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How Often do you Think About What you are Going to Say?
How often do you think about what you are going to say prior to actually saying it? As a counselor, I have been trained to understand that working with Native Americans, there may be a quite a long pause before my client makes a response to something we are discussing. Native American children are taught through folklore, that they need to think carefully about the words they are going to use. The reason for this is that they believe that once statements are made, the words used will circle the globe for ever and ever, influencing the world. Perhaps all cultures should embrace this concept. If you feel you are ready to give a "knee jerk" response", you need to take some time and reflect on what it is you want to say and how to convey your message without negativity. Count in your head to ten. This can help delay any inappropriate response you were thinking about. You may also decide to leave the room in order to calm down. No change happens overnight, but with practice and a commitment to change it happens. If more of us would take time to reflect on our words, there might be fewer heated arguments and more harmony among all of us. Karlynn Baker is originally from Los Angeles, but moved to Arizona to receive her Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling with a specialty in addictions. Karlynn owns The Employee Assistance Program, of Tucson, Inc. Mental health services are offered to companies under contract and the sessions for their employees are confidential and free. Karlynn shares a positive message every morning on KSAZ 580 AM, entitled "A Thoughtful Moment." She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor in Arizona and a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. She enjoys life with her husband, David, her three daughters, and two adorable grandsons.
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How to Increase Romance with Humor Ask any single adult what qualities he or she wants in a spouse or partner, and one of the first answers is always "a sense of humor." Yet relationships and most marriages easily lose the early excitement after living together for several years. Relationship Advice: How to Make a Genuine Apology A genuine apology contains at least four elements: apology, acknowledgment, forgiveness and repentance. Relationship Conflict - Blow Up or Blow Through Every now and then I hear a "relationship expert" say that they have never had a argument with their spouse. This is when I find myself thinking this person is either lying or certainly can't relate to me. Mindfulness and Flirting: Seizing The Moment Have you ever been called a flirt? Are You Living An Illusion Romance Like Lisa Snowdon and George Clooney? My Dear Lover, Married and ECheating ? A Dreadful Alliance! In Homer's Odyssey (a Greek Myth) sailors were lured to their death by Sirens, mythological temptresses who sang seductive songs. Sailors called Argonauts escaped the songs, because of the great musician Orpheus. He played his lyre so beautifully, that it drowned out the songs from the Sirens. His decisive deed saved the crew from total devastation. Essense of Infidelity On one very popular web site there were 260 posts from both sexes commenting about forgiving and forgetting infidelities. I read every one of them. With one exception, the perception conveyed was that one party was an innocent victim of the other's philandering. It seemed to me that everyone was looking at adultery as a cause of marital discord. From my perspective, there are only rare exceptions to the fact that adultery, cheating, or affairs are SYMPTOMS of long standing marital problems. The cause occurred possibly even before the marriage vows were uttered. Relationship Advice: 10 Ways to Prevent a Break Up The question I am asked most often is: I think he/she is getting ready to leave me. What do I do? There isn't an easy answer for this or there wouldn't be any break ups. Every situation is different and sometimes breakups are inevitable. However this is not always the case and there are things you can do before you reach the breaking point that will help. 10 Ways to Seduce A Woman I have written this article by request but want to begin by saying that I in no way encourage men to treat women like objects. Men, this is a guide to help you win over a woman that you have a genuine interest in. If you are just looking for a one night stand then this article probably won't help you much. Lesson one, satisfaction comes with a sincere relationship and learning each others likes and dislikes. That being said, I hope you find something useful here that will help you give the woman of your dreams a reason to look your way. Be sincere. Compliment her on something you truly admire. Hollow compliments can often be sensed. A compliment that she knows you mean will have much more impact. This doesn't mean you can throw out a compliment and then get naked, but it is a good first step. The compliment should NOT be 'you have great knockers.' Go for the eyes, hair, intelligence, sense of humor, something along those lines. On the other hand, too many compliments can come off sounding insincere. One or two sincere compliments are best. Listen to her. She will give you clues about what she likes. At some later time, you can show that you remember what she has said and it makes a difference to you. This will earn you big points. Be real. Don't exaggerate to make yourself sound better. Don't tell her lies just because you think it will help. These things have a way of turning around and biting you. Don't offer advice unless asked. It could come off sounding like you are telling her what to do. Just listen and be supportive. Do not talk about sex unless she brings it up. This one is pretty self explanatory. Don't act desperate. Just let things flow naturally. Desperation is an unappealing quality in either sex. Playing a little hard to get can actually be appealing. Avoid talking about yourself too much. Let her talk and if she wants to know, she will ask. An ongoing conversation about how big your muscles are or how fast your car is will not score many points. Bragging about how well endowed you are is a big no-no too. On the other hand, silence doesn't work either. Look around and find something to talk about. Preferably about her. Avoid letting your eyes wonder to other women when you are with her. Talking about other women or your ex are both no-no's too. If you are out with her, let her know you like being with her by respecting her feelings and keeping your eyes and mind on her. Treat her with respect. Don't call her chick, broad, dude or any other name unless you have been together for a while and you come up with pet names for each other. Respect is crucial and a good woman will not be interested in sex with you until she knows you respect her. If a one night stand is what you have in mind, then don't lead her into believing you want a relationship with her. Playing with her feelings is cruel and something no one should do to anyone. Don't make her feel like because you have spent money on her, she should sleep with you. Making her feel this way will generally have the opposite affect. All you have bought is her time and the opportunity to prove to her that you are worth a second look. The rest is up to you. ©2005 Patricia Fason How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life How To "Slay The Dragon" In Your Life In Five Simple Steps Save Your Relationships (5 Easy Steps To A Winning Relationship) We all enter relationships hoping they will make us happy. Each person has a shopping list of hopes and expectations, secret demands he/she makes on their partners. When those hopes are fulfilled, they consider that they've won ? the relationship is successful. However, this approach to relationships usually brings disappointment in the long run. Not only do our hopes, needs and expectations change, but constantly making demands upon our partner can only lead to relationship burnout. A truly winning relationship is built upon a different basis. Great Relationships: What to Do When You Have Drifted Apart Picture, if you will, the following scene: Relationship Advice: Powerful Tips for Staying Close and Connected Staying close in your relationship does not just happen. Romantic Tips ? Gift Giving I believe that we have all heard of the standard romantic gifts. Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry, but there is something to be said for the man who thinks out side the box when gift giving holidays roll around. Tune Up Your Relationship Why do some relationships last forever and others fall apart? Here are some ways you can make your partner feel appreciated again and prevent your relationship from becoming a casualty. The Secret Power of Romance and How It Can Work for You There are some men who will never understand the importance of romance. They may be lazy or don't feel like investing any of their time for something silly like romance. They're the foolish ones who are wasting time and energy trying to get what they want the hard way. An Introduction to Relationships "Love makes the world go around" was true when it was first uttered many years ago and remains just as true today. Love is what everybody is after. So much time is spent discussing love, reading about it, watching movies about it and singing about it that if all that time were spent on any other problem, it would surely have been solved a long time ago. Relationships with others are the vehicle through which people find love and, hopefully, preserve it. Finding Your Feng Shui Power Spots for Love and Romance The first step in using feng shui to attract a partner or improve your love life is to find the relationship power spots in your home. Once you have located these areas, feng shui cures and enhancements can activate these areas and increase your love luck. Amaze Your Lover - 16 Romantic Ideas To Keep Them Happy Some people have a natural ability to romance the oppposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone should know how to make their partner's heart melt because it's one of the finest acts of seduction. Interview with Tigress Luv: How To Get Over A Breakup Recently I had the opportunity to interview my personal favorite ebook author, Tigress Luv. She is a relationship expert who is widely known for her internet community. I asked her specific questions about what people can do to endure a painful breakup of a relationship. ![]() |
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