Pet Information
Beds for the Pets: Sleeping in Comfort
As we love to have a comfortable place to sleep so do the animals. So there are various types of beds for the pets to give them a comfortable sleep. Most of us have the dog as a pet. For the pets we specially have these beds designed for their fullest comfort. This type of beds mainly includes the outdoors beds, luxury beds, and puppy beds. For the various types of
dogs there are various types of beds like the large dog beds and the small dog beds. Whereas when we look out for a bed for a cat then there are various types of beds depending upon the breed and the size of the cat.
Training Your Dog For A Happy Healthy Life
Adopting a dog is a lot of fun, but it can also add a lot of responsibilities to your life. When you become a dog owner, you take on the responsibility to make sure your pet has everything he needs, a safe environment to live in, proper care, and everything he needs for a happy and healthy life! It?s a big step to care for a dog, but you?ll be rewarded with a loving companion.
How To Be A Good Pomeranian Dog Owner
Opening your heart to a Pomeranian can be fun, but you must be willing to take on the responsibility of dog ownership. When you become a Pom owner, it?s up to to do everything in your power to make your pet's life a happy one, the proper care, environment and companionship. If this sounds like a big commitment ? it is! But rest assured, the rewards of pet ownership far outweigh the work you have to put into it.
Tips For Keeping Your Pug Happy And Healthy
Bringing home a Pug can change our life, but it is also a big responsibility. When you become a Pug owner, it is up to you to make sure that your pet's needs are met including, proper care, a safe environment and lots of love! Caring for a dog is a commitment, but has many rewards.
Petting a Dog is Good For Both of You
Studies have shown that regularly petting a dog brings a person the following benefits:
Tips On Breeding Tropical Fish
If you are looking for tips on breeding tropical fish, you must first decide what type of tropical fish you wish to breed. Some tropical fish are live bearers, which means they give birth to live minnow babies. The other type are egg bearers, which means the mother lays eggs and the minnow babies hatch from the eggs.
Top 5 Dog Health Problems
The most common dog problems:
Canine Communication and Body Language
A couple of years ago a Japanese electronics company came up with a Gizmo which they claimed could convert dogs barks, yips and whines into human language, thereby allowing us to understand ?Doggie? speak for the first time. I was on a radio program recently, discussing the merits and usefulness of a new dog collar that was also a mobile phone. You could ring up and converse with your dog at any time and enjoy a nice cosy chat. You might as well text your pet for all the good phoning it would do; the mostly likely outcome of this idea would be to startle and frighten your pet.
Housebreaking Dogs and Puppies - A Step by Step Guide to Potty Training Your Dog or Puppy
If you're reading this I think it's safe to assume that you either currently own, or are about to buy, a dog or puppy and don't want to come home to nasty "surprises" on your living room floor. That's why I'm writing this step by step guide to potty training your adult dog or puppy.
Does Your Dog Miss You Too Much?
Your dog seems to be driving you up the wall lately, exhibiting serious behavior problems -- and no amount of verbal correction seems to work. She chews the furniture, gnaws on shoes, turns over the trash cans, howls and barks when you're not around, or even seems really depressed when you come home.
Benny Comes Back!
This has been one of the most rewarding adventures I have ever volunteered to do. First, let me tell you just a little bit about my two dogs, a short little Bio on each. There are pictures on my dog therapy page.
Our Pets
Having a pet is an experiance that I think everyone should have. It
reaches us on a level that few other experiances can. But, not all of
us can handle the kind of committment that is required or we just don't
want to. Whatever it is, it is your decision for your life!
Price of Unconditional Love
Why is it that cats get no respect? Are they really the Rodney Dangerfield of the animal world? Dogs get the esteemed title of ?Man?s Best Friend,? while the domestic felines seem to be bastardized as temperamental annoyances. Sure, they can be finicky creatures, as I?ve heard numerous complaints over the years from guy friends that they have had to pass the ?cat test? before getting any play from the female owners they are pursuing. If you are nice to them and bring a fuzzy toy or yummy treat (the cats, not the women), you will have them wrapped around your finger (and her wrapped around your body) in no time. As a male with cats, I have found that my pets are great chick magnets. Of course, I have to actually get the women in my home to see them since I cannot take the cats out for a stroll in the neighborhood, but once the hard part is done, it?s smooth sailing from there. The only concern here is that she likes the cats more than me!
Pet Food Label Secrets Revealed! Know What You Are Feeding Your Dog And Cat
Reading a pet food label, how difficult can it be? You just pick up your regular brand and look at the variety on the front, right? Not so fast! Reading a pet food label isn?t as easy as you may think. It?s not just ingredients and feeding suggestions. There?s also a ?secret code? you should know about. The code helps you separate the Chicken Formula from the Chicken Dinner and the Beef and Bacon from the Beef with Bacon. You may be thinking ?Aren?t they all the same?? and the answer is no.
Pet Bird Home Hazards - Keep Your Feathered Friend Safe
Interacting with a pet bird outside of it?s cage is one of the joys of living with a bird, but the home that is safe for us, may not be so safe for our feathered friends. The little day to day things that we take for granted can injure or kill a bird in the blink of an eye.
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Life Long Nutrition A Comparison of Dog Foods
This article discusses two foods in paticual. For the puppy stage, Eagle Pack Puppy food and for the adult stage, Royal CaninLabrador Retriever
A Dog Day Care Franchise - Is It Really Worth It?
When you take into account that there are over 68,000,000 dogs in the United States alone, you can see why many people consider taking advantage of a dog day care franchise.
Westies for Sale - Avoiding the Perils of Purebred Puppy Purchases
In the purebred West Highland Terrier puppy market, there are few rules or laws governing who may breed dogs, and then advertise Westies for sale. Both ancestry and the breeding environment will affect the quality of the Westies offered for sale, and some breeders are a lot less careful about these details than others. Never buy the first Westie you find, from the first breeder you come across advertising Westies for sale. Take the time to learn about both the breed and the breeder to avoid an expensive mistake, and the heart-breaking loss of a dog due to health problems.
Dogtra: Superior Dog Training Equipment that Performs as it Claims
Here?s a Way To Make Your Dog Love Its Dog Crate!
A dog crate is a necessity for your dog, through his puppy days and for his whole life. Your dog's ancestor, the wolf, had a den to call home, a place of safety. The dog crate takes the place of the den, which is deeply embedded into your dog's instincts. The crate should be kept in a room where the dog can go for a retreat to rest.
The Right Way to Use Electronic Dog Training Collars
As with every training tool used to modify a behavior in your pet, electronic dog training collars need to be used correctly in order to be effective.
Pampering Your Favorite Puppy
I was doing some research on dog health when I came across a site for Dog Spa's. This soon set me on the path of thinking of all the different ways you could pamper your favorite puppy. It's quite amazing what's out there to make your dog feel special, from gourmet treats to interesting outfits to doggy massage. Here is a list of some pampering ideas that will not only keep your dog happy, they can also provide valuable services as well.
Got Fleas?
Author of Keep Fleas Off
Are Exotic Cats a Threat to Public Safety? Why Exotic Pets Are Not Dangerous
I would like to address some of the statements I have found on the web and in proposed ban bills portraying servals and other small wild felines as unpredictable and dangerous creatures. This is a clear case of "what you don't know you will fear." First of all, I would like to clarify for everyone that we are talking about tame, hand-raised pets bred in the United States. It's not like you take a trip to Africa, rope yourself a serval, and drag it home hissing and spitting!
Agility Training For Dogs
Without agility, the most muscular person in the world couldn't win a fight against a fifth-grader. But did you know that for a dog agility is possibly even more important? With so many of a dog's happiest moments spent running, jumping, catching, and stretching, dog agility training can really help dogs age gracefully and happily.
But My Pet Will Never Run Away (or Why We Need Licenses)
The city I live in just increased its fees for
dog and cat licenses. It's now $30 a year for
unneutered/unsprayed pets and $20 a year for
sprayed/neutered pets.
Tips on Choosing a Boxer Dog...
An easier and more pleasant journey with your chosen Boxer starts with checking out the parent dogs for unbecoming traits like aggression, hyperactive and extreme shyness.
The TOP 7 Mistakes Horse Owners Make
Mistake #7 ? Assuming You Can Get On Any Horse And Simply Ride
Dog Training For Beginners
Training a dog is a fairly difficult task. Some find it to be very frustrating and simply send there dog or puppy to a professional trainer. Now if you have a dog that is completely wrecking or disrupting your life this may be a good idea. Before you take a look at a professional dog trainer you may want to try out some of these tips.
Lyme Disease Treatment in Pets
Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics, because the disease is caused by a bacterium that is introduced to your pet through a bite from a tick carrying the disease.
Pet Vitamin Supplements - Whether You Need One and How to Choose One
Vitamins Can Increase Your Dog's Life Span!
Treat Fleas Naturally and Avoid Vaccinations, for a Truly Healthy Dog
An essential to your dog's health is his/her regular annual checkup with the vet. The vaccinations* which are given to your dog each year supposedly ensure your dog's immunity to some common infectious diseases.
Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers
Allergies to dogs can strike anyone at any age, yet with how attached most owners are to their dogs, they seem to chose living with their allergies rather then giving up their beloved pets.
How To Choose A Dog - There Is A Lot To Consider, But A Lot Of Help Too
Choosing a dog is a fun adventure. The search for a new familial addition is exciting, but it can also be a little overwhelming. Don't despair; instead, keep in mind the following hints while searching and you'll know what choice is right for you and your lifestyle.
Top Five Dog Breeds for Homes with Children
Top five dog breeds for homes with children