- by nine-foot rug will be fine if it is for a small area, such as under a coffee table, in which case, the entire coffee table should be on it and all other furniture set back from it at an equal distance.
If you have trouble visualizing what a rug will look like in a room and can?t decide what size would be best, use masking tape to define the space. If that doesn?t help, cut pieces from a paper roll or lay out bed sheets to cover the area before you decide what size to buy. You don?t want any surprises.
Create Special Effects
If a rug is to be the focal point of a room, consider purchasing one with a central medallion, which is a popular design for an oriental rug. If the medallion will be hidden for the most part by a piece of furniture ? the dining room table or a bed, for example ? forget the medallion and select a rug that has an allover design, or one with detail on its borders.
Oriental rugs ? a term which refers, in decorating lingo, to rugs from any Asian country ? are popular in modern as well as traditional homes. Expect to pay more for an imported Persian rug, considered by many to be superior to all other oriental rugs. Tibetan rugs are also a beautiful and popular choice and not as expensive, or you can choose a rug from Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, China, or from many other Asian countries.
If the room has an early American theme, a round braided rug, popular since the early settlement of North America, will probably be very suitable. Using a Navajo rug, with its geometric designs and flat weave, can reinforce a southern or desert theme. If your tastes run more to the comfort and appeal of animal fur or wool, forget the tiger skin and look for a flokati rug ? a hand-woven Greek woolen rug with a thick, shaggy pile ? it may create just the look you want.
Contemporary rugs come in every variety of color, design, texture, size, and price. Don?t overlook them when you are searching for the perfect area rugs, even if your house is decorated in a traditional style. Just as a traditional rug can look great in a modern home, a contemporary rug can add to the appeal and charm of a traditional home. Let your creative spirit soar ? and make sure the rug can be returned or exchanged in case you discover your creative spirit soared in the wrong direction.
Cost is a Consideration
The cost of a home rug is closely related to the fiber from which it is made. The most expensive natural fiber will be found in a wool rug; other less expensive natural fibers are cotton, jute, silk and sisal (hemp). Popular synthetics favored for quality rugs are acrylic, polypropylene (olefin), and nylon.
If you are on a tight budget, look for discount and bargain outlets, but be sure the dealer is reputable, there is a wide selection, and check the warranty and the return policy before you buy.
Area rugs are available in a wide variety of styles, and there are sizes to fit every room and prices to fit every budget. Shop until you find exactly what you want.
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Decorating with Brains
Did I get your attention? Sorry, I just couldn't resist!
When I was a little girl, we called them "brains". We would gather them into huge piles and either throw them into the woods or throw them at each other.
Vintage Hearth Accessories Heat Up Your Fireplace
Curling up near a cozy fire is a wonderful winter pastime but you'll need the right tools to tend your fire. Vintage fireplace accessories can add just the right atmosphere to your décor. Here's what you'll need to keep your fire aglow.
Wine Rack Kits and Plans
Properly storing wine keeps flavor and lets wine age so that you can taste its evolving, complex flavor. Buying a wine rack, however, can be pricey, especially for someone who is more interested in developing a robust wine collection, not decorating.
An Introduction to Wood Stoves
Wood stoves are like small fireplaces. They are inexpensive and can be built into a home or added later. Wood-burning stoves are great for either decoration or for home heating. These small cast-iron stoves have been used around the world for hundreds of years, providing aesthetic beauty and practical warmth wherever they are used. There are a number of advantages to wood stoves. They look great, are safe, can effectively heat an entire house, and are ecologically responsible.
Dont Just Clean, Organize
Instead of cleaning, decorate
Replacement Sofa Slipcovers Can Instantly Give Your Home A Fresh New Image
Giving you home an instant makeover can be as simple are replacing your sofa slipcovers. The beauty of furniture slipcovers is that they can be changed whenever you feel like a new look. In addition, they are inexpensive to buy and quick and easy to fit. So, if you are a bit bored of the appearance of your tired looking sofa, consider livening up the whole room with a bright new sofa slipcover pattern!
Interior Decorating and Home Decor With Native American Indian Art
Since there has been a trend in recent years towards more earthy color tones for interior decorating, Native American Indian art can fit in nicely as part of home decor. Most subjects used in Native American Indian art tend to be focused on nature whether the pieces are prints, carvings or pottery. Colors tend to be earthy shades of browns, reds, blacks and yellows since the main raw materials are wood as in carvings from the Pacific Northwest region and clay from the Southwest. Even painted wood carvings or pottery tend to have natural colors often found in nature such as greens and blues. All of these colors work well with the more natural styles of interior decorating today.
The Benefits of Electric Adjustable Beds
Electric adjustable beds are adjustable beds that can be automatically adjusted at the touch of a button. The user himself can operate them without assistance. They are available in various models, as per the user's requirements, and these beds can be adjusted electronically to suit personal requirements. For people who cannot move out of bed frequently, these electronically adjustable beds are a boon.
A Look at Plantation Shutters
When potential buyers are looking at a home, many upgrades get their attention. Floor tile, fireplace, and tile backsplash are some popular additions to a home. One upgrade, however, really makes homebuyers take notice. That upgrade is plantation shutters.
Decorating With Art
A Little Savvy with Framed Art Prints and Photographs Can Help Successfully Pull a Room Together
Simplicity with Your Home Wall Decor
I can still picture my roommate as she lay stretched out on the floor, rummaging through a pile of Martha Stewart magazines. It was our mutual friend's birthday and we preferred to deliver our own personalized birthday gifts. My roommate sat on the floor, cutting out various chunks of pages from the magazines. After observing her assorted scraps, she mixed and matched the paper in what formed a fitting and creative design. She neatly wrapped the gift in her personalized wrapping paper.
Installing Granite Countertops
Granite is not only the hardest material available for countertops; it's also the most expensive, with prices starting at $60 a square foot. Though adding granite countertops to any kitchen can be quite costly, they remain the premiere choice in many new and remodeled homes. The beauty and warmth offer an aesthetic appeal that can't be found in other countertop materials.
Finding Discount Waterbed Sheets
Consumers may be led to believe that waterbed sheets are more expensive than conventional sheets, but this is not true. Cheap waterbed sheets are easy to come by. Many stores and websites offer discount waterbed sheets. It is often possible to buy discount waterbed sheets directly from the manufacturer at a great discount. Committed bargain hunters can find sheets of every material and a wide array of colors discounted.
Magic Carpet Ride?
There are hundreds of choices carpet choices out there! How does one decide?
How to Create a Decorative Garden Window
If you have a sunny window in a room where you don't have to worry about privacy, this décor idea will provide a country home feel along with the beauty of Mother Nature's flowers.
Decorating, Where Theres a Will Theres a Way
Decorating anything is one of the easiest things in the world! And when it comes to decorating your home, if one has a will and there is always a way. It helps, of course, to know about materials, including building materials, textiles and fabrics and furnishings including antique and modern furnishings. Add to this a few home decorating ideas and you can transform your house into a home that beckons!
Psychology of Color - Decorating a Kitchen for the Subconscious
Psychologists have studied the influence of color on the mind for years. While they have not found any effects that generalize to every society, they have found that people from the same society are affected by colors in similar ways. Using these findings it is possible to tap into the subconscious of people, and use this information when decorating to create a room that will have positive emotional effects. The following are the general effects of color on the perceptions of Americans, and some tips on how to use these colors to influence the minds of the people in your kitchen positively. These colors may affect you differently, and as such it is important to pay attention to your own tastes above any advice.
What You Should Know About Cheap Cuckoo Clocks
There are cuckoo clocks available for people with all kinds of decorating or collecting budgets. On Ebay you'll find cheap cuckoo clocks priced from $9.99 to thousands of dollars before the bidding begins. Obviously, if a clock is hand carved, very old, and in good shape, it will end up bringing in lots of bidders who cruise the listings looking for bargains. If it's a mass-produced, relatively modern piece of equipment you may end up snagging an enjoyable, delightful, accurate and cheap cuckoo clock for very little money.
Decorating Kid?s Rooms On A Small Budget
Now if your children are like mine they want to change the style and look of their room about every other week. One way to make them happier for a longer period of time with their room decor is to get involved with the activities that are required when redecorating their room. Too many parents do the work for them and the children have no sense of what it takes to decorate and change a room's decor, so can you blame them when they ask the very next week to re-do their rooms? They think it's easy! Most kids love to get involved not to mention it will give you some quality time with your child.
A Look at Portable Dishwashers
Portable dishwashers are just the ticket for those with less than enough space for a more permanent and heavier dishwasher. They range in widths from a slim 18 inches to a maximum of about 24 inches for the "larger" portables. In general, they are also less expensive. They usually run anywhere from $200 to $500, rather than to $600 or more as with permanent units.