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Strategy as Applied to Warrior-citizens
After years of study, I have come to a small understanding of the way of strategy. I will here explain some strategy as it applies to warrior-citizens. Seek whatever truth you may find here, then continue on your search for enlightenment. In the broad view, a warrior must uphold the values of his or her society to be of any honorable use. We all depend on one another. The warrior must quell disorder, promote peace, and cultivate character. In practicing the ways of war, one has an obligation to not use them in an illegal or immoral fashion. Let us now consider fighting tactics. First, we must understand self defense. It goes without saying that one should exercise caution in the use of force. Awareness must have the highest priority. In self defense, one must be able to read the situation and potential adversary. Pay attention to the neighborhood, your own mental and physical state, as well as the mental state of potential attackers. One can never be too careful. When visiting a new area, stay in well lit areas that seem safe. Also try to find good information on the right places to stay if you are going to be in town for a while. There are many magazine and internet articles on the uses of makeshift weapons, and endless articles on disarming a mugger. It is important to note that while such magazines are easy to come across, not all of them are realistic, nor are any of them a substitute for actual hands-on defense training. At best, they may be a supplement to such training from a true instructor. The broken rhythm of fighting, the form without form, and the warrior's mindset are difficult to learn without guidance. However, remember that there is never enough thought given to proper timings. Blend with or break the opponent's energy, rhythm, or attitude. Read the timing and habit of the opponent. This is applied to hand to hand combat, large scale combat, and overall strategy. Study timing and movement well. In life, stay truthful to yourself and loved ones. Take the most honorable course of action in every situation; your enemy today may become your ally tomorrow. Your best friend can be your worst enemy because he or she knows the most about you. It is in this case you must treat them as honorably as possible. Also remember that what protects and upholds you today may hinder you tomorrow. Watch carefully, ask questions, and do not ever stop learning. This will be your lifelong progress, and contribution. The author lives in Lake City, South Carolina, where he teaches Wado ryu Karate. Please see http://www.johnstonkarate.net for more information.
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Basic Drills We all have a good foundation in the basic blows and combinations. 5 Steps to Choosing the Right Martial Art for You One of the questions I get asked most frequently, in several different variations is about which martial art an individual should study. Generally which martial art, and more importantly which school to choose are fundamental decisions someone should make. My answer is usually something along the lines of, "choose the school and the system that you are going to stick with and stay with it for the rest of your life." Do You Take Yours Trained or Untrained? If you ain't pissing anyone off, you're not doing anything worth while. Like religion and politics, martial arts are not for a lack of its zealots. Decide right now, you can either A. Continue to "sip the kool-aide" or B. Look to improve. One criticism about our training material is that it is simple and would work against some one who is untrained. What the hell does this mean, exactly? Does this pertain to the woman who takes muay thai or the serial rapist sociopath that has successfully applied his trade a dozen times? Does it apply to the mixed martial artists or a bag man on a pick up? Who do you want to fight for your life against, the martial artist or emotionally disturbed person (EPD) who gargles with pepper spray? The Economics of Self Defense The following is a recent email I received; I thought I should respond to the list rather than to the individual because this situation is common: Is it a ?Hurt? or is it an ?Injury? My father fed me this line every time I felt pain or discomfort. Growing up the coach's son was not without difficulty. My dad never played favorites; in fact I had to do it better and cleaner than the other kids. Now, he didn't say this to be malicious, he just wanted to teach me something about athletic competition and in turn, a bit about life. Benefits of Martial Arts Training For Kids Admit it. When the going gets tough at home, we've all plopped the kids in front of the television and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we can get started on dinner, maybe check email or sort that massive pile of laundry. Samurai Sword Basics, A Brief History Capturing the spirit of old Japan and recognised by its deadly curvature, the samurai sword is widely recognised throughout the world as the most deadly of all Japanese weaponry. Although gaining modern fame and notoriety in modern epic cinema in such films as The Last Samurai and the Kill Bill series by Quentin Tarantino, samurai swords have long being an iconic symbol of Japan and its history. Makiwara Training Shigeru Kimura Sensei 9th Dan Tani-Ha Shitoryu Shukokai had a punch that was like getting hit with a cannonball. I Know Karate and Kung Fu and Lots of Other Foreign Words! Martial arts have become incredibly popular in the US. Drive through any little strip shopping center in nearly any city and you're likely to see a martial arts studio. There are dozens of styles to choose from. Karate, jujitsu, aikido, kung fu, qi gong, taekwondo, tai chi. How did that happen? Martial Arts and The Bible As a Christian and a martial arts student, I have often wrestled with the idea of self-defense. Does God expect me to defend my family and myself when physically attacked or am I to "turn the other cheek" and endure it in the name of Jesus? As I considered the many comments I encountered on this topic, I became even more confused. Some advocates for "religion" have gone as far as to say that anyone who practices any form of martial arts is without a doubt bound for hell. It wasn't until I committed myself to a more thorough study of the scriptures that I discovered the truth for myself. The Bible gives more than a few examples of the practice of self-defense and the idea of martial arts. I would like to share some of what I have learned in this study of the Bible - Old Testament and New. The Bible is, in fact, the very word of God (II Timothy 3:16-17). Tai-Chi for the Masses--and Others Kuang Ping was the T'ai-chi set favored by Yang Lu-Chan, the man who brought forward the "Yang" style in the mid-1800's, now so popular throughout the world. Kuang Ping is what the man trained with himself. The popular "Yang" set was/is something for the masses--not for the aficinado, the athlete, the martial artist. How to Relax During a Fight I received a returned video from a well meaning, but severely misguided, former customer. This is a rarity since over the past 2 plus years and hundreds upon hundreds of videos shipped; I can only count 3 returns. One was unopened, one included a note that the recipient thought the videos would be something else, but he intended to buy the rest of the videos we offered, hmmm smells a little fishy (incidentally, this person has been banned from buying anything from us again). And lastly, this well-meaning person. The note inside prompted me to write this article. He identified himself that he was an orange belt in Krav Maga and that he has been instructed to "relax" and be loose during a life or death struggle. Now, I have not trained in Krav Maga nor do I know anything about the modern version of it. My focus is on the "relaxing" strategy; which I have heard from a variety of different "experts" during my 30 plus on the mat. The Rebels Guide to Cultivating Vitality Many Taoists recluses and Buddhists monks dwelled in mountains and forests to observe, listen, and meditate in order to gather deeper understanding and greater knowledge of nature than is possible when living in the milieu of human society. Catholic Self Defense Note: I wrote this essay regarding the development of Tekkenryu jujutsu. However, I think it is applicable for all methods of self defense. It may also explain why martial arts are the way they are. The Best Martial Art It is a very difficult task to determine which martial art is the best so first of all let's take a look what a martial art exactly is and what not. Have No Misconceptions I just received an Email from a woman who has a child (3 year old) and about to have another. Considering my wife is in a similar situation, this question couldn't be more relevant. This idea can be expanded to those of us getting older, injured or of smaller stature. Keep in mind, a little common sense goes a long way. Fronting "Fronting": The dodge to get in close to you. The frontal assault, as opposed to the ambush. Who Created Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing)? I have read a number of books, articles, and novels, and have watched movies and television series that touched on the origins of Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing), and the question, "Who Created Tai Chi Chuan?" made me concern very much! Things to Know About Learning Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing) For Easterners, particularly Chinese, this MAY not be an issue. Tai Chi Chuan is deeply rooted as part of the Chinese culture. It is known to almost everyone what Tai Chi Chuan is all about. Note there: I said "?MAY not be an issue", meaning that there are exceptions, particularly to Chinese who are not born and grown up in China. Safety Awareness & Self Defense: Circle of Safety Safety Awareness & Self Defense is the responsibility of each individual. Knowing your surroundings and being aware of potential dangers is your first step towards self-defense. Avoiding and distancing yourself from circumstances that could be trouble are your responsibility. ![]() |
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