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Hello, sample some of the arguments below. But mind you, this is not an opinionated writer that is trying to forward his profound knowledge on an altruistic art that is meditation. All I can ask you is to go about this page with an open mind. Because, meditation is something that is physical and tangible. And it can always be sensed but the same can not be said about the results or benefits of meditating. This is the essence of meditation. This is the state of mind and body that it promises. OK. Here we go. ? Human brain is an electro-biochemical organ and that it reverberates to cosmic powers. ? Meditation activates the brains neural networks and brain chemistry to achieve and maintain meditative states of mind. ? Through meditation your mind and body acquire some energy field. ? Meditation shows the meaning of life and it helps achieve peace within ourselves. ? You can realize god through meditation (that meditation is the path to god and salvation). ? Your any activity in the right earnest and undistracted mind is meditation. ? You need to concentrate hard to meditate. ? No, let the mind free, do not concentrate. (The word meditation is a Latin derivative of meditari and mederi (think and heal). Now, my friends, should we go about these arguments one at a step, we understand some are acceptable and some are not. Why so? (Are you keeping your mind open?) After all, these arguments are made by the stalwarts who practice meditation every day! Simple! Meditation is applying mind over body in a very organized way to concentrate more. Best way to do so is concentrate on your own breathing. It is usually done at a pristine time and place though there is no such compulsion. And while you are at it you tend to forget the rest of the world around you because you concentrated hard. This is realized once you are out of that state (Should we call it trance?) I say, my friends, would you not agree such tranquility brings balance to ones mind that otherwise wanders? And that it is not some thing achievable only through meditation? Well, what ever that may be, if you just took the generic meaning of meditation, you know what to seek in it and how. The controlled mind is what many have attained without knowing they meditated. To me it is a genuine way of over powering the fickle mind. Hey, did I hear someone just mention an idle mind is devil's work shop? The author Rajgopal has been writing on technical matters and in this avtar he started healthcare writing. Rajgopal is a mechanical engineer and served the pharmaceutical industry. Oflate he has been putting his experience in to healthcare writing.
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Bhagavad Gita Commentary Most of us have heard the story of the centipede who, when asked how he managed to walk with so many legs, could no longer do so, but tangled his legs hopelessly in the attempt to intellectually figure it out and ended up on his back, helpless. This is not unlike the person who attempts to plumb the depths of oriental scriptures. Right away it becomes evident that they consist of incalculable layers, nearly all symbolic in nature. Furthermore, the meanings of the symbols are not consistent, changing according to the levels on which they occur. For example, on one level water symbolizes the mind, on another level the constant flux of samsara, and on another the subtle life-currents known as prana. This being the case, our Western linear mode of thought becomes as entangled and disabled as the fabled centipede. Knowing this to be so, I have decided to avoid the Lorelei of subtle symbolism and concentrate instead on the obviously practical side of Krishna teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. Having stated this, in complete consistency with oriental thought, I shall contradict myself and consider the symbolism encountered in the first chapter of the Gita. Yoga Meditation For Pain Relief The purpose of this article is to provide information on methods and techniques on how to cope with pain, or in some instances, possibly even overcoming pain with the use of techniques derived from Yoga meditation. Healing From Within "We become sick because we act In sickening ways." Louis Jourard Meditating - Staying Awake Why is staying awake while meditating important? Falling asleep is certainly relaxing, and can be good for you, but to get the full range of benefits from your meditation you need to have your brainwaves in the alpha and theta ranges. When you are asleep, your brainwaves range from theta to delta. Meditation should be a state of relaxed alertness (primarily alpha brainwaves). Try the following tips to stay awake. Subconscious The subconscious is a scarey thing to comtemplate for some people. We have been taught that it is a dark place that keeps deep dark secrets about ourselves that could destroy our peace of mind at the very least, and our lives at the very worst. And quite possibly it does. But, that is not its only function. How to Use White Noise White noise is: A sound containing a blend of all the audible frequencies distributed equally over the range of the frequency band. White noise is analogous to white light which contains all the colors of the rainbow together. The term "white noise" as used in this article will be applied a little looser to include a host of sounds (waterfall, rain and brook as examples) used for blocking out unwanted sounds. Why Should You Meditate? Everyone's mind needs a little downtime. We all need time to focus on one task, instead of multi-tasking all day and night. In fact, your mind doesn't take a complete rest when you sleep. Your mind moves from dream to dream for about two hours per night. Meditation: Time to Stop & Listen As a co-active coach, one of the underlying principles that I subscribe to is that everyone has their own answers within. Most of what I do as a coach is to give people the time, space and permission to find these answers (and sometimes I provide a question or two to get things going). Understanding Meditation It is impossible to overstate the importance of daily meditation. The benefits are enormous. They are: improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health; greater personal power, enhanced creativity, increased ability to enact ideals and an enhanced sense of purpose and well-being. Whats The Point of Meditating? What are you likely to gain from meditating? Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation (TM) Scientific research has shown that the most beneficial meditation technique is Transcendental Meditation (TM). The striking reduction of stress and anxiety caused by TM are 3 times greater than the effect caused by most meditation and relaxation techniques. Parapsychology: Harnessing Your Etheric Energy It is an unfortunate reality that society has inadvertently categorized the natural abilities associated with bio-etheric energy as a form of entertainment. Meditation - Easy Tools for Success Do you want to learn how to meditate? Have you tried to meditate but you keep falling asleep? Or you're not sure you are doing it right? Do you keep thinking about other things while you are trying to "clear your mind"? Meditate with Mindful Breathing Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment! Meditation Supply Items ? Can They Help Deepen Your Practice? Can a meditation supply item help you go into a deeper state of inner awareness? If you choose the right item, there is a good chance that it can help you get more comfortable and allow you to become more relaxed. The Brain Scrub for Druids The Brain Scrub is designed to help you overcome the "monkey mind" which leaps and bounces around from subject to subject in an uncontrolled manner. After mastering this exercise you'll be able to instantly clear and calm your mind in any situation, allowing you to focus completely on any subject. How You Can Unite Meditation, Divine Essence, And Personal Tenacity to Serve Your Highest Purpose 1. Meditation: Do You Want To Relax And Think Clearly? Learning To Be In The Moment The Art Of Meditation: How Easy Is It? Meditation is a form of relaxing and a method to spiritual enlightenment that has been around for centuries. Yet with all the different types of meditation as well as the varied methods, how do you know you are truly meditating? Which one is right for you? Enlightenment through Meditation Helping the broadest range of people attain enlightenment through meditation is my lifelong preoccupation. I have more than 20 years of daily interaction with people helping them meditate and encouraging them to set high goals and use meditation as a tool for attaining inspiration, precious insights, enlightenment and other benefits that come along with it. In order to practice meditation, you need a pleasant quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you. Once you are comfortably seated, you can start with pranayama (rhythmic breathing exercise), followed by pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses from the outer world), thorough relaxation of the mind and senses, and finally relaxation of the physical body. By breathing rhythmically ? inhaling, holding the breath, and exhaling while following a simple pattern (4-16-8, for instance) ? you will accumulate prana, revitalize your life force, and new spiritual strength will come to you. During the pratyahara you will play the role of a neutral observer of your thoughts, with the ultimate aim of achieving a state of consciousness without any thoughts. In this way, the objective possibility of reaching the most inner part of your Being ? God in you ? is realized. This means that you can now start feeling the warmth in your heart, see the light which is present there, and experience the subtle energy of Divine love. Furthermore, you can become aware of the harmony of mind, heart, and will. Your devotion and relaxation can lead you into deeper levels of consciousness, into deeper meditation. You can turn your senses inward to further increase you awareness. Your meditation will start realizing its goals. This is the level of devotion where you can actually contact the source of inspiration, gain countless insights, and approach the possibility of enlightening your Being. It is the harmony of your mind, heart, and will, that brings you into Unity with the One. When you learn to be quiescent, when there are no thoughts and aspirations of any kind, you will find yourself out of your mental body, out of limitations, free in the consciousness of Unity. Only when your intentions diminish, when your mind becomes unoccupied, the enlightenment will start to show its magnificence. The sustained flow of attention will connect you to the endless reservoir of power, the source of knowledge and inspiration. When meditation occurs, love is its flavor. This love is your true nature. When the consciousness starts perceiving itself, it becomes pure consciousness. What resides is only the voiceless spirit of awareness whose meaning is I AM, I EXIST, I ENDURE. You should meditate every single day, if necessary two times a day. If some day you find yourself distressed, a simple exercise can help you. Light a candle and put it some 30 cm away, at the level of your eyes. Simply by gazing at the blue part of the candle's flame for 5 minutes, you can relax yourself. Your positive attitude, faith, calmness, and serenity can help. You should consciously develop love toward your meditation and meditativeness. The results will be in accord with your efforts, persistence and fortitude. There is not a single individual who can not succeed. There are only different kinds of obstacles with different people. Don't forget to consult your spiritual teacher, who is there to help you overcome your obstacles. ![]() |
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