Pay-Per-Click Advertising Information

10 Powerful Tips to Optimize your Google AdWords Campaigns

Google announced in January 2005 significant changes in their popular AdWords Pay-per-Click System (PPC). In future only unique URLs per page will be displayed. If several advertisers uses the same URL (i.e affiliates of the same program), only the one with the best Ad will be displayed.

Is Pay Per Click your Best Marketing Bet?

You may already have heard of this method to get people to your web site. From my point of view and experience it turns out to be expensive and you have to write the ads yourself, pay for them, and change and maintain them to be the correct ones to work and be the right price in competition with many others.

How to Increase Your Adsense Revenue

If you're a webmaster, you've probably heard about Google's Adsense. Perhaps you're even earning from it already. This article will show you a method to increase your Adsense revenue dramatically.

The Long Term Benefits From Pay Per Click Advertising

Businesses are starting to look closely at the long-term benefits from pay per click advertising. Pay per click search engines are primarily used for sales in the now time frame, but they are also being used to build a business identity that their customers will remember. This form of brand awareness can be applied to a company of any size, large or small.

Know Which Keywords Provide The Best Return

Is it wise only to reley on traffic from the search engines, or should you use all kind of options to brand a domain name?

Seven Tips To Getting The Nost From Your Google Ad Word Investment

With Google Ad Words . . .

Adsense-ble, Or The Art Of Promoting, Without Promoting

Hey, wait a minute. You can't have popups on the page. Ok, no problem. Moreover, you can't tell anyone you have an ad from Google on the page. You can't write about it, point to it or tell someone to click on it

7 Great Ways to Lose Your Shirt Using Google Adwords!

Google Adwords is a great tool! Careful use can lead to legions of highly targeted visitors breaching the moat around your site, and demanding to pillage your products! On the other hand...

Google Adwords Guide I

You probably have already heard about the new marketing tool from on the Internet. Their advertising service is called ?Adwords? and allows you use for marketing. Your ads will be displayed on Google?s website when people initiate a search. Your ads can also be displayed very targeted among many thousand websites that partner with Google in a program called ?Google AdSense?. Adwords is the version of a pay-per-click advertising model. That means users click on your ad and will be redirected to your website or a specific URL that you have selected when creating your ad campaign.

What Should You Know About Search Engines and Pay-Per-Click?

Here?s a fact for you, 85 to 95% of Websites are found through a search engine. You may have the most incredible Website on the Internet, but it will receive little or no traffic without search engine visibility and ranking. Can you imagine a billboard in the Sahara desert? Who sees it?

Click Fraud and How to Deter It

Pay per click (PPC) advertising continues to gain popularity in the online marketing world as an effective and inexpensive way to drive targeted visitors to web sites. Research firm eMarketer reported that between 2002 and 2003 the paid search listing market grew 175 percent. Major trusted search properties such as Google, Overture,, and Kanoodle, all offer PPC campaigns in which you pay only when someone clicks through your banner ad or link. But PPC also has an enemy--click fraud--and understanding what it is and what to do about it should also be a key part of your PPC campaign.

It Makes Sense to Add AdSense to Your Blog

Google AdSense is easy to install on a web page or blog and constitutes additional source of income without spending anything. You have to apply on-line for Google AdSense Program and generally approval comes from Google within two days. Those having AdWord account can use AdWord e-mail address and password for AdSense account also. After acceptance of application, Google confirms creation of your Adsense account thru e-mail. You get a code for AdSense text ads and another code for AdSense search. These codes are to be installed on web page or blog and within minutes the page will start displaying ads from Google, and a Google search bar. AdSense is available in dozen languages worldwide.

How to Maximize Paid Search Results

Because of increasing competition that has led to higher advertising costs with pay-per-click marketing, many battle-scarred - ?do-it-yourself? ? businesses have not realized their desired objectives. Although publicized as a straightforward, self-service marketing tool, pay-per-marketing involves far more knowledge than most businesses are able to invest in developing in-house. Faced with a moderately or less performing pay-per-click marketing program and the pressure to allocate resources elsewhere, many businesses choose to drop their pay-per-click marketing entirely ? leaving a vast potential of sales for their competitors to harvest.

The Truth About Why People Search!

Why do people search on search engines? Let?s confess this seems like a basic question, right? People search because they are looking for something. Complicating that question are these questions. For what are they looking? Why are they searching? What compels them to act?

4 Steps To A Successful AdWords Campaign

Not getting the satisfaction you want from your AdWords account? Want to make more money by spending less?

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