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What Does Relational Success Look Like? (Characteristics Of A Growing Relationship)
RELATIONAL SUCCESS... Loving in the good times -- and the not-so-good times. Learning how to "win as a team" instead of demanding to win as an individual. Learning to care and caring enough to listen. Seeking mutual growth, celebrating each other's victories and assisting each other during the stress times of life. Being big enough to ask for forgiveness when you have wronged the other person and strong enough to grant forgiveness when you have been wronged. Overlooking the small things for the purpose of gaining the bigger things in a relationship. Striving to keep the "small things" just that: small. Giving enough space to the other person to allow for a strong sense of personal identity and self-worth while at the same time refusing to allow "space" to become a way of punishing someone when they fail to live up to my expectations. Being flexible as schedules and various seasons of the year fluctuate between "being normal" and "being totally out of control." ASKING QUESTIONS/GAINING INSIGHTS What has caused our relationship to grow stronger in the ups and downs of life? Ideas for keeping the momentum... Do we fight each other or *for* each other? How are we doing? We function best as a team when we... Am I caring -- and caring enough to listen? Is mutual celebration a part of who we are as a couple? I certainly don't use "personal distance" as a punishment, do I? Are we forgiving and experiencing true forgiveness? If so, what insights have we gained? Is anything "too big" that is really too small to be an issue between us? What can (or should) be done about it? Would we give each other a high rating in the area of being sensitive to the shifting demands of the crazy lives we lead? Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time, © Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this article. The copyright and this resource box must be included. http://www.empowerism.com/e/101290/ Avoid pain/create pleasure. For A Beautiful Moment In Time - http://www.motivation-for-daily-living.net
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If He Insists That You Work... Once, when asked about her life, former First Lady Barbara Bush said, "I married well." Relationship Advice - 5 Sure Fire Ways to Mess Things Up 1) Stay committed to your "right to be right." Happily Ever After/Real Love I was 43 years old and still looking for love. I guess I was searching for love in all the wrong places. I just wasn't finding the man of my dreams, my soul mate, prince charming and mate for life. I thought I had that with Bill, but he turned out to be a poor excuse for a man. The bottom line is you can't change a man. You can only change yourself in the process. A Kernel of Truth about Relationships: 4 Steps to Improvement It's all about relationships! proclaimed my father during our recent holiday visit with my parents. Santa Claus coffee cup in one hand and a wagging finger toward my wife, Elizabeth, with the other. When you retire, thats what you realize is most important in life (okay, so thats not him in the photo). Amaze Your Lover - 16 Romantic Ideas To Keep Them Happy Some people have a natural ability to romance the oppposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone should know how to make their partner's heart melt because it's one of the finest acts of seduction. Support for Non-ADD Spouses and Partners Living with adult ADD can be quite a challenge. Not only is it a challenge for the actual person who has ADD but for those around him or her. Much needed understanding and support for adults with ADD has finally begun to surface. But what about the people who have chosen to love, honor and cherish adults with ADD? Where do they go for support and understanding? Who is going to help them cope with the challenges of adult ADD? Great Relationship Advice: The Ability to Communicate In my workshops with couples, I start with this question: Reaching the Ultimate Level in Human Relationships I want to tell you a little story. Not about anything dramatic. On the contrary, it's very ordinary. The Narcissist and His Family We are all members of a few families in our lifetime: the one that we are born to and the one(s) that we create. We all transfer hurts, attitudes, fears, hopes and desires ? a whole emotional baggage ? from the former to the latter. The narcissist is no exception. Mental Abuse - The 7 Most Important Things To Know 1. Sticks and stones won't break my bones" ? and words won't leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash. My Broken Heart I guess my soulmate wasn't all he was cracked up to be. You know this has to be the last time I write about him because it is completely driving me crazy dealing with this whole thing. I bet all of you are getting sick of hearing about it. I am sick of talking about it, writing about it, and seriously, thinking about it. I have no clue as to what this man wants from me. I don't have a clue as to what God wants from me. Is it blood? I mean come on I am so fed up. I have no idea what I am doing or why I am doing it. I felt this sense of, stay where you are and hang in there. I got all these signs I had asked for and guess what?? I haven't talked to him in over a week, no more like a week and a half. For no reason he has stopped calling me and now I have stopped calling him. Extra-marital Affairs...Yes or No!!! Extra-marital Affairs?Yes or No!!! (Think and Tell) Relationship Advice: A Few Observations on Marriage and Relationships Here are a few observations on marriage and relationships. Mindfulness and Flirting: Seizing The Moment Have you ever been called a flirt? How to Build Solid Relationships Using the Power of Words We may not be aware of it; but the words we utter daily may have different interpretations, even if you think that they mean the same thing. Cutting the Cord Sometimes, after a relationship has ended, many of us have problems letting go. A lot of my clients often complain of feeling haunted or even possessed by the dearly departed (who probably isn't even thinking of you at all and is busy happily running away with his or her new partner.) It's like the person has left an indelible imprint upon your heart and many of us feel that we can't go on until the ex returns. The energy of the ex might be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways --- in what you perceive to be little omens or reminders that occur in every day life (such as a phrase or song lyric) or even as a visitor in your dreams. Single in a Couples World Advertising for St. Valentine's Day seemed more relentless than ever this year. Everywhere I turned, I saw candy hearts or jewelry glistening in store displays. Radio announcers drummed the message home through constant promotions of dinner for two. There was no one "special" in my life. I had been working hard on my home-based business, running two personal development programs and then writing well into the night, week after week, to expand my website content. I wanted ? and felt I deserved ?a little appreciation. Whats The Attraction? Why do people have affairs? Why not do the 'right' thing and leave a marriage first if one is inclined to step out of it? The reasons are as varied as the people involved. Public perception of infidelity is someone with a sexual overdrive and their pants around their ankles, and while that may be true in some cases, it's not as common a reason as one would think. The following are just a few of the reasons for staying in a marriage and having extracurricular activities. What Does Relational Success Look Like? (Characteristics Of A Growing Relationship) RELATIONAL SUCCESS... Coping with Your Abuser How to cope with your abuser? ![]() |
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