Pet Information

Lyme Disease in Dogs

It is hard to get an early diagnosis of lyme disease in animals including your own dog. The first sign of lyme disease in humans is a rash, well; animals do not develop this rash. Lyme disease is also not one of the first illnesses that the veterinarian looks for when you take your dog in for a visit. Many other common illnesses can produce some of the same symptoms, so it can be hard to detect.

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

The cat backs up to the door, lifts the tail and releases a fine spray of urine. Yes, your cat is spraying. You have a problem. But one you can solve.

Adopting A Dog

You know what it's like. You see a cute curly haired puppy in the pet store, with big brown eyes begging for your attention. Next thing you know, you're walking down the pet food aisle at the supermarket buying dinner for your new puppy. It's not hard to get sucked in by a puppy. However, sharing your home with a four-legged friend can be one of life's greatest pleasures.

Canine Mastitis

Canine mastitis is a breast infection in brood bitches, usually occuring a few weeks after whelping. It is not that common, but you should be aware of it. The breasts of a lactating brood bitch are normally warm and enlarged, but never red, dark, hot or painful when touched. Advanced canine mastitis presents as a hard, hot and almost black breast segment, which is extremely painful for the brood bitch when touched. Canine mastitis can be caused by weaning puppies too early, severe scratches from puppies claws or some other infection.

Cleft Palate In Dogs

Sometimes puppies are born that can't suckle properly, and it's almost alway's because they have a cleft palate. A cleft palate can be a complete division up the middle of the palate, or roof of the mouth, or it can just be a small hole in the palate.

The Top Ten Reasons You Can - And Should - Hold an Equine Educational Event

Boarding, Breeding, Training & Showing Stables:

Fat and Obese Dogs Live Shorter Lives

Obesity is one of the most important health concerns facing dogs. If you love your dog, you should do something about it. Overweight dogs live shorter and less healthy lives and your enjoyment of their precious companionship may be shortened because of it.

Do They Really Need a Dog Bed?

When Lucky was starting to show signs of aging, we were concerned about her comfort. She would have a hard time getting up in the morning. Her legs would shake and she would take five minutes just to get up, where once she could pounce up in a second.

Toys are GOOD for your dog

Did you know that dog toys are actually good for your dog, and not just an indulgence on the part of the owner?

The Artful Dog Shopper

I am a dog lover by nature. I have just always loved the little four legged fur balls.

A Dog Name is Something To Be Chosen Carefully

How important is a dog name? Well let's think about this.

5 Things to Know about Animal Rescue Groups

Over the past decade, breed rescue groups have become a major force in dog adoptions. These rescue groups limit their effort to a particular breed of dog including purebreds. This is a help to people who want a certain breed of dog but can?t or won?t use breeders.

5 Common Grooming Mistakes Made by Dog Owners

1. Clipping the quick when cutting nails.

5 Common Grooming Mistakes Made by Professionals

1. Using tranquilizers.

But My Pet Will Never Run Away (or Why We Need Licenses)

The city I live in just increased its fees for dog and cat licenses. It's now $30 a year for unneutered/unsprayed pets and $20 a year for sprayed/neutered pets.

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