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Puppy Crate Training -- Fast Track to a Contented Dog
Puppy crate training is one of the most effective ways to housebreak your new puppy. Puppy crate training takes a little patience, but it's a good way to set your puppy on the right path. This method has an impressive track record. Be sure to prepare everything ahead of time. Even before you bring your new puppy home, have the puppy crate ready and waiting. The size of the crate is important. For proper puppy crate training, you should have plenty of room in the crate for the puppy to turn around, stand and lie down, but don't get one that's too big. Puppies feel uncomfortable in a crate that's so big they rattle around in it. If your puppy is a breed that will grow large, it's okay to buy a bigger crate for him to grow into, but make sure it has an adjustable partition in the back. This lets you keep his living space comfortable and cozy, but you can still expand it by moving the partition back as your puppy grows to full size. When you are ready to begin puppy crate training, place your new puppy gently in his crate. Make sure you've also put a towel or small blanket and a treat or toy in the crate. If you're using a wire crate for puppy crate training, always remove the puppy's collar first so it won't get snagged on the wire. You may hear some whining or even crying at this point. You need to ignore it. Sometimes it helps to cover the crate with a blanket so his home feels a little cozier. Remember, dogs are not claustrophobic. They like an enclosed space. It's their den. After your puppy has remained in the crate for about twenty minutes, remove him from the crate and take him outside. As soon as he goes potty, praise him, pet him and make him feel loved and close. The next step in the puppy crate training process is to bring your puppy back inside and play together for twenty to thirty minutes. Then it's time to put your puppy back in the crate. You'll be able to gradually increase the crate time to two hours. Puppies will not usually go potty in their crates. If your puppy has an accident, never scold. They really don't understand the idea that going potty is bad, so scolding doesn't help. It only confuses them. For best results with puppy crate training, you'll need to have a schedule. And when you take your puppy outside, always make sure you take him to the same spot each time. Especially at first, every time you remove him from his crate, you'll want to take him outside. This builds a clear association in his mind. As your puppy begins to get the hang of puppy crate training you'll be able to leave him in the crate for longer periods. Eventually he'll feel so at home in the crate that you'll be able to leave the crate door open overnight and for short periods during the day. Successful puppy crate training has two simple requirements: patience and a regular schedule. With those two things, your new puppy will soon be a happy, well-adjusted member of the family. Puppy-Toy-Tips.com
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Positive Dog Training Methods Dog training can provide a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Every dog should know at least the basics for living with people: come, sit, stay, don't jump up on people, and so on. Beyond the basics, there is an endless variety of things you and your dog can enjoy doing together. Dogs who are a joy to be with have much more flexibility in what they can do with humans, and so they have more fun. Positive dog training methods are often easier to use, as well. Beds for Smaller Dogs All puppies are small dogs ? some, however, won't be small for very long. You have to know how big your dog is going to be when it is fully grown before you can buy it a bed of its own, unless, that is, you don't mind buying your beloved canine friend a new bed every six months or so for several years. Animal Ethics Introduction Chinese Shar Pei Character If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, the first impression might just as well be that of a kind, though independent, even arrogant clodhopper. Indeed, these dogs are often arrogant with strangers. And of course, this makes people think that Shar Pei is smarter than it looks. But under the mask of arrogance and indifference hides a mischievous soul of a natural-born clown. It is in domestic surroundings that these dogs reveal their true character, their numerous faces and aspects of mood. Each of them is truly individual and a great wonder to discover. This is what makes Shar Pei so capable of true and loyal friendship unlike many other pets. Do They Really Need a Dog Bed? When Lucky was starting to show signs of aging, we were concerned about her comfort. She would have a hard time getting up in the morning. Her legs would shake and she would take five minutes just to get up, where once she could pounce up in a second. 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These tiny creatures are cuddly and white furry balls, at least 12-15 inches tall, possessing a pair of coal black eyes and snubbed nose. They look fragile and needful of your protection and care. This is deceiving, for they were initially bred to hunt vermin and are intelligent hunters. Media Influence on Public Perception of Exotic Cat Ownership What makes something news? The fact that you take good care of your pets isn't newsworthy. Neither is your recent trip to the supermarket; If something is normal, it isn't news. Only aberrations capture our attention enough to warrant screen time. Why is murder reported on the six-o-clock news? Because it's unusual; it's a shocking deviation from routine events. But when we are repeatedly exposed to the abnormal, it begins to seem normal. If we see murder on the news every night, we begin to view it as a common occurrence. This naturally leads to fear of falling victim ourselves, thus we start buying guns and installing security systems. As Gavin de Becker writes, "We're hard-wired to entertain every thought of danger that's put in front of us." Nutrition and Your Dogs Behavior Nutrition and Your Dog's Behavior Do You Enjoy Watching Your Dog Wear Handmade Dog Scarfs Just To Suit Their Personality? Yes! We love our wonderful and dear Pooches! We care for them so much that we love to dress them up in all sorts of dog clothing. Take for instance, a handmade Dog Scarf. These great looking little dog scarf's do come in all sorts of fun colors just to suit your dog's personality. Choosing Dog Tags for Your Canine Remember when you first met your dog? He was fresh and new, and you were just getting to know each other. You went through training together, perhaps even ate together. With time, you and your dog became very close ? even closer than you are to a lot of people you know. Your dog is special to you. He might be your best friend, a rascally mischief-maker, or just an accessory to your lifestyle. He depends on you for feeding, play, and discipline. You depend on him for companionship, a connection with the animal world, or household security and protection. For these reasons and more, you should protect your dog from harm, and yourself from loss, by getting him a dog tag. Treat Fleas Naturally and Avoid Vaccinations, for a Truly Healthy Dog An essential to your dog's health is his/her regular annual checkup with the vet. The vaccinations* which are given to your dog each year supposedly ensure your dog's immunity to some common infectious diseases. Life Long Nutrition A Comparison of Dog Foods This article discusses two foods in paticual. For the puppy stage, Eagle Pack Puppy food and for the adult stage, Royal CaninLabrador Retriever Housebreaking Your Dog-Potty Training Canine Style Puppies are a bundle of newfound joy. You've prepared the house, and even bought him a new rubber chew toy. However, with all the joy your new pet brings, he also brings along with him his natural behaviors and instincts. It's now your job to begin training and molding him into the furry companion you've always wanted. It's not quite time for adventure or obedience school. It's time for potty training! Pet Food Label Secrets Revealed! Know What You Are Feeding Your Dog And Cat Reading a pet food label, how difficult can it be? You just pick up your regular brand and look at the variety on the front, right? Not so fast! Reading a pet food label isn't as easy as you may think. It's not just ingredients and feeding suggestions. There's also a "secret code" you should know about. The code helps you separate the Chicken Formula from the Chicken Dinner and the Beef and Bacon from the Beef with Bacon. You may be thinking "Aren't they all the same?" and the answer is no. The Power of Dogs Well first of all I was always a cat owner, till my husband bought our first Chihuahua (Stitch) in 2002, Stitch was about 6 weeks old and was generally purchased for our children and it stud that was till he was about 5 months or so. Then I started to notice that he was starting to favor me and follow me around more and more everyday, one day I hid from him and watched him run up and down the hallway from the crack in the bedroom door, until he found me and it just melted my heart, my cats never did that and after that he became ALL MINE Stitch stole my heart. Around a month later my mother handed down her old sewing machine to me, I tried making everything that came to mind but nothing ever turned out perfect, but I kept sewing anyways. Tips on Choosing a Boxer Dog... An easier and more pleasant journey with your chosen Boxer starts with checking out the parent dogs for unbecoming traits like aggression, hyperactive and extreme shyness. ![]() |
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