Pet Information

Managing Horse Pasture

A major part of a horse's diet is hay or pasture. A horse weighing 1000 pounds will eat about 500 pounds each month. A horse needs roughly 28 acres of non-irrigated, dryland pasture a year if that is the only source of forage. However, a pasture that is irrigated will grow more forage than dryland pasture, requiring less acreage. The amount of irrigated pasture needed for one horse is roughly 1 to 2 acres.

Seven Ways to Boxer-Proof Your House

You are ready to bring your Boxer home? First, you must prepare your house. Whether you are bringing home a puppy or adult Boxer, you may want to spend some time surveying your house from a Boxer eye view (about 2 feet off the ground). Wires, drapes and counters look pretty interesting from that height.

The Top Five Reasons to Rescue a Boxer

What if you want a Boxer, but cannot stomach the thought of housebreaking, chewed up shoes and boundless puppy energy? Have you ever heard of Boxer rescue? These organizations provide loving care (and sometimes rehabilitation) to Boxers who have been surrendered by their owners, found abandoned or rescued from harmful situations.

Arthritis Pain Relief For Dogs ? Simple Home Remedies That Work

Did you know that arthritis affects one in five dogs over the age of seven? It is a painful condition that affects the joints and can occur in your pet?s neck, hips, shoulders, elbows and back. However, there are many simple solutions that you can provide at home that will relieve the aches and pains in your dog?s joints.

Get Your Dog Safely Through a Storm

Thunder storms affected pets differently. Some hardly notice them, others get extremely worked up. Count yourself lucky if you a dog that doesn?t mind storms and loud noises like fireworks. However, if you have a dog that starts whimpering at the very slightest rumbling of thunder in the distance, here?s some tips to help you.

Dog Vaccinations: Doing Shots

Vaccinations play an important part in the preventive healthcare of your pet. There are nasty doggie diseases out there, and for some of these, vaccination is your pooch?s only real protection, as there may be no cure once the disease is contracted. After initial vaccination, many types require a schedule of follow-up shots, or boosters, to maintain a safe level of immunity.

Your Dog and the Dentist: Learn the Drill

While "late is better than never," sooner is better than later, at least when it comes to your dog's dental health. Dental disease gets worse over time, and the longer you wait, the more damage that will have to be taken care of and the more expensive your vet bill will be.

Does Your Dog Have Fleas?

Itch, itch. Scratch, scratch, scratch. Does that sound familiar? Hopefully not, but if it does you might be one of the millions of people whose dog has fleas, mites or other miniscule cretins leeching upon him.

Worms in Your Dog... Gross!

Of all the parasites a dog can catch, worms take home first prize for Most Disgusting. Nobody wants to imagine little worms crawling around in their dog's digestive system, but it's a fairly common ailment that's easily passed from dog to dog. So if he does happen to contract them, tell your furry fella not to feel ashamed of his worms! They're easily prevented and controlled with medication that your vet routinely prescribes to hundreds of pooches just like him.

Doggy Dental Care: Teeth Cleaning 101

Your dog's dental health is so important for his total well-being... and for guaranteeing him a long and happy life. So don't give him the brush-off! Make tooth cleaning a daily ritual that your dog will look foward to as something the two of you do together.

How to Buy a Purebred Dog

If you decide you want a purebred, make sure it's because you love the breed since purebreds are often not as resilient as mixed breeds. Consider carefully why you want a purebred. Many people will want a purebred because it conveys some symbol of status on them. Purebreds are prone to many illnesses due to inbreeding, and having a purebred could become a costly affair.

The Lowdown on Dog Vaccinations

Over the last 20 years, vaccinations have generally been started in puppies at about 6-8 weeks of age, when the natural immunity inherited from the mother may start wearing off. A series of shots will then be given every three to four weeks, and boosters are administered every year after that.

Why Should We Get Kittens as Pets?

Kittens are and have always been adorable creatures. Of course, these youngsters are also playful, naughty and mischievous as well. Perhaps that?s the reason why people are attracted to them, as they entertain us with their peculiar antics and curiosity. Cats and dogs have been found to relieve humans of stress and make great companions at home. Of course, choosing between a cat and a dog is totally a personal choice.

Are All Those Pet Vaccinations Really Necessary?

Would you like to save money and have a healthier pet? Let me tell you a story. One day, my German Shepherd asleep, as usual, when suddenly, he started convulsing so intensely that I thought he must be dying. It went on for a few minutes, which seemed like forever. After, I couldn?t believe he was OK. It turned out to be a seizure, and it was then that I began to learn about alternative medicine for pets.

Teaching Your Dog to Heel

Teaching your dog to heel is one of the most basic and important dog training commands you can teach. With an active and younger dog or puppy, it can be especially difficult, but with patience and consistency, it doesn?t really have to be that hard to train your dog to heel.

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