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Are You A Prisoner of Your Own Making?
There is a wonderful story about the famous escape artist, Harry Houdini that illustrates the theme of this issue of my newsletter. As the story goes, the great Houdini often boasted about how he could escape from any confinement or jail cell. One day, he was challenged by the keeper of a new, high tech, high security jail purported to be escape proof. Houdini accepted the challenge and was given a specific amount of time to complete this seemingly impossible task. Poor Harry tried everything with no success. He attempted to pick and manipulate the lock and every other trick he knew. The lock did not budge. After many hours, with his body drenched in sweat, he collapsed against the door, which opened. You see, it had never been locked in the first place. It was all in his mind! The great Houdini was held prisoner by his own thoughts. His thinking kept him from breaking out of the jail cell. He believed the door was locked, believed it would be difficult to open and, sure enough, it was. How many of us are held prisoner by our own thoughts? How many times do we create our own "jails" in our minds? How many things have you wanted to do but did not because you thought you would fail? Are your thoughts and beliefs keepingyou a prisoner in your own mind? What are some of the things you want to do? Do you want to have a new relationship, lose weight, learn a sport, dance, sing, start a business, travel? What's stopping you? What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Why not just go for it and see what happens? Instead of being worried you might fail, why not ask, "what if I succeed?" Remember the statement made by Henry Ford who said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." © 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826 Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com If you had all the information and tools you needed to live your dream life, would you use them? Yes? Click here ==> http://www.jimdonovan.com/ebookoffer.html
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Stop Complaining You don't need to a piece of paper to prove that you can do something! I don't have anything against achieving or completing degrees or obtaining masters and all that ? absolutely nothing. In fact, I am a law graduate myself and will strive to provide good educational background for my kids in the future. But I am sick and tired of people complaining about how they wish they could do something and not being qualified to do it! I mean COME ON!! Get real?? Does Lack of Confidence Stop You? Ever had the sense that there is more to life than you're experiencing? Why You Want What You Cant Have "You can't always get what you want . . ." The Rolling Stones will soon be singing this refrain at venues around the world, as they embark on a year-long concert tour in August. Stepping Into Possibility Thinking Our thoughts really belong to the collective consciousness of the world in all of time. The Problem With Affirmations Do you know the problem with affirmations? You know, the really, really powerful ones? Anamchara - Beyond Positive Thinking One of the most well known books ever written on success is James Allan's "As a man thinketh." Change Your Focus and Change Your Results In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound observations of the 20th century. He said: Discover The 8 Steps To A Mountain Moving Faith " If you have faith as a grain of musterd seed you can say to this mountain : move ! And it will move ! And nothing will be impossible to you. " The Power Of AND Not Amen, just so we're clear on that. Making Conflict Productive Conflict is unavoidable. How we respond to it makes a difference in its outcome. Personally I had never before given a whole lot of thought to turning the table on my conflict. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if we could all transform our battles so that we could profit from them? Self-esteem: Who Do You Think You Are? Are you the kind of person who dwells on your strengths, or the kind obsessed by your weaknesses? It's been said that you become what you think about most of the time. Continually pondering your strengths therefore makes you become stronger, enhancing self-esteem. Conversely, thinking constantly on your weaknesses makes you become weaker, draining whatever self-esteem you have. Do You Neglect The Power Of Your Mind? James Allen, who wrote the masterpiece, As a Man Thinketh, talks about the vital power of the mind in creating success. "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct results of his own thoughts. In a justly ordered universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. A man's weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man's; they are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never another. His condition is also his own, and not another man's. His suffering had his happiness are evolved from within. As he thinks, so is he as he continues to think, so he remains." Positive Thinking: Polyanna Syndrome Why do we have such a downer on Pollyanna? After all, she is just a little girl with a big dose of positive mental attitude. Instead of mocking, may we should learn something from her. I'm not saying we have to turn into Pollyanna, but when you think about it, positive thinking is the only sensible way forward. Our thinking creates our reality, so isn't it just a bit daft to be creating our reality based on negative thinking? When we realise this, we understand we cannot afford the luxury of negative thinking. Living with Chronic Illness & Disorders: Are You a Survivor? Once upon a time, I was a vibrant, youthful teenager... Find Your Inner Strength to Tackle Any Challenge Everyone faces challenges during their life, from suffering the death of a loved one to being laid off from a job. But the challenges themselves aren't holding you back; rather, it's how you react to the challenges that determine your ultimate success and happiness. Lunacy at its Finest ... Crazymakers and Intimidators In Your Life! Did you ever run into that person that just nags and picks and scares you into submission? How about that person that appears to turn your world upside-down? What about that person that literally sucks the energy right out of your soul? Believe it or not, these people do exist and they can affect you in ways you never thought possible. Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude Need a way to make your life a better place to live? Think Positive: Using Affirmations to Create Health, Wealth and Beauty You've heard the buzzwords: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! But, can these words really change our future? And if so, how? Optimism, the Only Option for Success People with negative attitudes may wonder why they never achieve the degree of success they desire. It is a fact of life that if you want to succeed, you must be optimistic. Your attitude determines your future. If you don't think anything is going to work for you, you won't put forth the effort needed for success. Your subconscious mind creates what you believe, so convince it that you believe in your success. The Difference Between the Curmudgeons and the Serene Have you ever noticed how many unhappy people there are in this world of ours? Almost every time I venture out I come in contact with them. You see them in the stores, the market, on the roads ~ everywhere. They are the ones who don't seem to know how to look pleasant. Their faces are scrunched up in ugly frowns, they sigh and grumble a lot. They're rude to store clerks and restaurant servers. They honk their horns if traffic doesn't move fast enough to suit them. They let the door slam in your face as you enter a store. They yell at their children and lose their tempers if they are made to wait. ![]() |
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