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Stopping Hospital Infections
Each year hospitals end up killing twice as many people than automobiles, some 90,000 deaths in the United States. It is not from malpractice, it is due to infections. Hospital infections affect over 2 million patients every year. Scientists are working to prevent these infections one of the newest innovations is silver nano-particles. Microscopic anti-microbial coated nano-particles would be used to keep the infections at bay. Tools used in surgery would be coated with these particles, along with perhaps rubber gloves. One of the companies working on this scheme is AcryMed, which makes surgical devices in Portland, Oregon. Almost any medical device, which is used in surgery or pokes thru the skin are potentially at risk to spread deadly infections. Deadly microbes can live on biofilms or thin layers of slimy biomaterial so small that they cannot be seen without a microscope. If someone is infected it could cost over $50,000 to keep them in the hospital to treat them, obviously the return on investment to sterilize and coat the surgery utensils makes sense. Silver has been used to treat infections throughout time and there are ancient writings of its use in both Greek and Roman writings. Recently another coating technology has come onto the scene, the use of titanium dioxide, which is being used on laboratory counters, fast food restaurant stainless steel food preparation tables and on military equipment in case of chemical or biological attack. A silver based wound ointment is an obvious use for this technology as well, for military medics and first responders. These coatings are relatively easy to apply using similar hydrophobic methods used in glass coatings to prevent water spots and make them chip resistant. Think on this and all its potential applications. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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?Ooohhh? my aching knee!!!? Insider Secrets on How You Can Get Relief Quickly and Easily! When your knee hurts, getting relief is all that's on your mind. Getting the right relief, though, depends on knowing what's wrong. The correct diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment. Chronic Head, Facial, Or Neck Pain That Won?t Go Away - Could It Be TMJ? I stumbled across TMJ when I needed treat a literal pain in the neck that would not go away. It seemed that the pain in my neck came from my jaws. "TMJ" refers to disorders of the jaw muscles and of the temporomandibular joint, the hinge at the side of the head that joins the lower jaw, mandible, to the temporal bone of the skull. TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one the most common symptoms of TMJ is a dull, aching pain around the ears which can radiate to the neck, shoulders, and back of the head. These symptoms may be coupled with tenderness of the jaw muscles and a headache. Eliminate Agonizing Hand Pain Quickly and Easily! According to Dr. Nathan Wei, "The hand and wrist are the mirrors of disease." While the cause of hand pain can be a localized problem, hand pain can also be the presenting sign for other diseases. Lamisil Side Effects Lawyer: Lamisil Tablet While the recent Lamisil commercial featuring Digger, a disgusting cartoon fungus, is still fresh in our mind (who could forget the imagery of a toenail being pulled back and colorful germs crawling in?) it is a good time to look at the side effects of this seemingly innocuous drug. Despite the disturbing advertising campaign, who would have guessed that an antifungal tablet could have so many negative side effects? Family Notification in Seven Quick and Easy Steps The Seven Steps to Successful Notification is an easy-to-use system based on time-tested tools successfully used by hospitals nationwide. It provides your hospital staff with all of the steps necessary to: Pain in the Butt. How to Deal with Hemorrhoids? This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens. SUPERLASIK- Enhance Your Vision; Safer Than LASIK Things are moving forward and new and advanced procedures are being developed for those who originally could not receive the standard Lasik procedure. Dr. Khanna has introduced a brand new procedure called "Super Lasik" a new, safer and more stable procedure that has now been created for those who have thin or abnormal corneas. What is great about this new procedure is the effects are more precise and long term. This procedure is a culmination of the merger of benefits of both PRK and LASIK. To accomplish this cutting edge surgery, Dr Khanna uses a new FDA approved instrument called a Epikeratome. This instrument raises an approximately 50 micron flap (thinner than even an Intralase). Laser surface ablation using the latest generation of LASERS is than done. Like in LASIK the flap is riposted back. A bandage lens is than placed over the eye. This is a safer method of visual correction. There is no distortion of the architecture of the cornea. So if the cornea has a young's modulus which is low, or is thin or asymmetric this method is safer. Young's modulus= stress/strain Discipline Medicine Most writers suffer from a lack of discipline. The urge to procrastinate is strong as writing is agonizing work because it is done alone without support from colleagues, acquaintances, and friends unlike other occupations that take place in an office, a store, a factory, or some other location where people are present. Thus a strong incentive is needed. How Is Mold Like AIDS? Don't laugh. Both get a lot of coverage in the press. Mold isn't a politically sensitive issue but there are a lot of similarities. NIH Official Altered Drug Study NIH Official Altered Drug Study The Power of Ice Using ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy self-care technique that anyone can administer. Every mother knows to put ice on a bruised knee after a soccer game or on a teething toddler's tender gums. But do you really know how ice works? Top Ten Reasons Why We Hate IBS! Irritable bowel syndrome can be a nightmare?constant diarrhea and terrible stomach pains, or unbelievable constipation and never-ending gas. While it's good to stay positive and keep looking for help, sometimes it's even better to just have a good old moan! First Step To Addiction Recovery The first step to over comming any addiction is to detoxify the body of the addictive substance. Whether it's herion, crack, or meth detoxifcation of the liver is essential to addiction recovery. There are several methods to bring the chemicals out of your body. One is sauna or sweat therapy. The Highway to Health - Bumped Heads I recently had a reader send me this comment: Rheumatoid Arthritis : the time bomb The beginning is very much hard to spot as we migh just wake up in the morning and feel that the fingers on our hand do not function as they should. A little of bit of movement and everything is fine. However, this morning exercise keeps prolonging as we get to a point where the exercise lasts for the whole day and the joints begin to ache. The walk is not a pleasure anymore and we are not able to hold a cup of coffee without shaking it out. Amazing Shoulder Pain Reversing Secrets! Whether you're a weekend athlete, or a gardener that overdid it, or a person with arthritis, there's hope for you. According to Dr. Nathan Wei, Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland, "Shoulder problems are one of the most common afflictions of modern times. Fortunately, there are many ways of helping people feel better." Medical Tests: What Does a Normal Range Mean? We have a marvelous array of medical tests available to us. Many of them-typically blood-tests-even come with results expressed in numbers signifying the exact quantity of something that was measured. On laboratory reports these measured quantities are often accompanied by a "normal range" for what the laboratory apparently thinks the value should have been, showing a lower number and a higher number. So if you had a laboratory test, what does it mean when your measurement falls inside or outside this range? The Cox-2 Prescription Painkillers Are Back? This past week, the FDA held a meeting in order to decide what should be done about Merck's Vioxx and Pfizer's Bextra and Celebrex. The Food and Drug Administration originally intended to ban these pain medications. However, this was challenged by a series of obstacles. Drug Interactions: Five Common Dangerous Interactions You Should Know About Prescription drugs can save your life. But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences. Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. See examples of common interactions and what their results are in the table on this webpage. Pharmaceuticals: The Next Frontier in America?s War on Drugs America's war on drugs, which has been fought in the opium fields of Afghanistan and the cocaine plantations of Columbia, will have to reinvent itself to combat what is set to be America's biggest drug abuse problem, pharmaceuticals. One in five American's, nearly 48 million, have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at least once in their lives. The current past month misuse rate among Americans is 6.2 million. According to a recent white paper by Carnevale Associates, this rate of use is already higher than the historical highs of both cocaine and heroin epidemics. ![]() |
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