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The Acronym That Saved My Life Frequently, I get asked about certifications, systems or methods. We made a decision a long time ago of purposely staying away from things like this. How to Relax During a Fight I received a returned video from a well meaning, but severely misguided, former customer. This is a rarity since over the past 2 plus years and hundreds upon hundreds of videos shipped; I can only count 3 returns. One was unopened, one included a note that the recipient thought the videos would be something else, but he intended to buy the rest of the videos we offered, hmmm smells a little fishy (incidentally, this person has been banned from buying anything from us again). And lastly, this well-meaning person. The note inside prompted me to write this article. He identified himself that he was an orange belt in Krav Maga and that he has been instructed to "relax" and be loose during a life or death struggle. Now, I have not trained in Krav Maga nor do I know anything about the modern version of it. My focus is on the "relaxing" strategy; which I have heard from a variety of different "experts" during my 30 plus on the mat. Combatives This is our last installment on "defining" the parameters of COMBATIVES. Historical References to W.E. Fairbairn, E.A. Sykes AND Dermot Pat ONeill FROM THE BOOK: "PIERCING THE REICH" AUTHOR: JOSEPH E. PERSICO Tae Kwon Do As A Means To Stay In Shape Becoming a martial artist is a fanatastic method of fitness. While there are many martial art forms to choose from, taekwondo is clearly the most beneficial, and the most practical. And while many realize the benefits of such exercise, the simple fact is most have no idea how to begin. How to Become A Modern-Day Ninja Master The ninja were a military order in Japan. Most people have seen them in movies and fictional books. Are You Still Standing Toe to Toe? How many times do you practice techniques with your training partner and you stay in the same spot? Next time you are training, see how much you and your partner move. You will find you move very little or not at all. You see, when you are training, or doing ANYTHING for that matter, you always try to seek the path of least resistance. This is natural and can be viewed as a good thing (more on that later). Because you concentrate on the repetitions and the minutia of the detail, how hard we are hitting, what we look like, you are forgetting the big picture. And its easier to stand in the same spot. I am constantly reminding my guys- MOVE FORWARD! Martial Arts: Mind, Body and Spirit Presented Online This Martial Arts website uses body, spirit and mind to construct an excellent example of the quality and amount of information you can put on your website. Why Every Cop Should Study Judo Part 1 Up until 30 years ago, JUDO was the martial art. Then with the introduction of the more mysterious martial arts with more of a "killing" edge to them this coupled with the focus of the USJF/USJI (the leading Judo organizations in the US and the world) focus on Olympic competition and the simple fact that training in judo is painful and to this day, very difficult to get a black belt rank in it, especially if you are in a competitive area. I could probably write another 5 pages on this, but I will stay on point. Choosing a Self Defense / Martial Arts School: A Parents Guide "Daddy, I want to take Karate!" Does It Hurt When I Do This? Let me tell you something. I don't bruise too easily. You guys know after years of Wrestling, Football, Karate, Jujutsu and Judo- you develop resistance to those types of things. Well at least I That's what I thought? Every time I work out with Carl Cestari, I am left with reminders of our time together. I have to tell you, the day after filming the Combat Jujutsu Series I had bits and pieces bruised or missing!!! By-Rote Combinations Do not believe that practicing "by rote" 1-2-3,etc. type "responses" to street attacks is a viable or particularly useful training exercise. Example: He does this, I do that. For attack A I use Defense A. Samurai Armor Part 1 The first prototype for Japanese samurai armor came about in the form of the yoroi during the Gempei War of 1181-1185. The weight of the yoroi was around 60lb. The upper-body armor of the samurai was known as the 'Do'. This comprised of the 'Sode', the suspended shoulder and upper-arm protection plates. The Sode had hoops by which silk cord was tied and then fixed to the back of the armor in an 'agemaki' / decorative knotted tassel. Guards were also placed over the shoulder cords, and a leather plate placed across the bow cords to prevent them from been cut or becoming ensnared during a skirmish. Are You Frustrated Yet? I was talking to a parent recently and they told me that their son was not going to compete in wrestling because they were afraid they would get frustrated when he lost. The parent felt the child was far too sensitive to handle the frustration of failure and may get 'burnt out'. My response was, "What will they do when they get frustrated in life?" What happens when that kid has got to suck it up and go forward when it REALLY counts? Being a new parent, my daughter is 2 and I have another on the way, I only want the best for my child. What parent doesn't? It's obvious this parent I mentioned loves their child, but that's not the issue. The issue is what's best for everyone involved. What this child is being taught is to quit when things get tough. In an effort to protect the child, the parent winds up doing a disservice to the child. The result is undermining the ultimate goal- the training of the child. I Know Karate and Kung Fu and Lots of Other Foreign Words! Martial arts have become incredibly popular in the US. Drive through any little strip shopping center in nearly any city and you're likely to see a martial arts studio. There are dozens of styles to choose from. Karate, jujitsu, aikido, kung fu, qi gong, taekwondo, tai chi. How did that happen? Do You Take Yours Trained or Untrained? If you ain't pissing anyone off, you're not doing anything worth while. Like religion and politics, martial arts are not for a lack of its zealots. Decide right now, you can either A. Continue to "sip the kool-aide" or B. Look to improve. One criticism about our training material is that it is simple and would work against some one who is untrained. What the hell does this mean, exactly? Does this pertain to the woman who takes muay thai or the serial rapist sociopath that has successfully applied his trade a dozen times? Does it apply to the mixed martial artists or a bag man on a pick up? Who do you want to fight for your life against, the martial artist or emotionally disturbed person (EPD) who gargles with pepper spray? A Beginning History of Old School Jujutsu - Part 1 Over the next couple of day's I will writing an article of the history of Pre-WWII Japanese Jujitsu/Judo. I wasn't sure where to start, but here I am so let's get started. 5 Steps to Choosing the Right Martial Art for You One of the questions I get asked most frequently, in several different variations is about which martial art an individual should study. Generally which martial art, and more importantly which school to choose are fundamental decisions someone should make. My answer is usually something along the lines of, "choose the school and the system that you are going to stick with and stay with it for the rest of your life." Break the Bones "HONE O ORERU" is a Japanese term that translates literally as "BREAK THE BONES". It is an essential concept of true SHUGYO and a central theme of a true Budo Dojo. What this term means at it's essence has EVERYTHING to do with the forging of an iron will and a determined resolute SPIRIT. Hone O Oreru epitomizes the nature and purpose of true Budo as expressed in physical "keiko" or training. Regular or De-escalated We always stress that NOTHING occurs in a vacuum. There always exists stepping stones or a progression of events that lead up to a "situation". Whether YOU are AWARE of them or not is not the issue(it should be, but as they say "sh%& happens"). ![]() |
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