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Catholic Self Defense
Note: I wrote this essay regarding the development of Tekkenryu jujutsu. However, I think it is applicable for all methods of self defense. It may also explain why martial arts are the way they are. Catholic, by definition, means universal or "broad minded". I could pull out STACKS of manuals, syllabuses, films, and related research material that cover an ENTIRE range of unarmed combat. Some methods advocate wrestling as their base, others use boxing or savate. Some jujutsu and judo while others call their systems "rough and tumble" or "all in", and there is even a system based on American SPORTS. I have an old manual on YOGA for self defense. The material ranges from current to OLD, some very old. These varied systems have everything! Striking and kicking methods drawn from EVERY method and "nationality", GRAPPLING methods from Lutte to Judo, from Sambo to All-In Wrestling. They range from standing to the ground; all aspects, all methods. The guys in our crew have trained in an impressive array of systems and methods. They have a fantastic "pool" of knowledge, SKILL, and TRAINING to draw from. OKAY, so WHAT? See if this makes sense............ Damian, Clint, and I worked out a comprehensive syllabus of instruction. It is based on a catholic approach to combatives. We drew these methods from a number of varied sources and training. The problem as we saw it was in the PROGRESSION of instruction. Here's how we attempted to solve this fundamental problem: Very few individuals will start so-called "martial arts" instruction or training and stay with it for any real length of time. Many combative skills are JUST that, SKILLS! They require dedicated time and training to inculcate to the extent that they will be "useful" in a REAL fight or even in a controlled "free sparring" environment. Japanese Judoka have a saying - "One year for Newaza, TEN years for Tachiwaza". In other words, proficiency in groundwork can be gained in a year, standing techniques require ten. So, here we see an acknowledgement that "different" SKILLS require varied amounts of TIME, TRAINING, and DEDICATION. So that was our problem. MOST people will simply NOT invest the time and effort to "master" MANY of the skills involved. MOST people will "train" for a limited amount of time and then move on to the next "thing" that catches their interest. What then is OUR responsibility as "instructors"? What we did is set a curriculum that takes this into account. The syllabus, for the first three to six months, includes NOTHING but the most BASIC, easily UNDERSTOOD, SIMPLEST METHODS of EFFECTIVE PERSONAL PROTECTION. Someone can train for a limited time AND still get something USEFUL in terms of "SKILL". What was our basis on selection of "method"? "Hence the reason for a simple type of instruction with a great deal of emphasis on the FEW elementary methods which can be easily and instinctively used in combat after practice?..basis of selection was the theory of what the smallest man can do to the largest." I'm quoting Applegate from the 1943 edition of Kill Or Get Killed (This DOES NOT, I hope, portray me as a zealot). Continued training and "dedication" will result in learning more and more "complex" skills. However, if an individual ceases practice after a "limited" amount of time, we feel that we have at LEAST given something of VALUE in terms of personal survival. Damian is a highly skilled grappler in any venue, i.e., wrestling, judo, and submission. Clint is a walking encyclopedia of "waza"; Ralph is amazing in his knowledge of close combat and weapons. Each of these men could teach to a high level of SKILL and COMPLEXITY with NO PROBLEM. However, they fully understand that you must "walk before you run". So, they are strong advocates of BASICS. First! Judokas (like any other combative athletes) have a term called "Tokuiwaza" or "favored" technique. It is that one method that it is worked on incessantly, continually for YEARS in search of "perfection". Whether it be "Judo" Kimura, Gerry Cooney, "Strangler" Lewis, or Georges Carpentier, this approach holds true. So, realistically, does this apply to MOST PEOPLE? NO. That's why "champions" are revered. They are the EXCEPTIONS. Why would anyone "teach" a middle aged businessman or a small petite housewife a technique or method that requires complex skills developed over YEARS and that requires a "set" of physical adjuncts in order to be even somewhat effective? Well, you wouldn't, at least NOT initially. Like building a house, you start with a SOLID foundation, and then BUILD from there. So the simplest approach in regards to personal protection is to start with techniques based on what the "smallest can do to the largest". Is that a guarantee of SUCCESS? NO, that's not how life works. Is it a LOGICAL place to "start"? I believe so. Damian, Clint or I could teach DOZENS of different chokeholds and strangleholds. Ralph could teach DOZENS of highly complex drills and methods of stick and knife work. DOZENS! So what! Without the time, training and dedication to master these techniques they are WORSE than useless. The same goes for any "class" of techniques. Training and the DEVELOPMENT of skill is what makes ANYTHING "WORK". So ALL we advocate is that simple common sense basic approach. Start with the SIMPLEST methods and build from there. It has NOTHING to do with "blind" allegiance to any one method or man. It has NOTHING to do with being a "zealot". It has NOTHING to do with following any "gospel" in ignorance. It has EVERYTHING to do with a sincere dedication to seeking the best, most rational and logical "solutions" to the multitude of complex problems inherent in real world survival. This is why on going, dedicated research is SO CRUCIAL. Some question that "validity" of certain methods. DO NOT assume that these "questions" have NOT been asked and answered by others. Only a fool would blindly follow any "doctrine" without questioning and validating the information presented. Can a skilled grappler apply his craft? Of course. Could a skilled boxer or muay thai fighter ply his trade with success? Of course. That's NOT the question. The question is "what can YOU do?" What one can do at twenty is different than what one can do at fifty. What one can do after several years of training is different than what one can do after several months of training. What one can do against an opponent of equal strength and weight is different than what one can do against a much larger, stronger adversary, or for that matter, a much smaller, lighter one. So what's the point to all of this? Simple. Know who you are. What YOU are capable of. What YOUR abilities are. YOUR strengths, YOUR weaknesses, YOUR goals. Take a hard long realistic appraisal and find the answer to that question. And then work from there. Copyright 2003 www.thetruthaboutselfdefense.com © Carl Cestari began his study of the martial arts with judo at the age of 7 under the direction of Yoshisada Yonezuka. During the past forty plus years Carl has dedicated his life to studying the martial arts, hand to hand combat systems, history and religion. He is continually improving himself through his studies. What makes Carl unique is his combination of martial arts, law enforcement, military and real world experience. Carl has been exposed to a multitude of people with a wide variety experience. The following is a list of some of Carl's ranks and honors. Shinan (Founder) Tekkenryu jujutsu Ryokudan (6th degree) Koshinkai Karate under John Burrelle Godan (5th degree) Jujutsu under Clarke of the World Jujutsu Fedaration (now defunct) Sandan (3rd degree) Nippon Kempo under Narabu Sada Nidan (2nd degree) Judo under Masafumi Suzuki Shodan (1st degree) Judo under Yoshisada Yonezuka Shodan (1st degree) Shukokai Karate under Kimura, Kadachi and Yonezuka Shodan (1st degree) Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Instructors Certificate- Charles Nelson System of Self Defense under Charlie Nelson
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British Aikido Board National Nepotism Seminar For many years The British Aikido Board (BAB) have shown no interest whatsoever in the true history of British Aikido, to be fair to the BAB, they have shown a great deal of interest and support for the false history of British Aikido for which they have now publicly apologised, the apology by the chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter can be viewed on www.geocities.com/britishaikido. Are You Still Standing Toe to Toe? How many times do you practice techniques with your training partner and you stay in the same spot? Next time you are training, see how much you and your partner move. You will find you move very little or not at all. You see, when you are training, or doing ANYTHING for that matter, you always try to seek the path of least resistance. This is natural and can be viewed as a good thing (more on that later). Because you concentrate on the repetitions and the minutia of the detail, how hard we are hitting, what we look like, you are forgetting the big picture. And its easier to stand in the same spot. I am constantly reminding my guys- MOVE FORWARD! COMBATIVES? ...... Don?t Tell Me. I Know What That Is! (Part 1) "Combatives" from the root word COMBAT ? "to fight in direct contact", "active fighting between enemies", "any fight or struggle". Is Aikido a Martial Art ? Sensei Henry Ellis Co-Author of the new book Positive Aikido.- 2005. A direct student from 1957 of the legendary master Kenshiro Abbe Sensi 1915 - 1985.. Makiwara Training Shigeru Kimura Sensei 9th Dan Tani-Ha Shitoryu Shukokai had a punch that was like getting hit with a cannonball. Fairbairn on the Fairbairn Method Something for our shooting "enthusiasts" - What To Expect When You Least Expect It The time you will be attacked you will most likely be: Real Life Self-Defense Starts From... "Nicky Bats" was an "old school" kinda guy. He was "street" thru and thru. He was a hard bark tough as nails S.O.B. He was a survivor. His definition of "success" in life was dying peacefully at a ripe old age of natural causes, not dying on some frozen blood-soaked battlefield in Korea after being over run by a human swarm of Chi-Coms. Not winding up in a landfill dead of lead poisoning and not dying in some filthy gutter with your innards spilling out from a gaping knife wound. A Few Things Everyone Should Know to Keep Themselves Safe The following are a few thoughts about how to decrease your chances of being a victim of a violent crime. I know a lot of times we focus on the nuts and bolts of a fight and we assume most of us know these things and this information is common knowledge for some of you, but it some times it's always good to review. By-Rote Combinations Do not believe that practicing "by rote" 1-2-3,etc. type "responses" to street attacks is a viable or particularly useful training exercise. Example: He does this, I do that. For attack A I use Defense A. Martial Arts Traditionally, people trained in Martial Arts in order to utilized their skills as a form of attack and defense in both armed and unarmed combat. Today, people train in Martial Arts in order to keep fit, as a form of meditation, to learn self-discipline and as a competitive sport. Although Western culture associates Martial Arts with Asian countries, many countries developed their own Martial Arts as a form of military defense, prior to modern technology. There are many different styles of Marital Arts, such as Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi and Karate. All styles of Martial Arts follow a system of teaching. During teaching, a student is taught a series of forms. These forms, once learnt, help the student to develop a technique that they can then utilize when needed. There are also different levels of training that a student can progress through, once they have mastered the first level. All students must study under a Master of the particular Martial Art that they wish to learn with the hope of one day becoming also a Master. This is the traditional way in which the skills all Martial Arts has been handed down over the generations. Samurai Sword Facts The first samurai swords we're actually straight bladed, single edged weapons imported from Korea and China known as chokuto, which were later replaced with the curved blade variety at the end of the 8th Century. The name of the curved blade swords which replaced them was Tachi. The reason for this transformation was samurai found that a curved sword could be drawn from the scabbard more swiftly and provided a far more effective cutting angle. Generating More Power from Hip Rotation - Lessons from Martial Arts One of the important lessons of Martial Arts training is the ability to use hip rotation as a way to generate power and speed for maximum impact. Why Every Cop Should Study Judo Part 1 Up until 30 years ago, JUDO was the martial art. Then with the introduction of the more mysterious martial arts with more of a "killing" edge to them this coupled with the focus of the USJF/USJI (the leading Judo organizations in the US and the world) focus on Olympic competition and the simple fact that training in judo is painful and to this day, very difficult to get a black belt rank in it, especially if you are in a competitive area. I could probably write another 5 pages on this, but I will stay on point. The Fallacy and the Myth It's always amusing when "know it alls" dismiss certain methods out of hand as being useless or "unworkable". One "victim" of this line of thinking is the "cross arm" or "X" block (for lack of a better term). New Book: Positive Aikido A new book with a practical look at Aikido and its history. The Co-authors are direct students of the legendary master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1957. the following is an indepth look at how the book came into being. Fronting "Fronting": The dodge to get in close to you. The frontal assault, as opposed to the ambush. The Best Martial Art It is a very difficult task to determine which martial art is the best so first of all let's take a look what a martial art exactly is and what not. Bogu Training About four years ago Carl recommended we start using the Bogu during our kumite (sparring practice). This method was developed in Okinawa and then found its way into mainland Japan and eventually to the U.S. where only a few clubs still do this. And even in those clubs, only a few members do it. I know there is other equipment out there that looks similar and I have used most of what's available. But it does not provide you with nearly the same overall effect that the bogu does. Rules in bogu training ? Any punch, any kick, save foot stomps, a strike to the spine and to the back of the neck. Throws and leg kicking is certainly allowed. Use, dare I say, your commonsense. Catholic Self Defense Note: I wrote this essay regarding the development of Tekkenryu jujutsu. However, I think it is applicable for all methods of self defense. It may also explain why martial arts are the way they are. ![]() |
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