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Improve Your Relationships Instantly
Discover how easy it is to improve your relationships. The following relationship advice will encourage people to help you willingly and cheerfully. It just takes one easy communication skill, and two magic words. The Communication Skill - Having An Attitude Of Gratitude Yes, attitudes are really skills you can learn. Learn how to appreciate what others do for you, and you will seldom lack for a helping hand. The Magic Words The magic is in these two simple words, "I appreciate." These two magic words will make others feel close to you and create loyal relationships. Don't be like the husband who told his spouse on their wedding day, "On this day I'm telling you that I love you, and if that ever changes, I'll let you know." To have great relationships you must continually let people know that you care about them and appreciate them. Appreciation ? The Key To Great Relationships People crave appreciation. Nobody ever gets enough, and the most difficult people hardly get any at all. Saying, "I appreciate", or "Thank you" is the easiest way to improve your relationships - instantly. Little Things Mean A Lot Obviously, you know to say "Thank you" when someone gives you a gift or does something special for you. However, if you're seriously interested in improving your relationships, you need to let people know how much you appreciate the little things that you just take for granted - because people are supposed to do them anyway. Start today by saying, "I appreciate" for all those little things. Making a simple call, or writing a short note only takes a minute or two. To your co-worker say, "I appreciate your pleasant smile. It makes me look forward to coming to work." To your husband say, "I appreciate your taking out the trash, and helping the kids with their homework, etc." The Appreciation Magnet Appreciation makes people feel valued, and accepted. It acts like a magnet to attract people to you and make them trust you. How You Will Benefit Just think of all the other benefits you can get simply by saying, "I appreciate." * You will have better relationships because you are focusing on how others are making your life better, not on their shortcomings. * You will feel more successful because, even though your life is not perfect, you will be living with an attitude of gratitude for what you have now. * You will be creating an atmosphere of acceptance both at work and at home. Get Creative If it makes such a difference why don't more people show their appreciation? It's probably because most people consider writing thank you notes a chore. Instead, here's how you can have fun - get creative. * Make your own colorful thank you cards. Color your thank you letters with the word "Thank You" in different sizes and fonts. * Give decorated "Thank You" cookies * Write a poem. * Send a quote * Along with your thank you note include a joke * Bake your favorite dessert and include the recipe in your gift. To help you remember to express your appreciation, make a list of the people you want to thank. As you thank them, write their names on your calendar. Do this each month and enjoy all the relationships you have improved. Man-Made Sunshine Appreciation is like spreading man-made sunshine into the lives of those who have, in some small way, made your life happier. They will, in turn, spread this sunshine back to you in the form of cheerfulness and cooperation. How confident are you with your relationships? The author, Harriet Meyerson, founder of The Confidence Center, will give you a Confidence Quiz and weekly confidence building tips in her email newsletter. When you subscribe you will also receive a list of the Top Ten Employee Morale Boosters, and the Top Ten Confidence Boosters. They are F.r.e.e on her web at http://www.ConfidenceCenter.com Copyright Harriet Meyerson 2005 Editors, you have permission to reprint this article in your newsletter, or post this article on your web with a live link please.
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Business Career, Executive Coaching - The Top 10 Tips to Begin the Practice of Positive Affirmations Positive Affirmations are things we say to ourselves that build us up and make us strong. They empower us to take chances and to be our best. Thoughts run through our mind thousands of times a day and are often negative. Making positive affirmations a daily practice gives you a powerful tool to strengthen your inner foundation and follow your bliss. Getting Over Your Fear Of Success The fear of success is more common than some might realize. Just the thought of 'What it would be like to...' is enough to set some people off. How To Have A Life Changing Experience Can you really plan a life-changing experience, or do they just happen? Are they accident's of fate, inherited life forces, or can they be experiences the we choose? Universal Thought System/Forgiveness#2 Clear Conflict with Forgiveness: Increasing Expectation Positively! 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Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation. All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. Optimism, the Only Option for Success People with negative attitudes may wonder why they never achieve the degree of success they desire. It is a fact of life that if you want to succeed, you must be optimistic. Your attitude determines your future. If you don't think anything is going to work for you, you won't put forth the effort needed for success. Your subconscious mind creates what you believe, so convince it that you believe in your success. Life, The Greatest Ride of All Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs, the unexpected changes, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful. Why Motivational Posters Arent Cheesy! I don't want to say people are basically negative but?..if there was a camera and it could photograph the pictures in your mind what would it look like? When I asked myself that question it actually made me laugh quite a bit. I like to think of myself as a determined self starter but to be completely honest there are times when I confront a new project and I am scared to death. Change Your Thoughts And Your Life: 5 Simple Ways To Bring More Peace And Harmony To Your Life When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life. Here are 5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony. Creating Success Through Self-Affirming Thought Patterns Everyone of us has the potential to successfully more through the unique problems that face us. Creating success often involves identifying the many ways in which we continue to think negatively - and the many ways we limit ourselves. The next step becomes acknowledging and releasing the fear beneath those limitations and replacing ineffective strategies with newer ways of thinking and newer ways of feeling about ourselves. Below is a shortened and condensed list of practices to continue moving forward on your own path. This list is in no way complete. But sometimes we all need brief reminders to get us back on track. Thinking Your Way To Success: Materializing Your Goals Through The Power of Thought THOUGHTS are powerful. The power of THOUGHTS cannot be underestimated. What we believe is what we create in our lives. The more we think about something, the more we magnetize it and feed it power. Nothing was ever created in this universe without a THOUGHT preceding it. Managing Your OCD, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their fearful and obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Why Should You Forgive? When I teach private Yoga sessions, sometimes, I become aware that a client has issues that cause anxiety, depression, and a negative outlook on life. This often causes difficulty for the student when trying to practice a stage-by-stage relaxation, and especially during meditation sessions. Power of Positive Beliefs I am an educator as well as a coach and am interested in what it is that brings out the best in the people with whom I work. Over the last few years I have read a great deal of research on the power of beliefs. I am convinced that it is essential that I hold, and communicate to my students or clients that I believe in their ability to learn, to heal, and to grow. ![]() |
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