Pet Information

Breeding Tetra Fish Successfully

If you are keeping tetras, chances are you are breeding tetras, even if unknowingly. In the wild, tetras normally breed during the rainy season, but in the aquarium, they may breed year round. Female tetras are egg-scatters that typically fill with eggs every ten to fourteen days.

Determining Skin Disorders In The Aquarium

Many different skin problems can arise in the aquarium. thankfully, through careful observation on a daily basis, they can be diagnosed and treated. Carefully check your fish on a daily basis, looking for abnormal growths, any change in the body of the fish, or damage to the scales, fins, or body covering. Look for the presence of parasites, and watch swimming behavior, to see if there is any chnage in their habits. Making a daily visual diagnosis is of utmost importance to the health and happiness of your fish friends.

Three Important Safety Products for Your Dog this Summer

Keeping your dog safe is similar to keeping a child safe, you need to constantly be on alert. There are certain dangers a dog faces, especially in urban and suburban settings where the risk of running away and getting hit by a car poses a serious threat. Keeping your pooch protected on your property even when you?re not there to supervise, or keeping your dog from running off and becoming injured when playing around off leash, is reason enough to look for practical solutions. Below are three products that can help you and your companion enjoy some freedom while being safe!

DOG ID TAGS-Identify and Protect Your Dog With Any of These Methods

The American Humane Society estimated that last year alone; fifteen million dogs entered its shelters. Not even twenty percent of these dogs? owners were ever contacted. They had no identification. It only proves that no matter how much you love your dog, no matter how much you spend on training and no matter many measures you take to ensure your pet?s happiness; it could all go down the drain if your pet is ever recovered away from home without proper identification.

Spaying or Nuetering Your Dog-Get The Facts... Be Responsible

Bringing a new puppy or dog home is a huge commitment and a three-fold responsibility. You now have a commitment to your dog, yourself, and to your community. Spaying or neutering your pet is just another responsibility that you must think about when bringing a puppy or dog into your home. And, if you?ve already brought one home, the time to start thinking about you and your pet?s future together is now.

Housebreaking Your Dog-Potty Training Canine Style

Puppies are a bundle of newfound joy. You?ve prepared the house, and even bought him a new rubber chew toy. However, with all the joy your new pet brings, he also brings along with him his natural behaviors and instincts. It?s now your job to begin training and molding him into the furry companion you?ve always wanted. It?s not quite time for adventure or obedience school. It?s time for potty training!

New Puppies-The Cure For Insomnia-What You Can Do To Help You New Pupppy Adjust

Puppies have a natural instinct inside that causes them to whimper and whine when they are alone. It?s because dogs are social creatures, much like humans. When they?re alone, they may feel nervous or frightened. Before dogs were made into ?man?s (or woman?s) best friend,? they ran the land in wild packs. They hunted, ate and slept together.

What to Do When Your Puppy Dog Is Chewing Everything In Sight

A puppy wanting to chew makes you want to scream! Do remember that, like children who search their new world with their hands, so do puppies search with their mouths. While there is a difference between exploratory chewing and problem chewing, the problem chewing is sometimes related to their need for attention, food or tension release. However, most of the time, puppies tend to chew because they are teething. Expect them to do so until they?re about six months old.

Leash Training Your Dog-Take The Time To Get It Done and Do It Right

Attempting to train your dog to walk on a leash may feel like you?re a contestant in a tug-of-war contest. But, it doesn?t have to. If you take a few precautions, use the proper equipment, and are consistent in your training routine, then your puppy or dog will be an enjoyment to walk all around.

Problem Barking-What to Do When Your Dogs Barking is The Neighborhood Nuisance

Puppies and dogs, as mentioned, are social creatures. When they don?t get the attention they need, then a bark is their method of telling you something. It?s your job to figure out the reasons behind the barking and then ease the tension of whatever is causing your puppy or dog to do so. At the same time, you are also teaching him that barking (in certain situations) isn?t acceptable behavior. If you do not take such training seriously, you may not get thrown out of the neighborhood, but you may receive a visit from the police regarding animal ordinances!

Got Fleas? How to Spot and Care For Fleas on Your Dog

Your poor pooch is scratching himself all over. Plus, you know he?s uncomfortable because he?s whimpering and gnawing too. Chances are, he?s got fleas. These little sixlegged parasites will wreak havoc and mayhem for you and your pet if you don?t learn how to take care of the problem now.

Dog Breath-It Doesnt HAVE to Be SO Bad!

While your friends and family are amazed that you?re raising such an amazing dog, you notice that they flinch when the dog gets too close. They may shrug away or not bend down to pet him as they once did. While they may not say so directly, it could be due to your dog?s killer breath. While this situation is all too common, hopefully you?ve noticed your pooch?s halitosis before anyone says or does anything to cause you (or your poor dog) embarrassment. As stated, your dog cannot tell you that he has a sticky, plaque taste in his mouth that won?t stop. It?s your job to understand that he, like you, needs his teeth brushed and his gums attended to regularly.

Dogs and Old Age, How To Care For Your Aging Canine

Now that you?re dog has shown you so much love and brought you so much joy throughout your many years together, it?s time that you return the favor when the dog reaches his elder years. Caring for an older dog is much like caring for an elderly person. Knowing how to do that will help comfort your dog immensely.

Puppy Care 101

Puppy Care

Training Your Dog To Save a Life In Water

Occasionally watching Animal Planet does have its advantage. You can really learn how to train your dog for different situations.

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