Interior Design & Decorating Information

Bollywood Boudoir... On A Budget

"Bollywood" is the next really big thing in interior decor. You can transform your bedroom really easily into a Bollywood boudoir with some very simple touches:

Easy Dining Room Makeover

A dining room can be such a fantastic place to entertain, but it can easily be underused if you often eat in the kitchen or in front of the telly instead. Here are a few hints to make it a more special place to spend time?

Tips on Budget Decorating

Home decorating on a budget is the ultimate adventure in decorating. It requires a little bit of planning, creativity, and patience. If you are like me, sometimes you wish you could be a genie and wiggle your nose and **poof** it's done. However, that takes away from all the fun! Follow these tips and you'll have a home that looks like a page out of your favorite magazine!

Decorating for Real Life and Real People

I spent a recent weekend curled up with a stack of decorating magazines. I read them cover to cover - usually back to front, but that's the way I read most magazines and newspapers. I studied each photograph and tried to determine the particular design concept that was being presented. I looked at the number and placement of accessories, how and where arrangements of items were hung on the walls, choices of color and texture, and flooring selections. Each photo was scrutinized in the minutest detail. At some point I started to wonder for whom these absolutely gorgeous rooms were designed.

The Stress-Free Way to Add Color to Your Walls

Looking for the most impact from a small decorating budget? Or are you tired of the ?builder?s white? that is still on your walls since the house was built? Painting walls a color other than white can be both exciting and daunting, here?s how to do it and get the job done without having an anxiety attack!

Decorating Kids Bedrooms - Get Them involved!

I believe kids are born creative. Unfortunately living life usually squelches most of that creativity unless it is carefully nurtured. You can help your children maintain their creative nature by allowing them to express it. That?s where interior decorating for kids comes in.

Measuring Space - How Much Room Do You Really Need?

When planning your home décor, it is vitally important to understand your space needs. Do you have enough room to open any doors? Can you walk from one side of the room to the other without climbing over the furniture? Here are some rules to keep in mind when you plan your room update:

Can Bamboo Flooring Really Help Save The Worlds? Environment?

Probably not on its own, but its an excellent example of how consumers can vote with their buying dollars to sway market demand to bring more environmentally friendly products into the marketplace.

Making Your Home Blossom is Easy

Having trouble getting a room in your home to have that certain charm you?re looking for? Searching for that perfect painting, sculpture, or table lamp can often be time-consuming, pricey, and/or lead to fights with your spouse. But, one simple and often overlooked way to add harmony to any room is with fresh cut flowers.

Learn Some Feng Shui Guidelines For Your Childrens Room

Feng shui indicates some specific guidelines regarding children's spaces and bedrooms. The way we decorate them and the way we distribute the furniture should be done by following those principles in order to achieve harmony and help your children feel comfortable in that space.

Making The Most Of Your Smart Decision To Hire An Interior Designer

So you?ve decided to hire an Interior Designer?good move! Now what? Before you start planning your ?reveal? party, you?ll need a basic understanding about the process to ensure that you get the most design for your dollar and that you have a fun and fabulous experience, no matter what type of project is ahead of you.

A Sofa Slip Cover Will Add New Life To Your Tired Furniture!

A sofa slip cover may be just what you need to add some life to that old, tired looking couch of your. There are many advantages to owning a sofa slip cover. One is that you can easily change the cover of your sofa without the expenses of a re-upholsterer. Sectional sofa slip covers come in many different attractive designs and can be changed in a matter of seconds. Another advantage is the fact that it is very simple to replace a sofa slip cover. If you have children, pets, or any other potential cause of mess in your house, you can keep your sofa clean for guests by keeping a stock of sofa slip covers on hand, ready to interchange.

Ivory Like Sholapith Sculptures from India

In the past, collectors have been fascinated with sculptures of pure white Ivory without knowing the damage it caused to our eco-system. Luckily governments of a number of nations have banned Ivory trade altogether.

Putting Passion Back Into Home Decorating

For most people, they can count the times they redecorate their homes in a lifetime on one hand. It's a shame because this is not because they don't have great ideas about how they want their homes to be, but that the thought of redecorating brings the following obstacles to mind:

For A Pleasant Smelling Home

If you're anything like me and the scent of something pleasant can instantly lift your mood, then a house that is pleasant smelling will be a constant lift-booster. Here are some ways to do it.

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