Religion Information

Top Ten Religion Quotations

Review your religious beliefs with these revealing quotations all about religion...

The Power of Thankfulness and Vice Versa

We are soon to celebrate once again the National Holiday known as "Thanksgiving."

Isnt There But One God?

I heard a pastor say, regarding people of the Muslim faith, ?Too bad they are praying to the wrong God!? This was during a Sunday morning sermon. I flinched. Doesn?t the Bible say that there is only one God? I believe it does. I found at least six scripture references:

How To Avoid Deception!


Is Your Life Significant?

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." - Matthew 16:18 (NASU)

Bible and Kabbalah: The Hardening of Pharoahs Heart

There is continuous creation, out of the new ideas discovered in the Torah.

Early Spring Cleaning

Has anyone noticed how fast 2004 is going? Hey, we are in December already. I really like December not only because people are nicer to each other and all the pretty decorations are around, but people stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Facing Our Fears

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14: 27, NIV

What I?m Giving Up for Lent?

Don?t worry I?m not going off into religious rantings. ?

Hope and Restoration in the Valley

The bible tells a story about the prophet Ezekiel who envisioned a valley full of dry bones. God led Ezekiel back and forth in the midst of this valley, surrounded by dry bones. God asked Ezekiel "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel replied, "God, only you can answer that." God commanded Ezekiel to speak life into the many dry bones. Ezekiel prophesied to the bones as God commanded, and before he finished speaking, he heard a rattling noise as the bones came together, bone to bone. As he looked, muscle and skin covered the bones, but the bones still had no life. Then God commanded him to speak life into the bones, and as he spoke the words, an amazingly great host came back to life and stood upon their feet.

Connect These Dots: Unilateral Withdrawal, Egypt, Collapse of the South Wall, Raised Taxes and the..

There is a prophetic mosaic that few have attempted to explain, because it?s fulfillment appears to be shrouded in a cloak of elusiveness, and at the moment, seeming improbability. Yet we know it must be fulfilled sometime within the next few years, or other prophecies which directly hinge on it will not be able to be fulfilled. This prophetic anomaly revolves around how, and when, Israel will regain absolute jurisdiction over The Temple Mount long enough to allow them to build their Third Temple. After all, according to the book of Daniel, there will soon arise a world leader who will desecrate the Temple mid-Trib. Therefore, it logically must be assumed that in order for him to carry out this treachery, a Temple, complete with all Temple worship priestly activities in operation, must first be erected on The Temple Mount!

Of Snakes and Terrorism

With the passing of Arafat, the Middle East will take on a slightly different face, allowing the possibilities for prophetic fulfillment to speed up. The pathway is now open for renewed efforts to procure peace in the Middle East, using the avenue of the formation of the promised Palestinian State. But this window of opportunity may not remain open for long. Indeed pressure is now mounting from the United States, encouraged by Britian, to get on with the steps necessary to implement the terms of the ?Road Map.?

Kabbalistic Chanukah: The Downloading of Primordial Light

God said, ?Let there be light,? and there was light.(Genesis 1:3)

The Word: What has it Changed in You Lately?

In Matthew 13 Jesus relates a paprable to His disciples. This parable is commonly known as the Parable of the Sower. The focus was on the soils, so the focus of this article will be.

Jesus is Lord: Lets Stop Usurping His Roles

In five words Paul enunciates the basic principle of the Christian life: ?You are not your own? (1 Cor. 6:19). Some of the Corinthian Christians were acting like they were autonomous, as if their lives had not been bought and paid for with the precious blood of Christ. Because they ignored this principle, they were practicing sexual immorality. Paul tells them that instead they ought to ?glorify God with your body? (v. 20). But this principle has broader applications than just sexual purity.

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