Martial Arts Information

Safety Awareness & Self Defense: Circle of Safety

Safety Awareness & Self Defense is the responsibility of each individual. Knowing your surroundings and being aware of potential dangers is your first step towards self-defense. Avoiding and distancing yourself from circumstances that could be trouble are your responsibility.

Applying Law of Gravity to Judo

In judo it is important to throw your opponent by making use of his loss of balance, the law at work here is the law of gravity. We know that Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation by seeing an apple fall from a tree. All bodies in the universe attract one another. For instance, the earth attracts the bodies near and around it. In turn they also pull the earth.

Generating More Power from Hip Rotation - Lessons from Martial Arts

One of the important lessons of Martial Arts training is the ability to use hip rotation as a way to generate power and speed for maximum impact.

Expect the Unexpected Grass Hopper

The Myth perpetuated by Self Defense Oriented Martial Arts

How To Defend Against A Knife - Dont Use The Stuff Taught In The Dojo!

Defences against Knife attacks, Firstly if at all possible get yourself and anyone else out of the potential danger area.....RUN AWAY.

Things to Know About Learning Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing)

For Easterners, particularly Chinese, this MAY not be an issue. Tai Chi Chuan is deeply rooted as part of the Chinese culture. It is known to almost everyone what Tai Chi Chuan is all about. Note there: I said ??MAY not be an issue?, meaning that there are exceptions, particularly to Chinese who are not born and grown up in China.

Martial Training as a Timeless Portal

Thanks to several centuries of enlightened teachings by extraordinary men in the martial disciplines, we don?t have to be restricted to lives of getting and spending, waiting in quiet desperation for the pain to cease.

The Rebels Guide to Cultivating Vitality

Many Taoists recluses and Buddhists monks dwelled in mountains and forests to observe, listen, and meditate in order to gather deeper understanding and greater knowledge of nature than is possible when living in the milieu of human society.

The Plight of Industrialized Man

Living in the Pacific Northwest is a challenge for any body: the poor excuse for weather west of the Cascades is one of the worst on earth for human health. Luckily our Ch'uan Fa Club meets in central Oregon several times a week, rarely missing an opportunity to train outdoors .

Tai-Chi for the Masses--and Others

Kuang Ping was the T'ai-chi set favored by Yang Lu-Chan, the man who brought forward the "Yang" style in the mid-1800's, now so popular throughout the world. Kuang Ping is what the man trained with himself. The popular "Yang" set was/is something for the masses--not for the aficinado, the athlete, the martial artist.

Eight Simple Rules for Saving Your Life

Let?s put the non-lethal fantasy to rest.

Fight Simulator Theory for Reality Based Street Defense

This is such a powerful tool that it should leave no question unanswered for you and allow you to create an infinite number of techniques and drills. As this is a principle rather than a technique based system, here are the principles:

Who Created Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing)?

I have read a number of books, articles, and novels, and have watched movies and television series that touched on the origins of Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing), and the question, ?Who Created Tai Chi Chuan?? made me concern very much!

Benefits of Martial Arts Training For Kids

Admit it. When the going gets tough at home, we?ve all plopped the kids in front of the television and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we can get started on dinner, maybe check email or sort that massive pile of laundry.

A Samurais Power Is In His Little Finger, Not His Samurai Sword

In the 12th Century the Shogunate was formed. The head of this regime was the Shogun, the supreme ruler. Under him where his regional 'daimyo' or 'dukes'. Under each 'daimyo' served the Japanese samurai. When a samurai stepped out of line, became too unruly or displeased his 'daimyo', the samurai would often have to go through a procedure known as yubizume. This procedure is a very barbaric punishment in which the first joint of the little finger on the sword hand would be amputated.

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