Interior Design & Decorating Information
Quick And Easy Bathroom Decor Changes
Are you tired of the way your bathroom looks? Don't feel bad, a lot of folks are in the same boat. The bathroom is one room in the home that can look drab and run down very easily. And what if you don't have an unlimited budget to make changes in the fixtures and plumbing? Well take heart, there is lots that you can do for very little money that will totally and radically improve the decor of your bathroom.
Seeking Balance in Your Home Decor
In our homes, as in other parts of our lives, we are happier when we live with balance and harmony. Just like the rest of our lives, balance in the rooms of our homes is sometimes hard to create.
For many years, decorators and home owners tried to create this physical balance by having pairs of everything: 2 matching end tables, a matched pair of wing chairs, even sets of twin beds in the master bedroom. This certainly created a balanced room. It also created rooms that were sterile, formal and visually boring. In a formal setting or a Federal or Georgian home, this is still the way things should be to look 'right.' Our ancestors valued this perfect balance so highly that they created false doors in hallways so that both sides matched or doors that looked like windows so that the right and left sides of the back of a house matched perfectly. This can still be seen if you go to visit some of our historic homes. A notable example is the Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis, Md.
We, however, tend to prefer a more relaxed approach to our homes.
So how do we create a feeling of balance without matched pairs of everything? You can use:
Dark colors have more 'weight' than light colors.
Actual size
Height, depth and width of an object
A thick bulky looking object has more ?weight? than a fragile, delicate one. Just visualize a blown glass vase and a terracotta pot of the same size.
A group of several like objects in different sizes grouped together creates 'weight.' Think of an assortment of silver candlesticks.
A dark corner has more 'weight' than one filled with light.
If you want to prove this to yourself, gather together a group of assorted objects and use a tabletop/mantel and try out different scenarios. Be sure you have different sizes, colors, textures and shapes. You can put a larger framed picture against one end and a slightly smaller one in front of it. On the other end of your table put a heavy pot. Do the same thing with a matching pot at each end. Try pairing the picture group with an assortment of candles in candlesticks. Each time you create an arrangement, step back and look at it. In fact, if you have a digital camera, take a picture of it. If you do this for a while you will start to get a feel for balance. You can actually give the illusion that the tabletop is tilted slightly by throwing off the visual balance.
The same effect can occur in your room arrangements. If you doubt this, close your eyes and try to 'see' a room in which you felt physically uncomfortable or slightly disoriented even though there was no obvious reason. A room in which the heavy items are all on one side of the room, almost feels as though the floor tilts. Once you have a feel for balance you can start to create a harmonious home.
Stand in the doorway of any room in your house that you feel isn?t 'right.' What do you see? Does the burgundy chair stick out like there is a spotlight on it? Does the entertainment center overwhelm the room? Do you have a TV and a fireplace battling for focal point? Do your easy chairs look like they were made for children next to your mammoth sofa? Does your fireplace mantel look like you are setting up for a tag sale? Your room is out of balance.
Move the furniture around and try different arrangements until you have one that works. Unless you have a room that is just for show like a Victorian parlor, you need to be able to use the room comfortably. Once the practical set-up is done, look at the room from different angles. If the room is out of balance use color and accessories, plants and pictures, groups of like objects, light and volume to create an illusion of balance.
Try grouping the accessories on your mantels and tabletops. Balance the entertainment center on one side of the fireplace with a tall plant or group of plants on the other. Note: avoid having the tops of everything at the same height. You might as well draw a line around your room. Repeat the color of the chair in pillows, throws, lampshades or the matting around a group of pictures. You really will be amazed at the difference it makes.
We may all be born craving balance but except for the lucky few, we have to learn to achieve it. There is a myriad of books on the subject and it can help to read them and look at the pictures, but the best way to get a feel for balance is 'hands on.' Experiment with portable objects until you get a feel for what works and then enjoy creating your harmonious home.
Purchasing Framed Art For Your Home or Office - a Novel Way to Decorate
Framed art is an ideal compliment to any room of your home or office. Decorating an environment using framed artwork is quick, easy and is usually relatively inexpensive. People generally choose framed art because it matches their decor, or because they like the actual piece and conducting this selection can be great fun because the choice is simply huge.
Decorating on a Shoestring Budget
Right now one of the most popular shows on television is, â??Trading Spaces.â?? If you havenâ??t gotten an opportunity to watch this show, the object of the game is to decorate one room in someone elseâ??s house with a budget of a $1,000. The decoratorâ??s truly struggle to accomplish this so you know it is hard when even they, trained professionals, are having problems creating the room of the homeownerâ??s dreams.
Home Décor Tips To Impress Your Friends
Step 1: Pick a motif and go with it! Don't pair your childhood bedspread
with a new wrought iron bed and lace curtains. Choose colors that remind
you of things you love. For example, my bedroom is all done in tan and
pastels, because those colors make me feel like I'm in a spring meadow.
Other favorite motifs include ocean, fall or sunset. Make it the vibe that
fills the room. This mean not just your bedding, but also any framed
artwork or standing decorations should go with the motif.
The Art Of Home Decoration
If you would have your rooms interesting as well as beautiful, make them say something, give them a spinal column by keeping all
ornamentation subservient to line.
Make Simple Curtains and Valance for any Window
Making a quick set of curtains and a valance is something that you can do even if you don?t have much sewing experience. It?s just a matter of thinking through the process and calculating for fabric needed and knowing how to use a sewing machine.
Beyond Paint: Decorating Walls With Stencils
Painting walls in various colors is a quick and easy way to decorate any room in your home. But when you're looking for something a bit more artistic and unique, you might try your hand at stenciling.
Luau! Decorating with a Hawaiian Theme
Hawaii is a first choice travel destination with millions of people - and for good reason. Bring a little of that island feeling into your home, either indoors or in your outdoor living space. You can apply this theme to an elegant dinner party, a fun and funky luau, or anything in between.
About Pine Needle Baskets and How to Use Them in Your Home Decor
Have you ever had the pleasure of strolling through a forest covered with fragrant pine needles? Can you imagine those pine needles being crafted into a basket, tray, or sculpture? In this article, you will discover the brief history of pine needle baskets and how to use these beautiful and fragrant works of art in your home decor.
5 Ways In Which You Can Make Simple Changes To Your Home Decorating
Home decorating, ever wanted to try it, but hesitated because of time constraints or budget concerns. The following ideas will not only give instant results, but more importantly fit into any budget.
Home Decorating For Smaller Spaces
?Big Things Come In Small Packages? We?re all familiar with this quote, it?s normally associated with gifts not home decorating, but it should be.
Nursery Decorating Ideas: Creating a Timeless Retreat
Decorating a baby room is a wonderful opportunity to create a carefree hideaway - a place of slumber and lullabies.
Do You Need An Interior Designer?
All of us want our homes to be places of comfort and beauty. Some of us enjoy decorating and furnishing our homes and some of us don?t. How do we decide if we need an interior designer or not?
Spring & Home Decorating - A Fresh New Look
Open Windows ? Curtains fluttering from a warm breeze ? The air smells fresh and clean ? Buds on the trees are beginning to open ? Tiny flowers are popping up threw the ground ? Finally that little bird with the red breast is back
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The Benefits of Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks
Stainless steel has emerged as the most popular choice of materials for new sink installations because of its low cost, light weight, and almost unbreakable construction. Stainless steel sinks are made in many sizes and several thicknesses, measured in gauge.
Granite Countertop Colors
Granite, like marble and other stones, is as old as the earth. Granite is the second hardest stone (diamond being the first) and is created from molten rock. It is found world wide, in countries such as Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. In addition to its strength, granite is a very beautiful stone that adds color and warmth to a room. A frequent choice of designers for decades, granite countertops have now become popular with the public. There are literally hundreds of granite countertop colors including whites, browns, reds, greens, blues and black. The variations of the minerals in each base color creates hundreds more possible variations on the basic colors.
Wrought Iron Baker?s Rack: Beautiful and Elegant
When it comes to home accessories, baker's racks have long been a favorite of consumers due to their versatility, beauty, and practicality, and the wrought iron baker's rack stands out as a favorite. In addition to adding that special element of style, wrought iron bakers racks are also very practical in that they can be used for extra shelving, storage space and/or as a work center. This multi-purpose nature of the baker's rack is what makes it so popular and the perfect addition for any kitchen or living space.
Decorating on a Dime
Decorating your home and office can be a challenge if you are on a budget. There are so many different options, and most of them are outside of your financial grasp. A good piece of art work could cost you thousands, not to mention framing. How then do you decorate on a dime?
Digital Picture Frames: The Wave of The Future
What is a digital picture frame? Think of a digital picture frame as a slide show of sorts for your picture. Like a flat screen TV, the digital picture frame is sleek, elegant and classy. You can buy a stand-alone reader that produces images from a memory card, or one connected to a phone line. The latter allows you to receive pictures sent from computers around the world.
A Guide to Wood Stove Inserts
A wood stove insert serves several purposes. First of all, they can keep heat from escaping through the fireplace. Wood stove inserts also raise the heating efficiency of the fireplace, allowing it to spread more heat to a wider area. Fireplaces with wood stove inserts are cleaner and easier to manage than open fireplaces.
The Allure of Exotic Hardwood Floors
Exotic hardwood floors are made up of solid exotic wood that is not grown in North America. These wooden planks are imported from Africa, Australia, Brazil, and the Far East. They are known for distinct coloration and wood grain, and can be bought as solid hardwood plank or engineered wood construction.
A Guide to Vinyl Shutters
Most people would agree that wood shutters are beautiful. They add class and grace to most any home. Whether exterior or interior, wood shutters are special. For many people, however, these shutters are cost-prohibitive. With the rising cost of living, the added cost of expensive shutters is simply not something everyone can justify. What if you can't afford wood shutters? Do you have to just live with bare windows or walls? No, not anymore. An alternative is available: vinyl shutters.
Create the Right Splash With Bathroom Accessories
When decorating your bathroom, it is important to choose practical and beautiful bathroom accessories that also enhance the style of the room. It is this kind of attention to detail that separates a bathroom with charm and character from one that is strictly ho-hum. Bathrooms have come a long way from the days of strictly utilitarian design and use, and are now viewed as sanctuaries to which people escape and indulge in personal pampering.
Decorating a Guest Bedroom - Get Out of your Own Way
Decorating a Guest Bedroom
The Benefits of HEPA Air Purifiers
The military designed the first HEPA filter in the 1940s for use in the Manhattan Project, when safety from free-floating nuclear material was a primary concern. Today, HEPA air purifiers are very widely used to remove dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and other airborne particles. They are perhaps the most tried-and-true method of air cleaning to date. The best part about HEPA air purifiers is that they emit no byproducts or secondary pollutants such as ozone.
Mini Blinds: An Introduction
Mini-blinds have replaced the old-fashioned Venetian blinds as more convenient and attractive window treatments. Blinds are window coverings that can have either vertical or horizontal slats, have an accordion or honeycomb construction, or are woven from natural or synthetic reeds. The only disadvantage they have is that they cannot be cleaned easily.
Finding a Cuckoo Clock Repair Service
Weights hanging from the bottom of your cuckoo clock keep it running smoothly and accurately. Some cuckoo clocks have two weights and some have three. Since the internal working parts for these two types of timing mechanisms are different, the prices for repairing them will be different no matter where you go or who does the work. Since cuckoo clocks can be purchased for prices ranging from as little as $39.99 for mass produced, discontinued or used items, to as much as many thousands of dollars for pristine, well maintained older versions by acknowledged craftsmen, you should take into account the value of your individual item before you attempt to have anything repaired.
Carlton Ware: A Colourful Collectible
These vibrant collectibles are as charming today as they were when they were first introduced.
The Power of Candlelight
In this day and age, everything is about health and wellness. The products range from nutritional, mentoring/self growth and soy/veg candles. Yes, soy/veg candles because they're virtually soot-free and natural waxes are used to create a healthier environment in the homes of candle lovers.
A Baker?s Rack: Always A Favorite
When it comes to home accessories, baker's racks have long been a favorite of consumers due to their versatility, beauty, and practicality. In addition to adding that special element of style, a baker's rack is also very practical in that it can be used for extra shelving, storage space and/or as a work center. This multi-purpose nature of the baker's rack is what makes it so popular and the perfect addition for any kitchen or living space.
Feng Shui Interprets Exposed Beams
What constitutes a balanced room according to feng shui theory involves not one, but several aspects. Some of those aspects are non-obvious while some aspects are immediately palpable, such as the flaw of a room which is chronically dark or cold.
Decorating, Where Theres a Will Theres a Way
Decorating anything is one of the easiest things in the world! And when it comes to decorating your home, if one has a will and there is always a way. It helps, of course, to know about materials, including building materials, textiles and fabrics and furnishings including antique and modern furnishings. Add to this a few home decorating ideas and you can transform your house into a home that beckons!
The Benefits of Hookless Shower Curtains
Anyone who has ever hung traditional shower curtains will agree on one thing: hooks are a pain to use. You get one side hung and the other side comes unhooked. While you're reattaching that side, three hooks fall off. You fumble, you drop things. Before you get the whole thing hung, you are quite tempted to throw the curtain -- and the hooks -- out of the nearest window. There is an easier way.
Designer Shower Curtains
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to make over your bathroom, consider buying a new shower curtain. Shower curtains are available in a variety of styles, materials, and prices. Shower curtains can be whimsical, floral, traditional, or a host of other styles. And, of course, they can be designer.