Interior Design & Decorating Information

Eastern Influences On Western Interiors: Japanese Décor - Part I of II - Color, Texture and Contrast

The topic of eastern influences on western interiors is a very broad subject. Many countries, such as China, Japan, Tibet, etc., have had an influence. Therefore, I have chosen to focus on one country for this article, Japan.

7 Feng Shui Fundamentals for Childrens Bedrooms

Feng shui is a very popular and intriguing concept in home design today. In addition to the life benefits it provides, it also offers a roadmap, so to speak, of not just how to decorate... but why. In short, it offers you, the homeowner, design with purpose. For a child's room this purposeful design is especially important.

Bean Bag Chairs ? Choosing the Right One

Decorating can be a big challenge in today?s world. There are all kinds of decorating styles from which to choose. Each room of your home can have a different style including ecclectic, traditional, modern, or formal. But for those casual and impromptu rooms and occasions, a bean bag chair can be just what?s needed. Choosing the right shape, material, size and color are very important.

Make Your Homes Style Unique With Mix and Match Decor

You see it all the time in retail discount stores: Color coordinated decor for just about anywhere in your home. And some of the designs are quite pretty. In fact, some people become obsessed by them. They're usually really cute, come in a variety of colors, shades, patterns and designs, and they just plain make decorating easy. There's no guesswork - everything is matched for you automatically. But there's also no unique style. No sense of "you" in the finished style. If you mix and match styles up a bit though, you'll end up creating something that's just right for you, your home, and your style preferences. Here are a few tips on doing that.

What is a Duvet Cover?

A Duvet Cover is actually just another name for a Bed Comforter Cover. It's like a very large pillow case, is is normally used to cover a down comforter. Using a duvet cover makes changing your bedroom decor quick and easy, and it's much easier to clean than a full comforter.

Are Your Houseplants Safe?

There is nothing more attractive and cheerful than a room filled with healthy green houseplants. They offer aesthetics to the interior of our homes, improve indoor air quality, and often provide emotional satisfaction to the caregiver in getting the plant to bloom or produce new growth. However, did you know that plant exposures are some of the most frequent poisonings reported to poison control centers?

Decorating a Guest Bedroom - Get Out of your Own Way

Decorating a Guest Bedroom

Add A Splash Of Color To Your Bathroom With A New Shower Curtain!

If your bathroom is looking a bit tired, but you don?t have the money to spend on refurbishing it, then a simple touch such as adding a new shower curtain could work wonders. If you are on a budget then a shower curtain is an inexpensive way to instantly liven up your bathroom and give it a fresh new look. As well as looking good, a shower curtain is a practical way to prevent water spraying out into the rest of the bathroom and damaging your furnishings.

Down Bedding Guide

Down, feathers, goose down, duck down, these can all be a little confusing when shopping for your down bedding. The first thing to keep in mind about down bedding is that not all down is created equal. Duck down and goose down are two types of downs one will run across when shopping for bedding. The first questions many may have are, "What is down," and "Isn't down the same thing as feathers?"

Southwest Style Decorating Tips

When you think of the Southwest, what do you think of? Deserts, cactus, saloons? Well, Southwest style decor can actually combine these visions into a single decorating style. If you're wanting to use a Southwestern decorating theme in your home, a living room or den is a great place to use it. The bright colors and patterns are conducive to conversation.

Decorating Tips: The Meaning of Colors

Colors have many different meanings. Have you ever been in a blue room, feeling calm and relaxed, and then walked into a red room and you began to feel chatty and excited? The change in your mood wasn't just coincidence - it was an actual psychological and physiological response to the colors of the rooms. When you are planning to decorate your home, the colors of your rooms should be one of your first considerations. You want to choose colors that you're not only comfortable with, but also colors that will create the right types of moods for both you and your guests in each room.

Amish Furniture A Piece Of American Pride

Over the past several months I have been actively working with Amish Americans. The Amish have a unique culture, and are often called the ?Simple People.? Amish appear to be caught in a time warp dating back to the early 1800?s. A time when horse power was a term counting the actual number of horses, and instead of E-mail snail mail is the normal means of sending someone a letter. Yes this lifestyle does appear slower, simpler, and not as efficient to the novice eye, however I have found that we should examine the finer points of their simple but industrious culture.

Christian Art in Your Home

Christian art is wonderful for inspiring us. Cathedrals and churches, paintings, music, performances, and sculpture have been created for centuries. Now, in our own time, photography, mixed media, and posters are widely available too.

Displaying Posters: Some Ways You Never Thought Of

How many ways can you display posters? With the easy availability of thousands of inexpensive posters online, you can turn any house or apartment into a unique art gallery!

Why Posters are Great Gifts

Posters make great gifts. They are large but easy to ship, wrap, and give away. They are often dramatic, often reflecting a story of some sort, whether it's the latest film or the enduring stories of the Bible and literature.

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