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Darius and the US Postal Service
DARIUS: - Coins bearing his visage are found in the Americas but we would never expect to see normal academic overviews mention this for public consideration. And I was not surprised when I read many other things about Aryans and supposed first Empires, as I read the following part of a far larger presentation. Was the US support of the Shah connected to a larger and long term plan to manage the plebs or serfs who think they are free? "Cyrus recognized that the "known world" he wished to conquer included Egypt, Carthage, Ethiopia, and Greek colonies on the Mediterranean coast as far as Gibraltar, but for the time being he thought he had better seize the known world to the east (except for distant, legendary China). In about a year he took lands as far away as what are now the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He rushed west again and fell upon Babylon by diverting the unfordable Gyndes River, a tributary of the Tigris which protected the city, into many shallow hand-dug channels. There he freed the forty thousand Jews held in the Babylonian captivity. A few years later, putting down a revolt in the east, Cyrus died in battle. His troops brought his body back to Pasargadae, and laid it to rest in the tomb with the Nordic roof. {N.B.} Cyrus was not only the world's first great emperor; he was a humane man, who treated his victims benevolently, honored their gods, and set higher standards for the profession of kingship than most other monarchs down through the centuries. His son and successor, by contrast, was a brute who had earlier kicked his pregnant wife to death. He adored flattery, not blinking even when a courtier told him, 'I do not think you are the equal of your father, because you do not have a son like the son he left behind.' Nevertheless, before he mysteriously committed suicide, he managed to capture Egypt and pack the pharaoh back to Iran. Upon his death, according to Herodotus, the seven young nobles who formed the imperial council met and agreed to accept as king him among them whose horse should neigh first at dawn the next day. One groom made sure that his master would win by providing a delectable, neigh-worthy mare for the stallion. In this way the noble named Darius became king, although his own account of his ascent, which he left engraved on stone, differs in ways that do not make nearly as good a story. Whatever the truth, Darius turned out to be second only to Cyrus as 'Great King, King of Kings,' and even more than Cyrus, the architect of the Persian Empire. Despite his chance choice, Darius had the royal blood of Achaemenes in his veins, for he descended from a collateral branch of the family. Darius ruled for thirty-five years, at first putting down rivals (he fought nineteen battles at the rate of nearly a battle a month, and defeated nine upstart kinglets), then giving the empire the institutions that Cyrus had been too busy to devise. He had to keep the subject populations contented enough not to revolt (for the conquered masses greatly outnumbered the ruling Persians), but disciplined enough to pay heavy taxes to support the court and the armies." (2) He established a secret spy network not unlike his far later relative and recent King, the Shah of Iran; but he also established a reliable postal service not unlike the Pony Express that Herodotus was inspired to write the words now used as the motto of the US Postal Service. We have all heard it and wondered perhaps, why we are not told the origin bespeaks great things in other cultures. "? Sir Roger Stevens to write, in The Land of the Great Sophy: 'There can be no proper understanding of what underlies modern Iran unless we recognize the significance of this triumph of legend over history, or art over reality, this preference for embellishment as against unvarnished fact, for ancient folk beliefs as against new-fangled creeds.'" (3) Author of Diverse Druids
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Its Not Your Fault! Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except 'within' and I learned to be connected to 'What IS'. Slavers Claim To be Slaves - Taxation The United States of America was planned by elite members of secret societies. One of those elites was Francis Bacon whose utopian book actually used what was being done in Peru as a model. Indeed you will have to read a lot more books to know that these elites were involved in the Americas since before the time of Moses but suffice it to say we have forensic analysis or Peruvian cocaine in Egyptian mummies and genetics to go along with data galore from all disciplines of science. The US Founding document has a pre-cursor Constitution from over a century earlier in the Iroquois Confederation. There were Masons with traders in America who had been here before Columbus and there was an elite group of Indians who belonged to one of their offshoots called The Mediwiwin Society. Haplogroup X genetics shows us that the Sioux are white and the Sioux are related to the Iroquois and at one time they both were the Megwi and before that they were Hopewell, Adena and Poverty Point Phoenician traders back to the time of Stonehenge if not before. Darius and the US Postal Service DARIUS: - Coins bearing his visage are found in the Americas but we would never expect to see normal academic overviews mention this for public consideration. And I was not surprised when I read many other things about Aryans and supposed first Empires, as I read the following part of a far larger presentation. Was the US support of the Shah connected to a larger and long term plan to manage the plebs or serfs who think they are free? Critical Thinking To Go: Dodging The Pepperoni Pizza Fallacy Today we commonly hear in the news journalistic items about religion and politics, or faith and something else, where the suggested "duo du jour" usually sit in opposition to one another. One could do this, of course, just as easily with other areas of human thought, as with sociology vs. history, or economics vs. psychology. But most people do not seem nearly as interested in this exercise as they seem anxious to set "religion" over against whatever other area they might find interesting. Phony-Baloney Detection Lesson #2 Appeals to Authority From Experience: Is It the Circle of Life? All of it in one way or another a part of my lifetime and not an analytical study of the way that business has changed but a comparison that is not at all hard to follow or see. What happened to our country now seems to be subtle changes that occurred as the years passed by. Future Shock Futurists like Alvin Toffler and his wife are important parts of any informed citizens reading. Naisbitt's forward to Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy was part of my introduction to other futurists. I am not sure that the New Age has advanced a great deal since he wrote that forward for her book however. Let me assure you there is nothing 'new' about the New World Order or the New Age philosophies. From the days of the Antonines in the first century BCE the local authority and borders have been established in ever-increasing bureaucracy. The Oxford History of the Roman World goes on to say: "More significant is the interference in the financial affairs of cities which became widespread during the second century AD? we find a momentous departure from the traditional laissez-faire attitude toward government which had hitherto prevailed." Understanding Of I-Ching And Tai Chi In Relation To Our Lives Tai Chi, The Great Ultimate, was found earliest in the Book of Change, or otherwise known as I-Ching. Legend said that this scripture has written by the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty - Zhou Wen Wang. Thus I-Ching is also known as Zhou-Yi. The Early Life of Jesus INTRODUCTION: The Magi I find no real fault in Constantine's inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs. Youre Wrong Isn't it amazing how often you're wrong? I mean that you, as a person, have no idea how to live and haven't got the foggiest clue how to make your own decisions. I know, it's kind of hard to swallow when put right in your face like that, but the fact is that you swallow exactly that every single day of your life. The Esoteric Mandate (Rothschilds too) The monopoly called usury given to a specific group of Jews has a long history including Templars with Papal Passports. You might think the Jews have been horrifically pursued with prejudice and there certainly are some Jews (That the Halakah or law of the elite Jews also is willing to abuse.) who have been treated most foully by their 'brothers' or fellow man. I ask you to remember that spies and politics go hand in hand and I hope you know the Rothschilds got given the De Medicis (Templar before that) monopoly and spy network. It lead to them controlling the British Treasury at the occasion of the end of The Battle of Waterloo. They had their British Royal cousin to thank for it. This is a fact admitted in their official biographies. Reducing Human Population Growth Due to the indoctrination of World Religions and their control over the masses, prior peoples were told to procreate the next generation to serve their god or gods. They were told how to live their lives and taught about sinful thoughts. Most of which are the very reason our species evolved to the top of the food chain. However now we see those who have superior intellect readily debunk the notions and tales of those religious leaders and their stories. What is happening now is that non-believers in Allah, God, Santa Clause or other Creator are not reproducing as much as those who do believe in superstition, voodoo dolls or World Religions. Knowledge and Study of Social Science . Human being Knowledge & social science Archetypes DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (ARCHETYPES): - "All material bodies are condensations of frozen bodies." (2) Jung is becoming 'in vogue' again, I hear. Perhaps this time around it won't just involve so little real appreciation for all that he meant and understood. Dream interpretation and projected Western values can be a Freudian gambit - Jung grew to see things few will ever admit to in the present ideologies of the West. He was able to contact the future before the First World War and it almost convinced him he was mad, until he saw his visions were right - then he knew it wasn't himself who was mad - it was the world he lived in! His archetypes may be a contact with the genetic 'history book' that the Director of the Human Genome Project talked about recently when he announced that only 2.8 centimetres of 1.8 metres of a gene are required to make the human being. It might be a collective 'tap-in' or even the 'medulla oblongata' has the ability to record the knowledge of previous evolutionary experience of man's development. Personally I feel it is a matter of some of each of these things and the factors relating to chaos and the interference of conflicting vibrations or wavelengths in the confusing array of bandwidths and personalities. Teilhard de Chardin FATHER PIERRE TEILHARD de CHARDIN: Culture and Knowledge In eastern Cultures the passing of thought was considered valuable, so much in fact that even to this day members of those cultures respect their elders and listen to their advice. The passing of such thoughts and concepts and philosophies is of extreme value. The Christianity religion and its followers take those stories in the bible literally, almost to an absolute truth. Much of which is an incredible gift from those who came before us and experienced their lives and had something to say and tales to help the understanding of those who would come later. Jesus in the bible talks about important concepts and thoughts of what should be done and how to live with love towards your fellow man. Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him The ability to do something that requires generations to develop was kept a secret in all areas of human endeavour during what we call pre-history. It did not change when culture advanced to the point where people could read scrolls. In point of fact Plato observed a reduction in disciplined knowledge resulted from the writing alphabet given to the Greeks by their Danaus forbears or colonizers. But you would think writing might allow an improvement in knowledge and society. Indeed this is potentially true with any medium for sharing but would you say that TV has lead to an increase in knowledge or just an increase in wasted time and confusing inputs? The shamans and elites who developed the various disciplines and metal-working secrets gradually became the most powerful people in the world. When they met each other they were excited to share knowledge in most cases. It is hard to share knowledge with people who are not willing to put out the years of effort to learn more than some little thing, they might use or satisfy some immediate need with. Belief is Closure The CON in CONstructs: The Galileo Conspiracy: 5 Questions Your Science Professors Hope You Never Ask As a young lad, I took on my first scientific experiment simply because I could. Like most curious youngsters who own walky-talkies, I could only resist for so long the urge to bury one of them (well behind enemy lines) in the bread aisle at the local grocery store, to see what startled shoppers might make of extroverted wheat. This, my first foray into the field of agorology -- the very scientific study of shopping, shoppers and shoppingcarts -- told me just what I needed to know. ![]() |
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